flectra.define('web.kanban_tests', function (require) { "use strict"; var core = require('web.core'); var KanbanColumnProgressBar = require('web.KanbanColumnProgressBar'); var KanbanRenderer = require('web.KanbanRenderer'); var KanbanView = require('web.KanbanView'); var testUtils = require('web.test_utils'); var Widget = require('web.Widget'); var widgetRegistry = require('web.widget_registry'); var createAsyncView = testUtils.createAsyncView; var createView = testUtils.createView; QUnit.module('Views', { before: function () { this._initialKanbanProgressBarAnimate = KanbanColumnProgressBar.prototype.ANIMATE; KanbanColumnProgressBar.prototype.ANIMATE = false; }, after: function () { KanbanColumnProgressBar.prototype.ANIMATE = this._initialKanbanProgressBarAnimate; }, beforeEach: function () { this.data = { partner: { fields: { foo: {string: "Foo", type: "char"}, bar: {string: "Bar", type: "boolean"}, int_field: {string: "int_field", type: "integer", sortable: true}, qux: {string: "my float", type: "float"}, product_id: {string: "something_id", type: "many2one", relation: "product"}, category_ids: { string: "categories", type: "many2many", relation: 'category'}, state: { string: "State", type: "selection", selection: [["abc", "ABC"], ["def", "DEF"], ["ghi", "GHI"]]}, date: {string: "Date Field", type: 'date'}, datetime: {string: "Datetime Field", type: 'datetime'}, }, records: [ {id: 1, bar: true, foo: "yop", int_field: 10, qux: 0.4, product_id: 3, state: "abc", category_ids: []}, {id: 2, bar: true, foo: "blip", int_field: 9, qux: 13, product_id: 5, state: "def", category_ids: [6]}, {id: 3, bar: true, foo: "gnap", int_field: 17, qux: -3, product_id: 3, state: "ghi", category_ids: [7]}, {id: 4, bar: false, foo: "blip", int_field: -4, qux: 9, product_id: 5, state: "ghi", category_ids: []}, ] }, product: { fields: { id: {string: "ID", type: "integer"}, name: {string: "Display Name", type: "char"}, }, records: [ {id: 3, name: "hello"}, {id: 5, name: "xmo"}, ] }, category: { fields: { name: {string: "Category Name", type: "char"}, color: {string: "Color index", type: "integer"}, }, records: [ {id: 6, name: "gold", color: 2}, {id: 7, name: "silver", color: 5}, ] }, }; }, }, function () { QUnit.module('KanbanView'); QUnit.test('basic ungrouped rendering', function (assert) { assert.expect(5); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '
', }); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_view').hasClass('o_kanban_ungrouped'), "should have classname 'o_kanban_ungrouped'"); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_view').hasClass('o_kanban_test'), "should have classname 'o_kanban_test'"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)').length, 4, "should have 4 records"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_ghost').length, 6, "should have 6 ghosts"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record:contains(gnap)').length, 1, "should contain gnap"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('basic grouped rendering', function (assert) { assert.expect(13); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['bar'], mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (args.method === 'read_group') { // the lazy option is important, so the server can fill in // the empty groups assert.ok(args.kwargs.lazy, "should use lazy read_group"); } return this._super(route, args); }, }); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_view').hasClass('o_kanban_grouped'), "should have classname 'o_kanban_grouped'"); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_view').hasClass('o_kanban_test'), "should have classname 'o_kanban_test'"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 2, "should have " + 2 + " columns"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "column should contain " + 1 + " record(s)"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record').length, 3, "column should contain " + 3 + " record(s)"); // check available actions in kanban header's config dropdown assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_header:first .o_kanban_config .o_kanban_toggle_fold').length, "should be able to fold the column"); assert.ok(!kanban.$('.o_kanban_header:first .o_kanban_config .o_column_archive').length, "should be not able to archive the records"); assert.ok(!kanban.$('.o_kanban_header:first .o_kanban_config .o_column_unarchive').length, "should be not able to restore the records"); assert.ok(!kanban.$('.o_kanban_header:first .o_kanban_config .o_column_edit').length, "should not be able to edit the column"); assert.ok(!kanban.$('.o_kanban_header:first .o_kanban_config .o_column_delete').length, "should not be able to delete the column"); // the next line makes sure that reload works properly. It looks useless, // but it actually test that a grouped local record can be reloaded without // changing its result. kanban.reload(); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record').length, 3, "column should contain " + 3 + " record(s)"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('basic grouped rendering with active field', function (assert) { assert.expect(6); // add active field on partner model and make all records active this.data.partner.fields.active = {string: 'Active', type: 'char', default: true}; var envIDs = [1, 2, 3, 4]; // the ids that should be in the environment during this test var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['bar'], intercepts: { env_updated: function (event) { assert.deepEqual(event.data.ids, envIDs, "should notify the environment with the correct ids"); }, }, }); // check available actions in kanban header's config dropdown assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_header:first .o_kanban_config .o_column_archive').length, "should be able to archive the records"); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_header:first .o_kanban_config .o_column_unarchive').length, "should be able to restore the records"); // archive the records of the first column assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last .o_kanban_record').length, 3, "last column should contain 3 records"); envIDs = [4]; kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last .o_column_archive').click(); // click on 'Archive' assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last .o_kanban_record').length, 0, "last column should contain no record"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('pager should be hidden in grouped mode', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['bar'], }); kanban.renderPager(); assert.ok(kanban.pager.$el.hasClass('o_hidden'), "pager should be hidden in grouped kanban"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('pager, ungrouped, with default limit', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '
' + '
', mockRPC: function (route, args) { assert.strictEqual(args.limit, 40, "default limit should be 40 in Kanban"); return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); assert.ok(!kanban.pager.$el.hasClass('o_hidden'), "pager should be visible in ungrouped kanban"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.pager.state.size, 4, "pager's size should be 4"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('pager, ungrouped, with limit given in options', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '
' + '
', mockRPC: function (route, args) { assert.strictEqual(args.limit, 2, "limit should be 2"); return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, viewOptions: { limit: 2, }, }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.pager.state.limit, 2, "pager's limit should be 2"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.pager.state.size, 4, "pager's size should be 4"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('pager, ungrouped, with limit set on arch and given in options', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); // the limit given in the arch should take the priority over the one given in options var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '
' + '
