# coding: utf-8 import hashlib import hmac import logging import datetime from flectra import api, exceptions, fields, models, _ from flectra.tools import consteq, float_round, image_resize_images, image_resize_image, ustr from flectra.addons.base.module import module from flectra.exceptions import ValidationError from flectra import api, SUPERUSER_ID _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _partner_format_address(address1=False, address2=False): return ' '.join((address1 or '', address2 or '')).strip() def _partner_split_name(partner_name): return [' '.join(partner_name.split()[:-1]), ' '.join(partner_name.split()[-1:])] def create_missing_journal_for_acquirers(cr, registry): env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) env['payment.acquirer']._create_missing_journal_for_acquirers() class PaymentAcquirer(models.Model): """ Acquirer Model. Each specific acquirer can extend the model by adding its own fields, using the acquirer_name as a prefix for the new fields. Using the required_if_provider='' attribute on fields it is possible to have required fields that depend on a specific acquirer. Each acquirer has a link to an ir.ui.view record that is a template of a button used to display the payment form. See examples in ``payment_ogone`` and ``payment_paypal`` modules. Methods that should be added in an acquirer-specific implementation: - ``_form_generate_values(self, reference, amount, currency, partner_id=False, partner_values=None, tx_custom_values=None)``: method that generates the values used to render the form button template. - ``_get_form_action_url(self):``: method that returns the url of the button form. It is used for example in ecommerce application if you want to post some data to the acquirer. - ``_compute_fees(self, amount, currency_id, country_id)``: computes the fees of the acquirer, using generic fields defined on the acquirer model (see fields definition). Each acquirer should also define controllers to handle communication between OpenERP and the acquirer. It generally consists in return urls given to the button form and that the acquirer uses to send the customer back after the transaction, with transaction details given as a POST request. """ _name = 'payment.acquirer' _description = 'Payment Acquirer' _order = 'website_published desc, sequence, name' def _get_default_view_template_id(self): return self.env.ref('payment.default_acquirer_button', raise_if_not_found=False) name = fields.Char('Name', required=True, translate=True) description = fields.Html('Description') sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', default=10, help="Determine the display order") provider = fields.Selection( selection=[('manual', 'Manual Configuration')], string='Provider', default='manual', required=True) company_id = fields.Many2one( 'res.company', 'Company', default=lambda self: self.env.user.company_id.id, required=True) view_template_id = fields.Many2one( 'ir.ui.view', 'Form Button Template', required=True) registration_view_template_id = fields.Many2one( 'ir.ui.view', 'S2S Form Template', domain=[('type', '=', 'qweb')], help="Template for method registration") environment = fields.Selection([ ('test', 'Test'), ('prod', 'Production')], string='Environment', default='test', oldname='env', required=True) website_published = fields.Boolean( 'Visible in Portal / Website', copy=False, help="Make this payment acquirer available (Customer invoices, etc.)") # Formerly associated to `authorize` option from auto_confirm capture_manually = fields.Boolean(string="Capture Amount Manually", help="Capture the amount from Flectra, when the delivery is completed.") # Formerly associated to `generate_and_pay_invoice` option from auto_confirm journal_id = fields.Many2one( 'account.journal', 'Payment Journal', domain=[('type', 'in', ['bank', 'cash'])], default=lambda self: self.env['account.journal'].search([('type', 'in', ['bank', 'cash'])], limit=1), help="""Payments will be registered into this journal. If you get paid straight on your bank account, select your bank account. If you get paid in batch for several transactions, create a specific payment journal for this payment acquirer to easily manage the bank reconciliation. You hold the amount in a temporary transfer account of your books (created automatically when you create the payment journal). Then when you get paid on your bank account by the payment acquirer, you reconcile the bank statement line with this temporary transfer account. Use reconciliation templates to do it in one-click.""") specific_countries = fields.Boolean(string="Specific Countries", help="If you leave it empty, the payment acquirer will be available for all the countries.") country_ids = fields.Many2many( 'res.country', 