flectra.define('report.client_action', function (require) { 'use strict'; var core = require('web.core'); var ControlPanelMixin = require('web.ControlPanelMixin'); var session = require('web.session'); var Widget = require('web.Widget'); var utils = require('report.utils'); var QWeb = core.qweb; var AUTHORIZED_MESSAGES = [ 'report.editor:save_ok', 'report.editor:discard_ok', 'report:do_action', ]; var ReportAction = Widget.extend(ControlPanelMixin, { template: 'report.client_action', init: function (parent, action, options) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); options = options || {}; this.action_manager = parent; this.title = options.display_name || options.name; this.edit_mode_available = false; this.in_edit_mode = false; this.report_url = options.report_url; // Extra info that will be useful to build a qweb-pdf action. this.report_name = options.report_name; this.report_file = options.report_file; this.data = options.data || {}; this.context = options.context || {}; }, start: function () { var self = this; this.set('title', this.title); this.iframe = this.$('iframe')[0]; return $.when(this._super.apply(this, arguments), session.is_bound).then(function () { var web_base_url = session['web.base.url']; var trusted_host = utils.get_host_from_url(web_base_url); var trusted_protocol = utils.get_protocol_from_url(web_base_url); self.trusted_origin = utils.build_origin(trusted_protocol, trusted_host); self.$buttons = $(QWeb.render('report.client_action.ControlButtons', {})); self.$buttons.on('click', '.o_report_edit', self.on_click_edit); self.$buttons.on('click', '.o_report_print', self.on_click_print); self.$buttons.on('click', '.o_report_save', self.on_click_save); self.$buttons.on('click', '.o_report_discard', self.on_click_discard); self._update_control_panel(); // Load the report in the iframe. Note that we use a relative URL. self.iframe.src = self.report_url; // Once the iframe is loaded, check if we can edit the report. self.iframe.onload = function () { self._on_iframe_loaded(); }; }); }, do_show: function () { this._update_control_panel(); return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, on_attach_callback: function () { // Register now the postMessage event handler. We only want to listen to ~trusted // messages and we can only filter them by their origin, so we chose to ignore the // messages that do not come from `web.base.url`. $(window).on('message', this, this.on_message_received); }, on_detach_callback: function () { $(window).off('message', this.on_message_received); }, _on_iframe_loaded: function () { var editable = $(this.iframe).contents().find('html').data('editable'); if (editable === 1) { this.edit_mode_available = true; this._update_control_panel(); } }, _update_control_panel: function () { this.update_control_panel({ breadcrumbs: this.action_manager.get_breadcrumbs(), cp_content: { $buttons: this.$buttons, }, }); this._update_control_panel_buttons(); }, /** * Helper allowing to toggle groups of buttons in the control panel * according to the `this.in_edit_mode` flag. */ _update_control_panel_buttons: function () { this.$buttons.filter('div.o_report_edit_mode').toggle(this.in_edit_mode); this.$buttons.filter('div.o_report_no_edit_mode').toggle(! this.in_edit_mode); this.$buttons.filter('div.o_edit_mode_available').toggle(core.debug && this.edit_mode_available && ! this.in_edit_mode); }, /** * Event handler of the message post. We only handle them if they're from * `web.base.url` host and protocol and if they're part of `AUTHORIZED_MESSAGES`. */ on_message_received: function (ev) { // Check the origin of the received message. var message_origin = utils.build_origin(ev.originalEvent.source.location.protocol, ev.originalEvent.source.location.host); if (message_origin === this.trusted_origin) { // Check the syntax of the received message. var message = ev.originalEvent.data; if (_.isObject(message)) { message = message.message; } if (! _.isString(message) || (_.isString(message) && ! _.contains(AUTHORIZED_MESSAGES, message))) { return; } switch(message) { case 'report.editor:save_ok': // Reload the iframe in order to disable the editor. this.iframe.src = this.report_url; this.in_edit_mode = false; this._update_control_panel_buttons(); break; case 'report.editor:discard_ok': // Reload the iframe in order to disable the editor. this.iframe.src = this.report_url; this.in_edit_mode = false; this._update_control_panel_buttons(); break; case 'report:do_action': return this.do_action(ev.originalEvent.data.action); default: } } }, /** * Helper allowing to send a message to the `this.el` iframe's window and * seting the `targetOrigin` as `this.trusted_origin` (which is the * `web.base.url` ir.config_parameter key) - in other word, only when using * this method we only send the message to a trusted domain. */ _post_message: function (message) { this.iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(message, this.trusted_origin); }, on_click_edit: function () { // We reload the iframe with a special query string to enable the editor. if (this.report_url.indexOf('?') === -1) { this.iframe.src = this.report_url + '?enable_editor=1'; } else { this.iframe.src = this.report_url + '&enable_editor=1'; } this.in_edit_mode = true; this._update_control_panel_buttons(); }, on_click_discard: function () { this._post_message('report.editor:ask_discard'); }, on_click_save: function () { this._post_message('report.editor:ask_save'); }, on_click_print: function () { var action = { 'type': 'ir.actions.report', 'report_type': 'qweb-pdf', 'report_name': this.report_name, 'report_file': this.report_file, 'data': this.data, 'context': this.context, 'display_name': this.title, }; return this.do_action(action); }, }); core.action_registry.add('report.client_action', ReportAction); return ReportAction; });