Stock Moves stock.move stock.move.pivot stock.move stock.move.graph stock.move stock.move.tree stock.move stock.move.kanban stock.move
stock.move.tree stock.move stock.move.operations.form stock.move 1000
stock.move.operations.nosuggest.form stock.move 1000 primary stock.move.line.operations.tree stock.move.line 1000 stock.move.form stock.move
stock.move.form stock.move stock.move {'search_default_product_id': active_id, 'default_product_id': active_id} Moves stock.move Stock Moves stock.move ir.actions.act_window form {}

Click to create a stock movement.

This menu gives you the full traceability of inventory operations on a specific product. You can filter on the product to see all the past or future movements for the product.

tree form pivot graph kanban stock.move.tree2 stock.move stock.move.kanban2 stock.move
stock.move.tree3 stock.move stock.move.kanban stock.move
Incoming Products stock.move ir.actions.act_window form tree,kanban,form {'product_receive': True, 'search_default_future': True}

Click to register a product receipt.

Here you can receive individual products, no matter what purchase order or picking order they come from. You will find the list of all products you are waiting for. Once you receive an order, you can filter based on the name of the vendor or the purchase order reference. Then you can confirm all products received using the buttons on the right of each line.