', mockRPC: function (route, args) { assert.strictEqual(args.limit, 3, "limit should be 3"); return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, viewOptions: { limit: 2, }, }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.pager.state.limit, 3, "pager's limit should be 3"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.pager.state.size, 4, "pager's size should be 4"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('create in grouped on m2o', function (assert) { assert.expect(5); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], }); kanban.renderButtons(); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_view').hasClass('ui-sortable'), "columns are sortable when grouped by a m2o field"); assert.ok(kanban.$buttons.find('.o-kanban-button-new').hasClass('btn-primary'), "'create' button should be btn-primary for grouped kanban with at least one column"); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_view > div:last').hasClass('o_column_quick_create'), "column quick create should be enabled when grouped by a many2one field)"); kanban.$buttons.find('.o-kanban-button-new').click(); // Click on 'Create' assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first() > div:nth(1)').hasClass('o_kanban_quick_create'), "clicking on create should open the quick_create in the first column"); assert.ok(kanban.$('span.o_column_title:contains(hello)').length, "should have a column title with a value from the many2one"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('create in grouped on char', function (assert) { assert.expect(4); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['foo'], }); assert.ok(!kanban.$('.o_kanban_view').hasClass('ui-sortable'), "columns aren't sortable when not grouped by a m2o field"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 3, "should have " + 3 + " columns"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first() .o_column_title').text(), "yop", "'yop' column should be the first column"); assert.ok(!kanban.$('.o_kanban_view > div:last').hasClass('o_column_quick_create'), "column quick create should be disabled when not grouped by a many2one field)"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('quick create and change state in grouped mode', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); this.data.partner.fields.kanban_state = { string: "Kanban State", type: "selection", selection: [["normal", "Grey"], ["done", "Green"], ["blocked", "Red"]], }; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['foo'], }); // Quick create kanban record kanban.$('.o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i').first().click(); var $quickAdd = kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create'); $quickAdd.find('.o_input').val('Test'); $quickAdd.find('.o_kanban_add').click(); // Select state in kanban kanban.$('.o_status').first().click(); kanban.$('.o_selection ul:first li:first').click(); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_status').first().hasClass('o_status_green'), "Kanban state should be done (Green)"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('quick create in grouped mode', function (assert) { assert.expect(8); var nbRecords = 4; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['bar'], intercepts: { env_updated: function (event) { assert.strictEqual(event.data.ids.length, nbRecords, "should update the env with the records ids"); }, } }); // click to add an element and cancel the quick creation kanban.$('.o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i').first().click(); var $quickCreate = kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create'); assert.strictEqual($quickCreate.length, 1, "should have a quick create element"); $quickCreate.find('input').trigger($.Event('keydown', {keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE})); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create').length, 0, "should have destroyed the quick create element"); //click to add and element and focus out the blank input, should cancel the quick creation kanban.$('.o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i').first().click(); $quickCreate = kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create'); $quickCreate.find('input').blur(); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create').length, 0, "Blur should have destroyed the quick create element"); // click to really add an element kanban.$('.o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i').first().click(); $quickCreate = kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create'); $quickCreate.find('input').val('new partner'); $quickCreate.find('input').blur(); // When focus out the input containing value, should not delete the Quick Creation assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create').length, 1, "Blur should not have destroyed the quick create element"); nbRecords = 5; $quickCreate.find('button.o_kanban_add').click(); assert.strictEqual(this.data.partner.records.length, 5, "should have created a partner"); assert.strictEqual(_.last(this.data.partner.records).name, "new partner", "should have correct name"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('quick create and edit in grouped mode', function (assert) { assert.expect(6); var newRecordID; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
', mockRPC: function (route, args) { var def = this._super.apply(this, arguments); if (args.method === 'name_create') { def.then(function (result) { newRecordID = result[0]; }); } return def; }, groupBy: ['bar'], intercepts: { switch_view: function (event) { assert.strictEqual(event.data.mode, "edit", "should trigger 'open_record' event in edit mode"); assert.strictEqual(event.data.res_id, newRecordID, "should open the correct record"); }, }, }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "first column should contain one record"); // click to add and edit an element var $quickCreate = kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create'); kanban.$('.o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i').first().click(); $quickCreate = kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create'); $quickCreate.find('input').val('new partner'); $quickCreate.find('button.o_kanban_edit').click(); assert.strictEqual(this.data.partner.records.length, 5, "should have created a partner"); assert.strictEqual(_.last(this.data.partner.records).name, "new partner", "should have correct name"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "first column should now contain two records"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('quick create several records in a row', function (assert) { assert.expect(6); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['bar'], }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "first column should contain one record"); // click to add an element, fill the input and press ENTER kanban.$('.o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i').first().click(); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create').length, 1, "the quick create should be open"); kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create input') .val('new partner 1') .trigger($.Event('keypress', { which: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER, keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER, })); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "first column should now contain two records"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create').length, 1, "the quick create should still be open"); // create a second element in a row kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create input') .val('new partner 2') .trigger($.Event('keypress', { which: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER, keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER, })); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record').length, 3, "first column should now contain three records"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create').length, 1, "the quick create should still be open"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('quick create fail in grouped', function (assert) { assert.expect(7); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', archs: { 'partner,false,form': '