'payment_country_rel', 'payment_id', 'country_id', 'Countries', help="This payment gateway is available for selected countries. If none is selected it is available for all countries.") pre_msg = fields.Html( 'Help Message', translate=True, help='Message displayed to explain and help the payment process.') post_msg = fields.Html( 'Thanks Message', translate=True, help='Message displayed after having done the payment process.') pending_msg = fields.Html( 'Pending Message', translate=True, default=lambda s: _('Pending, Your online payment has been successfully processed. But your order is not validated yet.'), help='Message displayed, if order is in pending state after having done the payment process.') done_msg = fields.Html( 'Done Message', translate=True, default=lambda s: _('Done, Your online payment has been successfully processed. Thank you for your order.'), help='Message displayed, if order is done successfully after having done the payment process.') cancel_msg = fields.Html( 'Cancel Message', translate=True, default=lambda s: _('Cancel, Your payment has been cancelled.'), help='Message displayed, if order is cancel during the payment process.') error_msg = fields.Html( 'Error Message', translate=True, default=lambda s: _('Error, Please be aware that an error occurred during the transaction. The order has been confirmed but will not be paid. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions on the status of your order.'), help='Message displayed, if error is occur during the payment process.') save_token = fields.Selection([ ('none', 'Never'), ('ask', 'Let the customer decide'), ('always', 'Always')], string='Save Cards', default='none', help="This option allows customers to save their credit card as a payment token and to reuse it for a later purchase. " "If you manage subscriptions (recurring invoicing), you need it to automatically charge the customer when you " "issue an invoice.") token_implemented = fields.Boolean('Saving Card Data supported', compute='_compute_feature_support', search='_search_is_tokenized') authorize_implemented = fields.Boolean('Authorize Mechanism Supported', compute='_compute_feature_support') fees_implemented = fields.Boolean('Fees Computation Supported', compute='_compute_feature_support') fees_active = fields.Boolean('Add Extra Fees') fees_dom_fixed = fields.Float('Fixed domestic fees') fees_dom_var = fields.Float('Variable domestic fees (in percents)') fees_int_fixed = fields.Float('Fixed international fees') fees_int_var = fields.Float('Variable international fees (in percents)') # TDE FIXME: remove that brol module_id = fields.Many2one('ir.module.module', string='Corresponding Module') module_state = fields.Selection(selection=module.STATES, string='Installation State', related='module_id.state') image = fields.Binary( "Image", attachment=True, help="This field holds the image used for this provider, limited to 1024x1024px") image_medium = fields.Binary( "Medium-sized image", attachment=True, help="Medium-sized image of this provider. It is automatically " "resized as a 128x128px image, with aspect ratio preserved. " "Use this field in form views or some kanban views.") image_small = fields.Binary( "Small-sized image", attachment=True, help="Small-sized image of this provider. It is automatically " "resized as a 64x64px image, with aspect ratio preserved. " "Use this field anywhere a small image is required.") payment_icon_ids = fields.Many2many('payment.icon', string='Supported Payment Icons') payment_flow = fields.Selection(selection=[('form', 'Redirection to the acquirer website'), ('s2s','Payment from Flectra')], default='form', required=True, string='Payment Flow', help="""Note: Subscriptions does not take this field in account, it uses server to server by default.""") def _search_is_tokenized(self, operator, value): tokenized = self._get_feature_support()['tokenize'] if (operator, value) in [('=', True), ('!=', False)]: return [('provider', 'in', tokenized)] return [('provider', 'not in', tokenized)] @api.multi def _compute_feature_support(self): feature_support = self._get_feature_support() for acquirer in self: acquirer.fees_implemented = acquirer.provider in feature_support['fees'] acquirer.authorize_implemented = acquirer.provider in feature_support['authorize'] acquirer.token_implemented = acquirer.provider in feature_support['tokenize'] @api.multi def _check_required_if_provider(self): """ If the field has 'required_if_provider=""' attribute, then it required if record.provider is . """ for acquirer in self: if any(getattr(f, 'required_if_provider', None) == acquirer.provider and not acquirer[k] for k, f in self._fields.items()): return False return True _constraints = [ (_check_required_if_provider, 'Required fields not filled', []), ] def _get_feature_support(self): """Get advanced feature support by provider. Each provider should add its technical in the corresponding key for the following features: * fees: support payment fees computations * authorize: support authorizing payment (separates authorization and capture) * tokenize: support saving payment data in a payment.tokenize object """ return dict(authorize=[], tokenize=[], fees=[]) @api.multi def _prepare_account_journal_vals(self): '''Prepare the values to create the acquirer's journal. :return: a dictionary to create a account.journal record. ''' self.ensure_one() account_vals = self.env['account.journal']._prepare_liquidity_account( self.name, self.company_id, None, 'bank') account_vals['user_type_id'] = self.env.ref('account.data_account_type_current_assets').id account_vals['reconcile'] = True account = self.env['account.account'].create(account_vals) return { 'name': self.name, 'code': self.name.upper(), 'sequence': 999, 'type': 'bank', 'company_id': self.company_id.id, 'default_debit_account_id': account.id, 'default_credit_account_id': account.id, # Show the journal on dashboard if the acquirer is published on the website. 'show_on_dashboard': self.website_published, # Don't show payment methods in the backend. 'inbound_payment_method_ids': [], 'outbound_payment_method_ids': [], } @api.model def _create_missing_journal_for_acquirers(self, company=None): '''Create the journal for active acquirers. We want one journal per acquirer. However, we can't create them during the 'create' of the payment.acquirer because every acquirers are defined on the 'payment' module but is active only when installing their own module (e.g. payment_paypal for Paypal). We can't do that in such modules because we have no guarantee the chart template is already installed. ''' # Search for installed acquirers modules. # If this method is triggered by a post_init_hook, the module is 'to install'. # If the trigger comes from the chart template wizard, the modules are already installed. acquirer_modules = self.env['ir.module.module'].search( [('name', 'like', 'payment_%'), ('state', 'in', ('to install', 'installed'))]) acquirer_names = [a.name.split('_')[1] for a in acquirer_modules] # Search for acquirers having no journal company = company or self.env.user.company_id acquirers = self.env['payment.acquirer'].search( [('provider', 'in', acquirer_names), ('journal_id', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company.id)]) journals = self.env['account.journal'] for acquirer in acquirers.filtered(lambda l: not l.journal_id and l.company_id.chart_template_id): acquirer.journal_id = self.env['account.journal'].create(acquirer._prepare_account_journal_vals()) journals += acquirer.journal_id return journals @api.model def create(self, vals): image_resize_images(vals) return super(PaymentAcquirer, self).create(vals) @api.multi def write(self, vals): image_resize_images(vals) return super(PaymentAcquirer, self).write(vals) @api.multi def toggle_website_published(self): ''' When clicking on the website publish toggle button, the website_published is reversed and the acquirer journal is set or not in favorite on the dashboard. ''' self.ensure_one() self.website_published = not self.website_published if self.journal_id: self.journal_id.show_on_dashboard = self.website_published return True @api.multi def get_form_action_url(self): """ Returns the form action URL, for form-based acquirer implementations. """ if hasattr(self, '%s_get_form_action_url' % self.provider): return getattr(self, '%s_get_form_action_url' % self.provider)() return False def _get_available_payment_input(self, partner=None, company=None): """ Generic (model) method that fetches available payment mechanisms to use in all portal / eshop pages that want to use the payment form. It contains * form_acquirers: record set of acquirers based on a local form that sends customer to the acquirer website; * s2s_acquirers: reset set of acquirers that send customer data to acquirer without redirecting to any other website; * pms: record set of stored credit card data (aka payment.token) connected to a given partner to allow customers to reuse them """ if not company: company = self.env.user.company_id if not partner: partner = self.env.user.partner_id active_acquirers = self.sudo().search([('website_published', '=', True), ('company_id', '=', company.id)]) form_acquirers = active_acquirers.filtered(lambda acq: acq.payment_flow == 'form' and acq.view_template_id) s2s_acquirers = active_acquirers.filtered(lambda acq: acq.payment_flow == 's2s' and acq.registration_view_template_id) return { 'form_acquirers': form_acquirers, 's2s_acquirers': s2s_acquirers, 'pms': self.env['payment.token'].search([ ('partner_id', '=', partner.id), ('acquirer_id', 'in', s2s_acquirers.ids)]), } @api.multi def render(self, reference, amount, currency_id, partner_id=False, values=None): """ Renders the form template of the given acquirer as a qWeb template. :param string reference: the transaction reference :param float amount: the amount the buyer has to pay :param currency_id: currency id :param dict partner_id: optional partner_id to fill values :param dict values: a dictionary of values for the transction that is given to the acquirer-specific method generating the form values All templates will receive: - acquirer: the payment.acquirer browse record - user: the current user browse record - currency_id: id of the transaction currency - amount: amount of the transaction - reference: reference of the transaction - partner_*: partner-related values - partner: optional partner browse record - 'feedback_url': feedback URL, controler that manage answer of the acquirer (without base url) -> FIXME - 'return_url': URL for coming back after payment validation (wihout base url) -> FIXME - 'cancel_url': URL if the client cancels the payment -> FIXME - 'error_url': URL if there is an issue with the payment -> FIXME - context: Flectra context """ if values is None: values = {} # reference and amount values.setdefault('reference', reference) amount = float_round(amount, 2) values.setdefault('amount', amount) # currency id currency_id = values.setdefault('currency_id', currency_id) if currency_id: currency = self.env['res.currency'].browse(currency_id) else: currency = self.env.user.company_id.currency_id values['currency'] = currency # Fill partner_* using values['partner_id'] or partner_id argument partner_id = values.get('partner_id', partner_id) billing_partner_id = values.get('billing_partner_id', partner_id) if partner_id: partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id) if partner_id != billing_partner_id: billing_partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(billing_partner_id) else: billing_partner = partner values.update({ 'partner': partner, 'partner_id': partner_id, 'partner_name': partner.name, 'partner_lang': partner.lang, 'partner_email': partner.email, 'partner_zip': partner.zip, 'partner_city': partner.city, 'partner_address': _partner_format_address(partner.street, partner.street2), 'partner_country_id': partner.country_id.id, 'partner_country': partner.country_id, 'partner_phone': partner.phone, 'partner_state': partner.state_id, 'billing_partner': billing_partner, 'billing_partner_id': billing_partner_id, 'billing_partner_name': billing_partner.name, 'billing_partner_commercial_company_name': billing_partner.commercial_company_name, 'billing_partner_lang': billing_partner.lang, 'billing_partner_email': billing_partner.email, 'billing_partner_zip': billing_partner.zip, 'billing_partner_city': billing_partner.city, 'billing_partner_address': _partner_format_address(billing_partner.street, billing_partner.street2), 'billing_partner_country_id': billing_partner.country_id.id, 'billing_partner_country': billing_partner.country_id, 'billing_partner_phone': billing_partner.phone, 'billing_partner_state': billing_partner.state_id, }) if values.get('partner_name'): values.update({ 'partner_first_name': _partner_split_name(values.get('partner_name'))[0], 'partner_last_name': _partner_split_name(values.get('partner_name'))[1], }) if values.get('billing_partner_name'): values.update({ 'billing_partner_first_name': _partner_split_name(values.get('billing_partner_name'))[0], 'billing_partner_last_name': _partner_split_name(values.get('billing_partner_name'))[1], }) # Fix address, country fields if not values.get('partner_address'): values['address'] = _partner_format_address(values.get('partner_street', ''), values.get('partner_street2', '')) if not values.get('partner_country') and values.get('partner_country_id'): values['country'] = self.env['res.country'].browse(values.get('partner_country_id')) if not values.get('billing_partner_address'): values['billing_address'] = _partner_format_address(values.get('billing_partner_street', ''), values.get('billing_partner_street2', '')) if not values.get('billing_partner_country') and values.get('billing_partner_country_id'): values['billing_country'] = self.env['res.country'].browse(values.get('billing_partner_country_id')) # compute fees fees_method_name = '%s_compute_fees' % self.provider if hasattr(self, fees_method_name): fees = getattr(self, fees_method_name)(values['amount'], values['currency_id'], values.get('partner_country_id')) values['fees'] = float_round(fees, 2) # call _form_generate_values to update the tx dict with acqurier specific values cust_method_name = '%s_form_generate_values' % (self.provider) if hasattr(self, cust_method_name): method = getattr(self, cust_method_name) values = method(values) values.update({ 'tx_url': self._context.get('tx_url', self.get_form_action_url()), 'submit_class': self._context.get('submit_class', 'btn btn-link'), 'submit_txt': self._context.get('submit_txt'), 'acquirer': self, 'user': self.env.user, 'context': self._context, 'type': values.get('type') or 'form', }) values.setdefault('return_url', False) return self.view_template_id.render(values, engine='ir.qweb') def get_s2s_form_xml_id(self): if self.registration_view_template_id: model_data = self.env['ir.model.data'].search([('model', '=', 'ir.ui.view'), ('res_id', '=', self.registration_view_template_id.id)]) return ('%s.