flectra.define('mail.chat_window_test', function (require) { "use strict"; var framework = require('web.framework'); var testUtils = require('web.test_utils'); var Widget = require('web.Widget'); var ChatWindow = require('mail.ExtendedChatWindow'); QUnit.module('mail', {}, function () { QUnit.module('chat_window'); QUnit.test('close chat window using ESCAPE key', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); function createParent(params) { var widget = new Widget(); testUtils.addMockEnvironment(widget, params); return widget; } var messages = [{ attachment_ids: [], author_id: ["1", "John Doe"], body: "A message", date: moment("2016-12-20 09:35:40"), displayed_author: "John Doe", id: 1, is_note: false, is_starred: false, model: 'partner', res_id: 2 }]; var parent = createParent({ data: {}, }); var chatWindow = new ChatWindow(parent, 1, "user", false, messages, {}); chatWindow.appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')); chatWindow.on('close_chat_session', null, function () { assert.ok(true, "chat window should trigger a close event"); }); chatWindow.thread.$el.trigger("click"); assert.strictEqual(document.activeElement, chatWindow.$input[0], "input should be focused"); var upKeyEvent = jQuery.Event( "keyup", {which: 27}); chatWindow.$('.o_composer_input').trigger(upKeyEvent); assert.strictEqual(chatWindow.folded, false, "Closed chat Window"); parent.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('chat window\'s input can still be focused when the UI is blocked', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); function createParent(params) { var widget = new Widget(); testUtils.addMockEnvironment(widget, params); return widget; } var parent = createParent({ data: {}, }); var $dom = $('#qunit-fixture'); var chatWindow = new ChatWindow(parent, 1, "user", false, [], {}); chatWindow.appendTo($dom); var $input = $('', {type: 'text'}).appendTo($dom); $input.focus().click(); assert.strictEqual(document.activeElement, $input[0], "fake input should be focused"); framework.blockUI(); chatWindow.$input.click(); // cannot force focus here otherwise the test // makes no sense, this test is just about // making sure that the code which forces the // focus on click is not removed assert.strictEqual(document.activeElement, chatWindow.$input[0], "chat window's input should now be focused"); framework.unblockUI(); parent.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('emoji popover should open correctly in chat windows', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); function createParent(params) { var widget = new Widget(); widget.on('get_emojis', widget, function (ev) { ev.data.callback([]); }); testUtils.addMockEnvironment(widget, params); return widget; } var parent = createParent({ data: {}, }); var $dom = $('#qunit-fixture'); var chatWindow = new ChatWindow(parent, 1, "user", false, [], {}); chatWindow.appendTo($dom); var $emojiButton = chatWindow.$('.o_composer_button_emoji'); $emojiButton.trigger('focusin').focus().click(); var $popover = chatWindow.$('.o_mail_emoji_container'); var done = assert.async(); // Async is needed as the popover focusout hiding is deferred setTimeout(function () { assert.ok($popover.is(':visible'), "emoji popover should have stayed opened"); parent.destroy(); done(); }, 0); }); }); });