' + '' + '' + '', }, groupBy: ['product_id'], mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (args.method === 'name_create') { return $.Deferred().reject({ code: 200, data: {}, message: "Flectra server error", }, $.Event()); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "there should be 2 records in first column"); kanban.$buttons.find('.o-kanban-button-new').click(); // Click on 'Create' assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first() > div:nth(1)').hasClass('o_kanban_quick_create'), "clicking on create should open the quick_create in the first column"); kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create input') .val('test') .trigger($.Event('keypress', {keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER})); assert.strictEqual($('.modal .o_form_view.o_form_editable').length, 1, "a form view dialog should have been opened (in edit)"); assert.strictEqual($('.modal .o_field_many2one input').val(), 'hello', "the correct product_id should already be set"); // specify a name and save $('.modal input[name=foo]').val('test').trigger('input'); $('.modal-footer .btn-primary').click(); assert.strictEqual($('.modal').length, 0, "the modal should be closed"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record').length, 3, "there should be 3 records in first column"); var $firstRecord = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record:first'); assert.strictEqual($firstRecord.text(), 'test', "the first record of the first column should be the new one"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('quick create record in empty grouped kanban', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (args.method === 'read_group') { // override read_group to return empty groups, as this is // the case for several models (e.g. project.task grouped // by stage_id) var result = [ {__domain: [['product_id', '=', 3]], product_id_count: 0}, {__domain: [['product_id', '=', 5]], product_id_count: 0}, ]; return $.when(result); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 2, "there should be 2 columns"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record').length, 0, "both columns should be empty"); kanban.$buttons.find('.o-kanban-button-new').click(); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_quick_create').length, 1, "should have opened the quick create in the first column"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('many2many_tags in kanban views', function (assert) { assert.expect(12); this.data.partner.records[0].category_ids = [6, 7]; this.data.partner.records[1].category_ids = [7, 8]; this.data.category.records.push({ id: 8, name: "hello", color: 0, }); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', mockRPC: function (route) { assert.step(route); return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, intercepts: { switch_view: function (event) { assert.deepEqual(event.data, { mode: 'readonly', model: 'partner', res_id: 1, view_type: 'form', }, "should trigger an event to open the clicked record in a form view"); }, }, }); var $first_record = kanban.$('.o_kanban_record:first()'); assert.strictEqual($first_record.find('.o_field_many2manytags .o_tag').length, 2, 'first record should contain 2 tags'); assert.ok($first_record.find('.o_tag:first()').hasClass('o_tag_color_2'), 'first tag should have color 2'); assert.verifySteps(['/web/dataset/search_read', '/web/dataset/call_kw/category/read'], 'two RPC should have been done (one search read and one read for the m2m)'); // Checks that second records has only one tag as one should be hidden (color 0) assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record').eq(1).find('.o_tag').length, 1, 'there should be only one tag in second record'); // Write on the record using the priority widget to trigger a re-render in readonly kanban.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').first().click(); assert.verifySteps([ '/web/dataset/search_read', '/web/dataset/call_kw/category/read', '/web/dataset/call_kw/partner/write', '/web/dataset/call_kw/partner/read', '/web/dataset/call_kw/category/read' ], 'five RPCs should have been done (previous 2, 1 write (triggers a re-render), same 2 at re-render'); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record:first()').find('.o_field_many2manytags .o_tag').length, 2, 'first record should still contain only 2 tags'); // click on a tag (should trigger switch_view) kanban.$('.o_tag:contains(gold):first').click(); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('can drag and drop a record from one column to the next', function (assert) { assert.expect(9); var envIDs = [1, 3, 2, 4]; // the ids that should be in the environment during this test this.data.partner.fields.sequence = {type: 'number', string: "Sequence"}; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + 'edit' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (route === '/web/dataset/resequence') { assert.ok(true, "should call resequence"); return $.when(true); } return this._super(route, args); }, intercepts: { env_updated: function (event) { assert.deepEqual(event.data.ids, envIDs, "should notify the environment with the correct ids"); }, }, }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "column should contain 2 record(s)"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "column should contain 2 record(s)"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.thisiseditable').length, 4, "all records should be editable"); var $record = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record:first'); var $group = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)'); envIDs = [3, 2, 4, 1]; // first record of first column moved to the bottom of second column testUtils.dragAndDrop($record, $group); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "column should now contain 1 record(s)"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record').length, 3, "column should contain 3 record(s)"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.thisiseditable').length, 4, "all records should be editable"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('drag and drop a record, grouped by selection', function (assert) { assert.expect(6); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['state'], mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (route === '/web/dataset/resequence') { assert.ok(true, "should call resequence"); return $.when(true); } if (args.model === 'partner' && args.method === 'write') { assert.deepEqual(args.args[1], {state: 'def'}); } return this._super(route, args); }, }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "column should contain 1 record(s)"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "column should contain 1 record(s)"); var $record = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record:first'); var $group = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)'); testUtils.dragAndDrop($record, $group); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 0, "column should now contain 0 record(s)"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "column should contain 2 record(s)"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('prevent drag and drop of record if grouped by readonly', function (assert) { assert.expect(12); this.data.partner.fields.foo.readonly = true; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (route === '/web/dataset/resequence') { return $.when(); } if (args.model === 'partner' && args.method === 'write') { throw new Error('should not be draggable'); } return this._super(route, args); }, }); // simulate an update coming from the searchview, with another groupby given kanban.update({groupBy: ['state']}); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "column should contain 1 record(s)"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "column should contain 1 record(s)"); // drag&drop a record in another column var $record = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record:first'); var $group = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)'); testUtils.dragAndDrop($record, $group); // should not be draggable assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "column should now contain 1 record(s)"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "column should contain 1 record(s)"); // simulate an update coming from the searchview, with