# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. { 'name': 'EU Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS)', 'category': 'Localization', 'description': """ EU Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS) VAT for telecommunications, broadcasting and electronic services ============================================================================================= As of January 1rst, 2015, telecommunications, broadcasting and electronic services sold within the European Union have to be always taxed in the country where the customer belongs. In order to simplify the application of this EU directive, the Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS) registration scheme allows businesses to make a unique tax declaration. This module makes it possible by helping with the creation of the required EU fiscal positions and taxes in order to automatically apply and record the required taxes. This module installs a wizard to help setup fiscal positions and taxes for selling electronic services inside EU. The wizard lets you select: - the EU countries to which you are selling these services - your national VAT tax for services, to be mapped to the target country's tax - optionally: a template fiscal position, in order to copy the account mapping. Should be your existing B2C Intra-EU fiscal position. (defaults to no account mapping) - optionally: an account to use for collecting the tax amounts (defaults to the account used by your national VAT tax for services) It creates the corresponding fiscal positions and taxes, automatically applicable for EU sales with a customer in the selected countries. The wizard can be run again for adding more countries. The wizard creates a separate Chart of Taxes for collecting the VAT amounts of the MOSS declaration, so extracting the MOSS data should be easy. Look for a Chart of Taxes named "EU MOSS VAT Chart" in the Taxes Report menu (Generic Accounting Report). References ++++++++++ - Directive 2008/8/EC - Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1042/2013 """, 'depends': ['account'], 'data': [ 'security/ir.model.access.csv', 'wizard/wizard.xml', 'data/l10n_eu_service.service_tax_rate.csv', 'views/res_config_settings_views.xml' ], }