%s') % (model_data.module, model_data.name) return False @api.multi def s2s_process(self, data): cust_method_name = '%s_s2s_form_process' % (self.provider) if not self.s2s_validate(data): return False if hasattr(self, cust_method_name): # As this method may be called in JSON and overriden in various addons # let us raise interesting errors before having stranges crashes if not data.get('partner_id'): raise ValueError(_('Missing partner reference when trying to create a new payment token')) method = getattr(self, cust_method_name) return method(data) return True @api.multi def s2s_validate(self, data): cust_method_name = '%s_s2s_form_validate' % (self.provider) if hasattr(self, cust_method_name): method = getattr(self, cust_method_name) return method(data) return True @api.multi def toggle_environment_value(self): prod = self.filtered(lambda acquirer: acquirer.environment == 'prod') prod.write({'environment': 'test'}) (self-prod).write({'environment': 'prod'}) @api.multi def button_immediate_install(self): # TDE FIXME: remove that brol if self.module_id and self.module_state != 'installed': self.module_id.button_immediate_install() return { 'type': 'ir.actions.client', 'tag': 'reload', } class PaymentIcon(models.Model): _name = 'payment.icon' _description = 'Payment Icon' name = fields.Char(string='Name') acquirer_ids = fields.Many2many('payment.acquirer', string="Acquirers", help="List of Acquirers supporting this payment icon.") image = fields.Binary( "Image", attachment=True, help="This field holds the image used for this payment icon, limited to 1024x1024px") image_payment_form = fields.Binary( "Image displayed on the payment form", attachment=True) @api.model def create(self, vals): if 'image' in vals: image = ustr(vals['image'] or '').encode('utf-8') vals['image_payment_form'] = image_resize_image(image, size=(45,30)) vals['image'] = image_resize_image(image, size=(64,64)) return super(PaymentIcon, self).create(vals) @api.multi def write(self, vals): if 'image' in vals: image = ustr(vals['image'] or '').encode('utf-8') vals['image_payment_form'] = image_resize_image(image, size=(45,30)) vals['image'] = image_resize_image(image, size=(64,64)) return super(PaymentIcon, self).write(vals) class PaymentTransaction(models.Model): """ Transaction Model. Each specific acquirer can extend the model by adding its own fields. Methods that can be added in an acquirer-specific implementation: - ``_create``: method receiving values used when creating a new transaction and that returns a dictionary that will update those values. This method can be used to tweak some transaction values. Methods defined for convention, depending on your controllers: - ``_form_feedback(self, data)``: method that handles the data coming from the acquirer after the transaction. It will generally receives data posted by the acquirer after the transaction. """ _name = 'payment.transaction' _description = 'Payment Transaction' _order = 'id desc' _rec_name = 'reference' @api.model def _lang_get(self): return self.env['res.lang'].get_installed() @api.model def _get_default_partner_country_id(self): return self.env['res.company']._company_default_get('payment.transaction').country_id.id create_date = fields.Datetime('Creation Date', readonly=True) date_validate = fields.Datetime('Validation Date') acquirer_id = fields.Many2one('payment.acquirer', 'Acquirer', required=True) provider = fields.Selection(string='Provider', related='acquirer_id.provider') type = fields.Selection([ ('validation', 'Validation of the bank card'), ('server2server', 'Server To Server'), ('form', 'Form'), ('form_save', 'Form with tokenization')], 'Type', default='form', required=True) state = fields.Selection([ ('draft', 'Draft'), ('pending', 'Pending'), ('authorized', 'Authorized'), ('done', 'Done'), ('refunding', 'Refunding'), ('refunded', 'Refunded'), ('error', 'Error'), ('cancel', 'Canceled')], 'Status', copy=False, default='draft', required=True, track_visibility='onchange') state_message = fields.Text('Message', help='Field used to store error and/or validation messages for