flectra.define('account.tour_bank_statement_reconciliation', function(require) { 'use strict'; var core = require('web.core'); var Tour = require('web.Tour'); var _t = core._t; Tour.register({ id: 'bank_statement_reconciliation', name: _t("Reconcile the demo bank statement"), path: '/web', mode: 'test', steps: [ // Go to the first statement reconciliation { title: "go to accounting", element: '.oe_menu_toggler:contains("Accounting"):visible', }, { title: "go to bank statements", element: '.oe_menu_leaf:contains("Bank Statement"):visible', }, { title: "select first bank statement", element: '.oe_list_content tbody tr:contains("BNK/2014/001")', }, { title: "click the reconcile button", element: '.oe_form_container header button:contains("Reconcile")', }, // Check mutual exclusion of move lines { title: "set second reconciliation in match mode", element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:nth-child(2) .initial_line' }, { title: "deselect SAJ/2014/002 from second reconciliation", element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:nth-child(2) .accounting_view .mv_line:contains("SAJ/2014/002")' }, { title: "check it appeared in first reconciliation's matches list and select SAJ/2014/002 in second reconciliation", waitNot: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:nth-child(2) .accounting_view .mv_line:contains("SAJ/2014/002")', waitFor: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child .mv_line:contains("SAJ/2014/002")', element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:nth-child(2) .mv_line:contains("SAJ/2014/002")' }, // Make a partial reconciliation { title: "select SAJ/2014/001", element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child .mv_line:contains("SAJ/2014/001")' }, { title: "click on the partial reconciliation button", element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child .mv_line:contains("SAJ/2014/001") .do_partial_reconcile_button' }, { title: "click on the OK button", element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child .button_ok.oe_highlight' }, // Test changing the partner { title: "change the partner (1)", waitNot: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:nth-child(4)', // wait for the reconciliation to be processed element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child .partner_name' }, { title: "change the partner (2)", element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child .change_partner_container input', sampleText: 'Vauxoo', }, { title: "change the partner (3)", element: '.ui-autocomplete .ui-menu-item:contains("Vauxoo")' }, { title: "check the reconciliation is reloaded and has no match", element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child.no_match', }, { title: "change the partner back (1)", element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child .partner_name' }, { title: "change the partner back (2)", element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child .change_partner_container input', sampleText: 'Best Designers', }, { title: "change the partner back (3)", element: '.ui-autocomplete .ui-menu-item:contains("Best Designers")' }, { title: "select SAJ/2014/002", element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child .mv_line:contains("SAJ/2014/002")' }, { title: "click on the OK button", element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child .button_ok.oe_highlight' }, // Create a new move line in first reconciliation and validate it { title: "check following reconciliation passes in mode create", waitNot: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:nth-child(3)', // wait for the reconciliation to be processed element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child[data-mode="create"]' }, { title: "click the Profit/Loss preset", element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child button:contains("Profit / Loss")' }, { title: "click on the OK button", element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child .button_ok.oe_highlight' }, // Leave an open balance { title: "select SAJ/2014/003", waitNot: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:nth-child(2)', // wait for the reconciliation to be processed element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child .mv_line:contains("SAJ/2014/003")' }, { title: "click on the Keep Open button", element: '.oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line:first-child .button_ok:not(.oe_highlight)' }, // Be done { title: "check 'finish screen' and close the statement", waitFor: '.done_message', element: '.button_close_statement' }, { title: "check the statement is closed", element: '.oe_form_container header .label:contains("Closed")' }, ] }); });