{ 'name': 'Base import', 'description': """ New extensible file import for Odoo ====================================== Re-implement Odoo's file import system: * Server side, the previous system forces most of the logic into the client which duplicates the effort (between clients), makes the import system much harder to use without a client (direct RPC or other forms of automation) and makes knowledge about the import/export system much harder to gather as it is spread over 3+ different projects. * In a more extensible manner, so users and partners can build their own front-end to import from other file formats (e.g. OpenDocument files) which may be simpler to handle in their work flow or from their data production sources. * In a module, so that administrators and users of Odoo who do not need or want an online import can avoid it being available to users. """, 'depends': ['web'], 'category': 'Extra Tools', 'installable': True, 'auto_install': True, 'data': [ 'security/ir.model.access.csv', 'views/base_import_templates.xml', ], 'qweb': ['static/src/xml/base_import.xml'], }