information') # payment amount = fields.Float( 'Amount', digits=(16, 2), required=True, track_visibility='always', help='Amount') fees = fields.Float( 'Fees', digits=(16, 2), track_visibility='always', help='Fees amount; set by the system because depends on the acquirer') currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', 'Currency', required=True) reference = fields.Char( 'Reference', default=lambda self: self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('payment.transaction'), required=True, help='Internal reference of the TX') acquirer_reference = fields.Char('Acquirer Reference', help='Reference of the TX as stored in the acquirer database') # duplicate partner / transaction data to store the values at transaction time partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Customer', track_visibility='onchange') partner_name = fields.Char('Partner Name') partner_lang = fields.Selection(_lang_get, 'Language', default=lambda self: self.env.lang) partner_email = fields.Char('Email') partner_zip = fields.Char('Zip') partner_address = fields.Char('Address') partner_city = fields.Char('City') partner_country_id = fields.Many2one('res.country', 'Country', default=_get_default_partner_country_id, required=True) partner_phone = fields.Char('Phone') html_3ds = fields.Char('3D Secure HTML') callback_model_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model', 'Callback Document Model', groups="base.group_system") callback_res_id = fields.Integer('Callback Document ID', groups="base.group_system") callback_method = fields.Char('Callback Method', groups="base.group_system") callback_hash = fields.Char('Callback Hash', groups="base.group_system") payment_token_id = fields.Many2one('payment.token', 'Payment Token', domain="[('acquirer_id', '=', acquirer_id)]") @api.onchange('partner_id') def _onchange_partner_id(self): onchange_vals = self.on_change_partner_id(self.partner_id.id).get('value', {}) self.update(onchange_vals) @api.multi def on_change_partner_id(self, partner_id): partner = None if partner_id: partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id) return {'value': { 'partner_name': partner and partner.name or False, 'partner_lang': partner and partner.lang or 'en_US', 'partner_email': partner and partner.email or False, 'partner_zip': partner and partner.zip or False, 'partner_address': _partner_format_address(partner and partner.street or '', partner and partner.street2 or ''), 'partner_city': partner and partner.city or False, 'partner_country_id': partner and partner.country_id.id or self._get_default_partner_country_id(), 'partner_phone': partner and partner.phone or False, }} return {} @api.constrains('reference', 'state') def _check_reference(self): for transaction in self.filtered(lambda tx: tx.state not in ('cancel', 'error')): if self.search_count([('reference', '=', transaction.reference)]) != 1: raise exceptions.ValidationError(_('The payment transaction reference must be unique!')) return True @api.constrains('state', 'acquirer_id') def _check_authorize_state(self): failed_tx = self.filtered(lambda tx: tx.state == 'authorized' and tx.acquirer_id.provider not in self.env['payment.acquirer']._get_feature_support()['authorize']) if failed_tx: raise exceptions.ValidationError(_('The %s payment acquirers are not allowed to manual capture mode!' % failed_tx.mapped('acquirer_id.name'))) @api.model def create(self, values): if values.get('partner_id'): # @TDENOTE: not sure values.update(self.on_change_partner_id(values['partner_id'])['value']) # call custom create method if defined (i.e. ogone_create for ogone) if values.get('acquirer_id'): acquirer = self.env['payment.acquirer'].browse(values['acquirer_id']) # compute fees custom_method_name = '%s_compute_fees' % acquirer.provider if hasattr(acquirer, custom_method_name): fees = getattr(acquirer, custom_method_name)( values.get('amount', 0.0), values.get('currency_id'), values.get('partner_country_id')) values['fees'] = float_round(fees, 2) # custom create custom_method_name = '%s_create' % acquirer.provider if hasattr(acquirer, custom_method_name): values.update(getattr(self, custom_method_name)(values)) # Default value of reference is tx = super(PaymentTransaction, self).create(values) if not values.get('reference'): tx.write({'reference': str(tx.id)}) # Generate callback hash if it is configured on the tx; avoid generating unnecessary stuff # (limited sudo env for checking callback presence, must work for manual transactions too) tx_sudo = tx.sudo() if tx_sudo.callback_model_id and tx_sudo.callback_res_id and tx_sudo.callback_method: tx.write({'callback_hash': tx._generate_callback_hash()}) return tx @api.multi def write(self, values): if ('acquirer_id' in values or 'amount' in values) and 