product.template.common.form product.template primary product.template Products ir.actions.act_window product.template kanban,tree,form form {}

Click to define a new product. product.product primary Product Variants ir.actions.act_window product.product tree,form,kanban form

Click to define a new product.

You must define a product for everything you sell, whether it's a physical product, a consumable or a service you offer to customers.

The product form contains information to simplify the sale process: price, notes in the quotation, accounting data, procurement methods, etc.

product.product.view.form.easy product.product primary

All general settings about this product are managed on

product.category.list product.category 1 Product Categories ir.actions.act_window product.category form product.packaging.tree.view product.packaging product.packaging.form.view product.packaging
Product Packages product.packaging [('product_id', '!=', False)] product.supplierinfo.form.view product.supplierinfo product.supplierinfo product.supplierinfo.tree.view product.supplierinfo Vendor Pricelists ir.actions.act_window product.supplierinfo form tree,form {'visible_product_tmpl_id':False}