# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. { 'name': 'Restaurant', 'version': '1.0', 'category': 'Point of Sale', 'sequence': 6, 'summary': 'Restaurant extensions for the Point of Sale ', 'description': """ This module adds several restaurant features to the Point of Sale: - Bill Printing: Allows you to print a receipt before the order is paid - Bill Splitting: Allows you to split an order into different orders - Kitchen Order Printing: allows you to print orders updates to kitchen or bar printers """, 'depends': ['point_of_sale'], 'website': 'https://flectrahq.com/page/point-of-sale', 'data': [ 'security/ir.model.access.csv', 'views/pos_order_views.xml', 'views/pos_restaurant_views.xml', 'views/pos_config_views.xml', 'views/pos_restaurant_templates.xml', ], 'qweb': [ 'static/src/xml/multiprint.xml', 'static/src/xml/splitbill.xml', 'static/src/xml/printbill.xml', 'static/src/xml/notes.xml', 'static/src/xml/floors.xml', ], 'demo': [ 'data/pos_restaurant_demo.xml', ], 'installable': True, 'auto_install': False, }