another groupby given kanban.update({groupBy: ['foo']}); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "column should contain 1 record(s)"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "column should contain 2 record(s)"); // drag&drop a record in another column $record = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record:first'); $group = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)'); testUtils.dragAndDrop($record, $group); // should not be draggable assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "column should now contain 1 record(s)"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "column should contain 2 record(s)"); // drag&drop a record in the same column var $record1 = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record:eq(0)'); var $record2 = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record:eq(1)'); assert.strictEqual($record1.text(), "blipDEF", "first record should be DEF"); assert.strictEqual($record2.text(), "blipGHI", "second record should be GHI"); testUtils.dragAndDrop($record2, $record1, {position: 'top'}); // should still be able to resequence assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record:eq(0)').text(), "blipGHI", "records should have been resequenced"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record:eq(1)').text(), "blipDEF", "records should have been resequenced"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('kanban view with default_group_by', function (assert) { assert.expect(7); this.data.partner.records.product_id = 1; this.data.product.records.push({id: 1, display_name: "third product"}); var readGroupCount = 0; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
', mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (route === '/web/dataset/call_kw/partner/read_group') { readGroupCount++; var correctGroupBy; if (readGroupCount === 2) { correctGroupBy = ['product_id']; } else { correctGroupBy = ['bar']; } // this is done three times assert.ok(_.isEqual(args.kwargs.groupby, correctGroupBy), "groupby args should be correct"); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_view').hasClass('o_kanban_grouped'), "should have classname 'o_kanban_grouped'"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 2, "should have " + 2 + " columns"); // simulate an update coming from the searchview, with another groupby given kanban.update({groupBy: ['product_id']}); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 2, "should now have " + 3 + " columns"); // simulate an update coming from the searchview, removing the previously set groupby kanban.update({groupBy: []}); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 2, "should have " + 2 + " columns again"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('kanban view with create=False', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '
' + '
', }); assert.ok(!kanban.$buttons || !kanban.$buttons.find('.o-kanban-button-new').length, "Create button shouldn't be there"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('clicking on a link triggers correct event', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '', }); testUtils.intercept(kanban, 'switch_view', function (event) { assert.deepEqual(event.data, { view_type: 'form', res_id: 1, mode: 'edit', model: 'partner', }); }); kanban.$('a').first().click(); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('environment is updated when (un)folding groups', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); var envIDs = [1, 3, 2, 4]; // the ids that should be in the environment during this test var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], intercepts: { env_updated: function (event) { assert.deepEqual(envIDs, event.data.ids, "should notify the environment with the correct ids"); }, }, }); // fold the second group and check that the res_ids it contains are no // longer in the environment envIDs = [1, 3]; kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last .o_kanban_toggle_fold').click(); // re-open the second group and check that the res_ids it contains are // back in the environment envIDs = [1, 3, 2, 4]; kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last .o_kanban_toggle_fold').click(); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('create a column in grouped on m2o', function (assert) { assert.expect(13); var nbRPCs = 0; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], mockRPC: function (route, args) { nbRPCs++; if (args.method === 'name_create') { assert.ok(true, "should call name_create"); } return this._super(route, args); }, }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create').length, 1, "should have a quick create column"); assert.notOk(kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create input').is(':visible'), "the input should not be visible"); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create').click(); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create input').is(':visible'), "the input should be visible"); // discard the column creation and click it again kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create').click(); assert.notOk(kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create input').is(':visible'), "the input should not be visible after discard"); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create').click(); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create input').is(':visible'), "the input should be visible"); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create input').val('new value'); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create button.o_kanban_add').click(); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last span:contains(new value)').length, 1, "the last column should be the newly created one"); assert.ok(_.isNumber(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last').data('id')), 'the created column should have the correct id'); assert.ok(!kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last').hasClass('o_column_folded'), 'the created column should not be folded'); // fold and unfold the created column, and check that no RPC is done (as there is no record) nbRPCs = 0; kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last .o_kanban_toggle_fold').click(); // fold the group assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last').hasClass('o_column_folded'), 'the created column should now be folded'); kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last').click(); assert.ok(!kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last').hasClass('o_column_folded'), 'the created column should not be folded'); assert.strictEqual(nbRPCs, 0, 'no rpc should have been done when folding/unfolding'); // quick create a record kanban.$buttons.find('.o-kanban-button-new').click(); // Click on 'Create' assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first() > div:nth(1)').hasClass('o_kanban_quick_create'), "clicking on create should open the quick_create in the first column"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('quick create record & column in grouped on m2o', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], }); kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_quick_add').click(); var $quickCreate = kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create'); $quickCreate.find('input').val('new partner'); $quickCreate.find('button.o_kanban_add').click(); assert.strictEqual(this.data.partner.records.length, 5, "should have created a partner"); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create').click(); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create input').val('new column'); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create button.o_kanban_add').click(); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last span:contains(new column)').length, 1, "the last column should be the newly created one"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('delete a column in grouped on m2o', function (assert) { assert.expect(32); testUtils.patch(KanbanRenderer, { _renderGrouped: function () { this._super.apply(this, arguments); // set delay and revert animation time to 0 so dummy drag and drop works if (this.