// // This file regroups all the rules which apply to field widgets wherever they // are in the DOM, in the community version. // // Required .o_required_modifier { &.o_input, .o_input { background-color: #D2D2FF!important; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Fields //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .o_field_widget { // Dropdowns input carret .o_input_dropdown .o_dropdown_button { .o-position-absolute(2px, 4px); } // Many2one &.o_field_many2one .o_external_button { padding: 0; margin-left: 2px; font-size: 19px; color: #7C7BAD; border: none; background-color: transparent !important; &:hover { background-color: transparent; } } // Percent pie field &.o_field_percent_pie { @pie-dimension: 34px; @pie-ring-width: 4px; .o_pie { width: @pie-dimension; height: @pie-dimension; margin-left: 5px; &:after { // Outside pie border to go over border-radius irregularities border: 1px solid @flectra-brand-primary; } .o_pie_value { .o-position-absolute(@pie-ring-width, @pie-ring-width); width: @pie-dimension - 2 * @pie-ring-width; height: @pie-dimension - 2 * @pie-ring-width; border: 1px solid white; background-color: white; } } } }