'fees' not in values: # The acquirer or the amount has changed, and the fees are not explicitly forced. Fees must be recomputed. acquirer = None if values.get('acquirer_id'): acquirer = self.env['payment.acquirer'].browse(values['acquirer_id']) for tx in self: vals = dict(values, fees=0.0) if not acquirer: acquirer = tx.acquirer_id custom_method_name = '%s_compute_fees' % acquirer.provider # TDE FIXME: shouldn't we use fee_implemented ? if hasattr(acquirer, custom_method_name): fees = getattr(acquirer, custom_method_name)( (values['amount'] if 'amount' in values else tx.amount) or 0.0, values.get('currency_id') or tx.currency_id.id, values.get('partner_country_id') or tx.partner_country_id.id) vals['fees'] = float_round(fees, 2) res = super(PaymentTransaction, tx).write(vals) return res return super(PaymentTransaction, self).write(values) @api.model def get_next_reference(self, reference): return self._get_next_reference(reference) @api.model def _get_next_reference(self, reference, acquirer=None): ref_suffix = 1 init_ref = reference while self.env['payment.transaction'].sudo().search_count([('reference', '=', reference)]): reference = init_ref + 'x' + str(ref_suffix) ref_suffix += 1 return reference def _generate_callback_hash(self): self.ensure_one() secret = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('database.secret') token = '%s%s%s' % (self.callback_model_id.model, self.callback_res_id, self.sudo().callback_method) return hmac.new(secret.encode('utf-8'), token.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() # -------------------------------------------------- # FORM RELATED METHODS # -------------------------------------------------- @api.multi def render(self): values = { 'reference': self.reference, 'amount': self.amount, 'currency_id': self.currency_id.id, 'currency': self.currency_id, 'partner': self.partner_id, 'partner_name': self.partner_name, 'partner_lang': self.partner_lang, 'partner_email': self.partner_email, 'partner_zip': self.partner_zip, 'partner_address': self.partner_address, 'partner_city': self.partner_city, 'partner_country_id': self.partner_country_id.id, 'partner_country': self.partner_country_id, 'partner_phone': self.partner_phone, 'partner_state': None, } return self.acquirer_id.render(None, None, None, values=values) @api.model def form_feedback(self, data, acquirer_name): invalid_parameters, tx = None, None tx_find_method_name = '_%s_form_get_tx_from_data' % acquirer_name if hasattr(self, tx_find_method_name): tx = getattr(self, tx_find_method_name)(data) # TDE TODO: form_get_invalid_parameters from model to multi invalid_param_method_name = '_%s_form_get_invalid_parameters' % acquirer_name if hasattr(self, invalid_param_method_name): invalid_parameters = getattr(tx, invalid_param_method_name)(data) if invalid_parameters: _error_message = '%s: incorrect tx data:\n' % (acquirer_name) for item in invalid_parameters: _error_message += '\t%s: received %s instead of %s\n' % (item[0], item[1], item[2]) _logger.error(_error_message) return False # TDE TODO: form_validate from model to multi feedback_method_name = '_%s_form_validate' % acquirer_name if hasattr(self, feedback_method_name): return getattr(tx, feedback_method_name)(data) return True @api.multi def _post_process_after_done(self, **kwargs): return True # -------------------------------------------------- # SERVER2SERVER RELATED METHODS # -------------------------------------------------- @api.multi def s2s_do_transaction(self, **kwargs): custom_method_name = '%s_s2s_do_transaction' % self.acquirer_id.provider if hasattr(self, custom_method_name): return getattr(self, custom_method_name)(**kwargs) @api.multi def s2s_do_refund(self, **kwargs): custom_method_name = '%s_s2s_do_refund' % self.acquirer_id.provider if hasattr(self, custom_method_name): return getattr(self, custom_method_name)(**kwargs) @api.multi def s2s_capture_transaction(self, **kwargs): custom_method_name = '%s_s2s_capture_transaction' % self.acquirer_id.provider if hasattr(self, custom_method_name): return getattr(self, custom_method_name)(**kwargs) @api.multi def s2s_void_transaction(self, **kwargs): custom_method_name = '%s_s2s_void_transaction' % self.acquirer_id.provider if hasattr(self, custom_method_name): return getattr(self, custom_method_name)(**kwargs) @api.multi def s2s_get_tx_status(self): """ Get the tx status. """ invalid_param_method_name = '_%s_s2s_get_tx_status' % self.acquirer_id.provider if hasattr(self, invalid_param_method_name): return getattr(self, invalid_param_method_name)() return True @api.multi def execute_callback(self): res = None for transaction in self: # limited sudo env, only for checking callback presence, not for running it! # manual transactions have no callback, and can pass without being run by admin user tx_sudo = transaction.sudo() if not (tx_sudo.callback_model_id and tx_sudo.callback_res_id and tx_sudo.callback_method): continue valid_token = transaction._generate_callback_hash() if not consteq(ustr(valid_token), transaction.callback_hash): _logger.warning("Invalid callback signature for transaction %d" % (transaction.id)) continue record = self.env[transaction.callback_model_id.model].browse(transaction.callback_res_id).exists() if record: res = getattr(record, transaction.callback_method)(transaction) else: _logger.warning("Did not found record %s.