$el.sortable('instance')) { this.$el.sortable('option', {delay: 0, revert: 0}); } }, }); var resequencedIDs; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (route === '/web/dataset/resequence') { resequencedIDs = args.ids; assert.strictEqual(_.reject(args.ids, _.isNumber).length, 0, "column resequenced should be existing records with IDs"); return $.when(true); } if (args.method) { assert.step(args.method); } return this._super(route, args); }, }); // check the initial rendering assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 2, "should have two columns"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first').data('id'), 3, 'first column should be [3, "hello"]'); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last').data('id'), 5, 'second column should be [5, "xmo"]'); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last .o_column_title').text(), 'xmo', 'second column should have correct title'); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "second column should have two records"); // check available actions in kanban header's config dropdown assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_toggle_fold').length, "should be able to fold the column"); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_column_edit').length, "should be able to edit the column"); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_column_delete').length, "should be able to delete the column"); assert.ok(!kanban.$('.o_kanban_header:first .o_kanban_config .o_column_archive').length, "should not be able to archive the records"); assert.ok(!kanban.$('.o_kanban_header:first .o_kanban_config .o_column_unarchive').length, "should not be able to restore the records"); // delete second column (first cancel the confirm request, then confirm) kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last .o_column_delete').click(); // click on delete assert.ok($('.modal').length, 'a confirm modal should be displayed'); $('.modal .modal-footer .btn-default').click(); // click on cancel assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last').data('id'), 5, 'column [5, "xmo"] should still be there'); kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last .o_column_delete').click(); // click on delete assert.ok($('.modal').length, 'a confirm modal should be displayed'); $('.modal .modal-footer .btn-primary').click(); // click on confirm assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last').data('id'), 3, 'last column should now be [3, "hello"]'); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 2, "should still have two columns"); assert.ok(!_.isNumber(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first').data('id')), 'first column should have no id (Undefined column)'); // check available actions on 'Undefined' column assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_toggle_fold').length, "should be able to fold the column"); assert.ok(!kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_column_delete').length, 'Undefined column could not be deleted'); assert.ok(!kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_column_edit').length, 'Undefined column could not be edited'); assert.ok(!kanban.$('.o_kanban_header:first .o_kanban_config .o_column_archive').length, "should not be able to archive the records"); assert.ok(!kanban.$('.o_kanban_header:first .o_kanban_config .o_column_unarchive').length, "should not be able to restore the records"); assert.verifySteps(['read_group', 'unlink', 'read_group']); assert.strictEqual(kanban.renderer.widgets.length, 2, "the old widgets should have been correctly deleted"); // test column drag and drop having an 'Undefined' column testUtils.dragAndDrop( kanban.$('.o_kanban_header_title:first'), kanban.$('.o_kanban_header_title:last'), {position: 'right'} ); assert.strictEqual(resequencedIDs, undefined, "resequencing require at least 2 not Undefined columns"); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create input').val('once third column'); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create button.o_kanban_add').click(); var newColumnID = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last').data('id'); testUtils.dragAndDrop( kanban.$('.o_kanban_header_title:first'), kanban.$('.o_kanban_header_title:last'), {position: 'right'} ); assert.deepEqual([3, newColumnID], resequencedIDs, "moving the Undefined column should not affect order of other columns") testUtils.dragAndDrop( kanban.$('.o_kanban_header_title:first'), kanban.$('.o_kanban_header_title:nth(1)'), {position: 'right'} ); assert.deepEqual([newColumnID, 3], resequencedIDs, "moved column should be resequenced accordingly") kanban.destroy(); testUtils.unpatch(KanbanRenderer); }); QUnit.test('create a column, delete it and create another one', function (assert) { assert.expect(5); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 2, "should have two columns"); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create').click(); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create input').val('new column 1'); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create button.o_kanban_add').click(); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 3, "should have two columns"); kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last .o_column_delete').click(); $('.modal .modal-footer .btn-primary').click(); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 2, "should have twos columns"); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create').click(); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create input').val('new column 2'); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create button.o_kanban_add').click(); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 3, "should have three columns"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:last span:contains(new column 2)').length, 1, "the last column should be the newly created one"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('edit a column in grouped on m2o', function (assert) { assert.expect(12); var nbRPCs = 0; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], archs: { 'product,false,form': '
', }, mockRPC: function (route, args) { nbRPCs++; return this._super(route, args); }, }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group[data-id=5] .o_column_title').text(), 'xmo', 'title of the column should be "xmo"'); // edit the title of column [5, 'xmo'] and close without saving kanban.$('.o_kanban_group[data-id=5] .o_column_edit').click(); // click on 'Edit' assert.ok($('.modal .o_form_editable').length, 'a form view should be open in a modal'); assert.strictEqual($('.modal .o_form_editable input').val(), 'xmo', 'the name should be "xmo"'); $('.modal .o_form_editable input').val('ged').trigger('input'); // change the value nbRPCs = 0; $('.modal .modal-header .close').click(); // click on the cross to close the modal assert.ok(!$('.modal').length, 'the modal should be closed'); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group[data-id=5] .o_column_title').text(), 'xmo', 'title of the column should still be "xmo"'); assert.strictEqual(nbRPCs, 0, 'no RPC should have been done'); // edit the title of column [5, 'xmo'] and discard kanban.$('.o_kanban_group[data-id=5] .o_column_edit').click(); // click on 'Edit' $('.modal .o_form_editable input').val('ged').trigger('input'); // change the value nbRPCs = 0; $('.modal .modal-footer .btn-default').click(); // click on discard assert.ok(!$('.modal').length, 'the modal should be closed'); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group[data-id=5] .o_column_title').text(), 'xmo', 'title of the column should still be "xmo"'); assert.strictEqual(nbRPCs, 0, 'no RPC should have been done'); // edit the title of column [5, 'xmo'] and save kanban.$('.o_kanban_group[data-id=5] .o_column_edit').click(); // click on 'Edit' $('.modal .o_form_editable input').val('ged').trigger('input'); // change the value nbRPCs = 0; $('.modal .modal-footer .btn-primary').click(); // click on save assert.ok(!$('.modal').length, 'the modal should be closed'); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group[data-id=5] .o_column_title').text(), 'ged', 'title of the column should be "ged"'); assert.strictEqual(nbRPCs, 4, 'should have done 1 write, 1 read_group and 2 search_read'); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('if view was grouped at start, it stays grouped', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], }); kanban.update({groupBy: []}); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_view').hasClass('o_kanban_grouped')); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('if view was not grouped at start, it can be grouped and ungrouped', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', }); assert.notOk(kanban.$('.o_kanban_view').hasClass('o_kanban_grouped'), "should not be grouped"); kanban.update({groupBy: ['product_id']}); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_view').hasClass('o_kanban_grouped'), "should be grouped"); kanban.update({groupBy: []}); assert.notOk(kanban.$('.o_kanban_view').hasClass('o_kanban_grouped'), "should not be grouped"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('no content helper when no data', function (assert) { assert.expect(5); var records = this.data.partner.records; this.data.partner.records = []; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '
', viewOptions: { action: { help: '

click to add a partner

' } }, }); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_view').hasClass('o_kanban_nocontent'), "$el should have correct no content class"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.oe_view_nocontent').length, 1, "should display the no content helper"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.oe_view_nocontent p.hello:contains(add a partner)').length, 1, "should have rendered no content helper from action"); this.data.partner.records = records; kanban.reload(); assert.notOk(kanban.$el.hasClass('o_kanban_nocontent'), "$el should have removed no content class"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.oe_view_nocontent').length, 0, "should not display the no content helper"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('no nocontent helper for grouped kanban with empty groups', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (args.method === 'read_group') { // override read_group to return empty groups, as this is // the case for several models (e.g. project.task grouped // by stage_id) return this._super.apply(this, arguments).then(function (result) { _.each(result, function (group) { group[args.kwargs.groupby[0] + '_count'] = 0; }); return result; }); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, viewOptions: { action: { help: "No content helper", }, }, }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 2, "there should be two columns"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record').length, 0, "there should be no records"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('no nocontent helper for grouped kanban with no records', function (assert) { assert.expect(4); this.data.partner.records = []; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], viewOptions: { action: { help: "No content helper", }, }, }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 0, "there should be no columns"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record').length, 0, "there should be no records"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.oe_view_nocontent').length, 0, "there should be no nocontent helper"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create').length, 1, "there should be a column quick create"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('nocontent helper for grouped kanban with no records with no group_create', function (assert) { assert.expect(4); this.data.partner.records = []; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], viewOptions: { action: { help: "No content helper", }, }, }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 0, "there should be no columns"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record').length, 0, "there should be no records"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.oe_view_nocontent').length, 1, "there should be a nocontent helper"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create').length, 0, "there should not be a column quick create"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('buttons with modifiers', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); this.data.partner.records[1].bar = false; // so that test is more complete var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: "partner", data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$(".o_btn_test_1").length, 1, "kanban should have one buttons of type 1"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$(".o_btn_test_2").length, 3, "kanban should have three buttons of type 2"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('button executes action and reloads', function (assert) { assert.expect(6); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: "partner", data: this.data, arch: '' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
', mockRPC: function (route) { assert.step(route); return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); assert.ok(kanban.$('button[data-name="a1"]').length, "kanban should have at least one button a1"); var count = 0; testUtils.intercept(kanban, 'execute_action', function (event) { count++; event.data.on_closed(); }); $('button[data-name="a1"]').first().click(); assert.strictEqual(count, 1, "should have triggered a execute action"); $('button[data-name="a1"]').first().click(); assert.strictEqual(count, 1, "double-click on kanban actions should be debounced"); assert.verifySteps([ '/web/dataset/search_read', '/web/dataset/call_kw/partner/read' ], 'a read should be done after the call button to reload the record'); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('rendering date and datetime', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); this.data.partner.records[0].date = "2017-01-25"; this.data.partner.records[1].datetime= "2016-12-12 10:55:05"; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', }); // FIXME: this test is locale dependant. we need to do it right. assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('div.o_kanban_record:contains(Wed Jan 25)').length, 1, "should have formatted the date"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('div.o_kanban_record:contains(Mon Dec 12)').length, 1, "should have formatted the datetime"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('evaluate conditions on relational fields', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); this.data.partner.records[0].product_id = false; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', }); assert.strictEqual($('.o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)').length, 4, "there should be 4 records"); assert.strictEqual($('.o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost) .btn_a').length, 1, "only 1 of them should have the 'Action' button"); assert.strictEqual($('.o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost) .btn_b').length, 2, "only 2 of them should have the 'Action' button"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('resequence columns in grouped by m2o', function (assert) { assert.expect(7); var envIDs = [1, 3, 2, 4]; // the ids that should be in the environment during this test var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], mockRPC: function (route) { if (route === '/web/dataset/resequence') { return $.when(); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, intercepts: { env_updated: function (event) { assert.deepEqual(event.data.ids, envIDs, "should notify the environment with the correct ids"); }, }, }); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_view').hasClass('ui-sortable'), "columns should be sortable"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 2, "should have two columns"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first').data('id'), 3, "first column should be id 3 before resequencing"); // there is a 100ms delay on the d&d feature (jquery sortable) for // kanban columns, making it hard to test. So we rather bypass the d&d // for this test, and directly call the event handler envIDs = [2, 4, 1, 3]; // the columns will be inverted kanban._onResequenceColumn({data: {ids: [5, 3]}}); kanban.update({}, {reload: false}); // re-render without reloading assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first').data('id'), 5, "first column should be id 5 before resequencing"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('properly evaluate more complex domains', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