%s for callback of transaction %d" % (transaction.callback_model_id.model, transaction.callback_res_id, transaction.id)) return res @api.multi def action_capture(self): if any(self.mapped(lambda tx: tx.state != 'authorized')): raise ValidationError(_('Only transactions in the Authorized status can be captured.')) for tx in self: tx.s2s_capture_transaction() @api.multi def action_void(self): if any(self.mapped(lambda tx: tx.state != 'authorized')): raise ValidationError(_('Only transactions in the Authorized status can be voided.')) for tx in self: tx.s2s_void_transaction() class PaymentToken(models.Model): _name = 'payment.token' _order = 'partner_id, id desc' name = fields.Char('Name', help='Name of the payment token') short_name = fields.Char('Short name', compute='_compute_short_name') partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Partner', required=True) acquirer_id = fields.Many2one('payment.acquirer', 'Acquirer Account', required=True) acquirer_ref = fields.Char('Acquirer Ref.', required=True) active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True) payment_ids = fields.One2many('payment.transaction', 'payment_token_id', 'Payment Transactions') verified = fields.Boolean(string='Verified', default=False) @api.model def create(self, values): # call custom create method if defined (i.e. ogone_create for ogone) if values.get('acquirer_id'): acquirer = self.env['payment.acquirer'].browse(values['acquirer_id']) # custom create custom_method_name = '%s_create' % acquirer.provider if hasattr(self, custom_method_name): values.update(getattr(self, custom_method_name)(values)) # remove all non-model fields used by (provider)_create method to avoid warning fields_wl = set(self._fields) & set(values) values = {field: values[field] for field in fields_wl} return super(PaymentToken, self).create(values) """ @TBE: stolen shamelessly from there https://www.paypal.com/us/selfhelp/article/why-is-there-a-$1.95-charge-on-my-card-statement-faq554 Most of them are ~1.50€s TODO: See this with @AL & @DBO """ VALIDATION_AMOUNTS = { 'CAD': 2.45, 'EUR': 1.50, 'GBP': 1.00, 'JPY': 200, 'AUD': 2.00, 'NZD': 3.00, 'CHF': 3.00, 'HKD': 15.00, 'SEK': 15.00, 'DKK': 12.50, 'PLN': 6.50, 'NOK': 15.00, 'HUF': 400.00, 'CZK': 50.00, 'BRL': 4.00, 'MYR': 10.00, 'MXN': 20.00, 'ILS': 8.00, 'PHP': 100.00, 'TWD': 70.00, 'THB': 70.00 } @api.model def validate(self, **kwargs): """ This method allow to verify if this payment method is valid or not. It does this by withdrawing a certain amount and then refund it right after. """ currency = self.partner_id.currency_id if self.VALIDATION_AMOUNTS.get(currency.name): amount = self.VALIDATION_AMOUNTS.get(currency.name) else: # If we don't find the user's currency, then we set the currency to EUR and the amount to 1€50. currency = self.env['res.currency'].search([('name', '=', 'EUR')]) amount = 1.5 if len(currency) != 1: _logger.error("Error 'EUR' currency not found for payment method validation!") return False reference = "VALIDATION-%s-%s" % (self.id, datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%y%m%d_%H%M%S')) tx = self.env['payment.transaction'].sudo().create({ 'amount': amount, 'acquirer_id': self.acquirer_id.id, 'type': 'validation', 'currency_id': currency.id, 'reference': reference, 'payment_token_id': self.id, 'partner_id': self.partner_id.id, 'partner_country_id': self.partner_id.country_id.id, }) kwargs.update({'3d_secure': True}) tx.s2s_do_transaction(**kwargs) # if 3D secure is called, then we do not refund right now if not tx.html_3ds: tx.s2s_do_refund() return tx @api.multi @api.depends('name') def _compute_short_name(self): for token in self: token.short_name = token.name.replace('XXXXXXXXXXXX', '***') @api.multi def get_linked_records(self): """ This method returns a dict containing all the records linked to the payment.token (e.g Subscriptions), the key is the id of the payment.token and the value is an array that must follow the scheme below. { token_id: [ 'description': The model description (e.g 'Sale Subscription'), 'id': The id of the record, 'name': The name of the record, 'url': The url to access to this record. ] } """ return {r.id:[] for r in self}