', }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('button.oe_kanban_action_button').length, 1, "only one button should be visible"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('edit the kanban color with the colorpicker', function (assert) { assert.expect(5); var writeOnColor; this.data.category.records[0].color = 12; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'category', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
', mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (args.method === 'write' && 'color' in args.args[1]) { writeOnColor = true; } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); var $firstRecord = kanban.$('.o_kanban_record:first()'); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record.oe_kanban_color_12').length, 0, "no record should have the color 12"); assert.strictEqual($firstRecord.find('.oe_kanban_colorpicker').length, 1, "there should be a color picker"); assert.strictEqual($firstRecord.find('.oe_kanban_colorpicker').children().length, 12, "the color picker should have 12 children (the colors)"); // Set a color $firstRecord.find('.oe_kanban_colorpicker a.oe_kanban_color_9').click(); assert.ok(writeOnColor, "should write on the color field"); $firstRecord = kanban.$('.o_kanban_record:first()'); // First record is reloaded here assert.ok($firstRecord.is('.oe_kanban_color_9'), "the first record should have the color 9"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('archive kanban column, when active field is not in the view', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); this.data.partner.fields.active = {string: 'Active', type: 'char', default: true}; var writeOnActive; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (args.method === 'write' && 'active' in args.args[1]) { writeOnActive = true; } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); var $first_column = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first()'); assert.strictEqual($first_column.find('.o_kanban_record').length, 2, "there should be 2 partners in first column"); $first_column.find('.o_column_archive').click(); assert.ok(writeOnActive, "should write on the active field"); assert.strictEqual($first_column.find('.o_kanban_record').length, 0, "there should not be partners anymore"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('load more records in column', function (assert) { assert.expect(12); var envIDs = [1, 2, 4]; // the ids that should be in the environment during this test var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['bar'], viewOptions: { limit: 2, }, mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (route === '/web/dataset/search_read') { assert.step([args.limit, args.offset]); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, intercepts:{ env_updated: function (event) { assert.deepEqual(event.data.ids, envIDs, "should notify the environment with the correct ids"); }, }, }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "there should be 2 records in the column"); // load more envIDs = [1, 2, 3, 4]; // id 3 will be loaded kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1)').find('.o_kanban_load_more').click(); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 3, "there should now be 3 records in the column"); assert.verifySteps([[2, undefined], [2, undefined], [2, 2]], "the records should be correctly fetched"); // reload envIDs = [1, 2, 4]; // first group is limited again to 2 records kanban.reload(); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "there should be 2 records in the column after reload"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('load more records in column with x2many', function (assert) { assert.expect(10); this.data.partner.records[0].category_ids = [7]; this.data.partner.records[1].category_ids = []; this.data.partner.records[2].category_ids = [6]; this.data.partner.records[3].category_ids = []; // record [2] will be loaded after var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['bar'], viewOptions: { limit: 2, }, mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (args.model === 'category' && args.method === 'read') { assert.step(args.args[0]); } if (route === '/web/dataset/search_read') { if (args.limit) { assert.strictEqual(args.limit, 2, "the limit should be correctly set"); } if (args.offset) { assert.strictEqual(args.offset, 2, "the offset should be correctly set at load more"); } } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "there should be 2 records in the column"); assert.verifySteps([[7]], "only the appearing category should be fetched"); // load more kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1)').find('.o_kanban_load_more').click(); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 3, "there should now be 3 records in the column"); assert.verifySteps([[7], [6]], "the other categories should not be fetched"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('update buttons after column creation', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); this.data.partner.records = []; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], }); assert.ok(kanban.$buttons.find('.o-kanban-button-new').hasClass('btn-default'), "Create button shouldn't be highlighted"); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create').click(); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create input').val('new column'); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create button.o_kanban_add').click(); assert.ok(kanban.$buttons.find('.o-kanban-button-new').hasClass('btn-primary'), "Create button should now be highlighted"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('group_by_tooltip option when grouping on a many2one', function (assert) { assert.expect(12); delete this.data.partner.records[3].product_id; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
', mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (route === '/web/dataset/call_kw/product/read') { assert.strictEqual(args.args[0].length, 2, "read on two groups"); assert.deepEqual(args.args[1], ['display_name', 'name'], "should read on specified fields on the group by relation"); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_view').hasClass('o_kanban_grouped'), "should have classname 'o_kanban_grouped'"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 2, "should have " + 2 + " columns"); // simulate an update coming from the searchview, with another groupby given kanban.update({groupBy: ['product_id']}); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 3, "should have " + 3 + " columns"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "column should contain 1 record(s)"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "column should contain 2 record(s)"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "column should contain 1 record(s)"); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first span.o_column_title:contains(Undefined)').length, "first column should have a default title for when no value is provided"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_header_title').data('original-title'), "

1 records

", "first column should have a tooltip with the number of records, but not" + "the group_by_tooltip title and the many2one field value since it has no value"); assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1) span.o_column_title:contains(hello)').length, "second column should have a title with a value from the many2one"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1) .o_kanban_header_title').data('original-title'), "

2 records

", "second column should have a tooltip with the number of records, the group_by_tooltip title and many2one field value"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('move a record then put it again in the same column', function (assert) { assert.expect(6); this.data.partner.records = []; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], }); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create').click(); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create input').val('column1'); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create button.o_kanban_add').click(); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create').click(); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create input').val('column2'); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create button.o_kanban_add').click(); kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1) .o_kanban_quick_add i').click(); var $quickCreate = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1) .o_kanban_quick_create'); $quickCreate.find('input').val('new partner'); $quickCreate.find('button.o_kanban_add').click(); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record').length, 0, "column should contain 0 record"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "column should contain 1 records"); var $record = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1) .o_kanban_record:eq(0)'); var $group = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0)'); testUtils.dragAndDrop($record, $group); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "column should contain 1 records"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 0, "column should contain 0 records"); $record = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record:eq(0)'); $group = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1)'); testUtils.dragAndDrop($record, $group); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record').length, 0, "column should contain 0 records"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(1) .o_kanban_record').length, 1, "column should contain 1 records"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('resequence a record twice', function (assert) { assert.expect(10); this.data.partner.records = []; var nbResequence = 0; var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], mockRPC: function (route) { if (route === '/web/dataset/resequence') { nbResequence++; return $.when(); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create').click(); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create input').val('column1'); kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create button.o_kanban_add').click(); kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_quick_add i').click(); var $quickCreate = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_quick_create'); $quickCreate.find('input').val('record1'); $quickCreate.find('button.o_kanban_add').click(); kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_quick_add i').click(); $quickCreate = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_quick_create'); $quickCreate.find('input').val('record2'); $quickCreate.find('button.o_kanban_add').click(); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "column should contain 2 records"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record:eq(0)').text(), "record2", "records should be correctly ordered"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record:eq(1)').text(), "record1", "records should be correctly ordered"); var $record1 = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record:eq(1)'); var $record2 = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record:eq(0)'); testUtils.dragAndDrop($record1, $record2, {position: 'top'}); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "column should contain 2 records"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record:eq(0)').text(), "record1", "records should be correctly ordered"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record:eq(1)').text(), "record2", "records should be correctly ordered"); testUtils.dragAndDrop($record2, $record1, {position: 'top'}); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record').length, 2, "column should contain 2 records"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record:eq(0)').text(), "record2", "records should be correctly ordered"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record:eq(1)').text(), "record1", "records should be correctly ordered"); assert.strictEqual(nbResequence, 2, "should have resequenced twice"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('don\'t fold column quick create after creation', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], }); // add a new column kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_quick_add').click(); var $quickCreate = kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create'); $quickCreate.find('input').val('new partner'); $quickCreate.find('button.o_kanban_add').click(); assert.strictEqual(this.data.partner.records.length, 5, "should have created a 'new partner' column"); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_add:visible').length, 1, "the add button should still be visible"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('basic support for widgets', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var MyWidget = Widget.extend({ init: function (parent, dataPoint) { this.data = dataPoint.data; }, start: function () { this.$el.text(JSON.stringify(this.data)); }, }); widgetRegistry.add('test', MyWidget); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
', }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_widget:eq(2)').text(), '{"foo":"gnap","id":3}', "widget should have been instantiated"); kanban.destroy(); delete widgetRegistry.map.test; }); QUnit.test('column progressbars properly work', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['bar'], }); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_counter').length, this.data.product.records.length, "kanban counters should have been created"); assert.strictEqual(parseInt(kanban.$('.o_kanban_counter_side').last().text()), 36, "counter should display the sum of int_field values"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('column progressbars: creating a new column should create a new progressbar', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['product_id'], }); var nbProgressBars = kanban.$('.o_kanban_counter').length; // Create a new column: this should create an empty progressbar var $columnQuickCreate = kanban.$('.o_column_quick_create'); $columnQuickCreate.click(); $columnQuickCreate.find('input').val('test'); $columnQuickCreate.find('.btn-primary').click(); assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_counter').length, nbProgressBars + 1, "a new column with a new column progressbar should have been created"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('column progressbars on quick create properly update counter', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['bar'], }); var initialCount = parseInt(kanban.$('.o_kanban_counter_side').eq(1).text()); kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_add').eq(1).click(); kanban.$('.o_input').val('Test'); kanban.$('.o_kanban_add').click(); var lastCount = parseInt(kanban.$('.o_kanban_counter_side').eq(1).text()); assert.strictEqual(lastCount, initialCount + 1, "kanban counters should have updated on quick create"); kanban.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('keep adding quickcreate in first column after a record from this column was moved', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); var kanban = createView({ View: KanbanView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', groupBy: ['int_field'], mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (route === '/web/dataset/resequence') { return $.when(true); } return this._super(route, args); }, }); var $quickCreateGroup; var $groups; _quickCreateAndTest(); testUtils.dragAndDrop($groups.first().find('.o_kanban_record:first'), $groups.eq(1)); _quickCreateAndTest(); kanban.destroy(); function _quickCreateAndTest() { kanban.$buttons.find('.o-kanban-button-new').click(); $quickCreateGroup = kanban.$('.o_kanban_quick_create').closest('.o_kanban_group'); $groups = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group'); assert.strictEqual($quickCreateGroup[0], $groups[0], "quick create should have been added in the first column"); } }); }); });