Recruitment / Applicants Stages hr.recruitment.stage form [] {}

Click to add a new stage in the recruitment process.

Define here your stages of the recruitment process, for example: qualification call, first interview, second interview, refused, hired.

Applicants hr.applicant hr.applicant.view.tree.activity hr.applicant Jobs - Recruitment Form hr.applicant
Jobs - Recruitment hr.applicant Jobs - Recruitment Graph hr.applicant hr.applicant Hr Applicants Calendar hr.applicant Hr Applicants kanban hr.applicant
  • Degree:
  • Contact:
  • Departement:
Applications hr.applicant kanban,tree,form,graph,calendar,pivot {'search_default_job_id': [active_id], 'default_job_id': active_id}

Flectra helps you track applicants in the recruitment process and follow up all operations: meetings, interviews, etc.

Applicants and their attached CV are created automatically when an email is sent. If you install the document management modules, all resumes are indexed automatically, so that you can easily search through their content.

My Next Activities hr.applicant form tree,form,kanban,calendar {'search_default_activities_my': 1} [('activity_date_deadline', '!=', False)]

Currently there are not any activity scheduled.

Jobs Sources hr.recruitment.source tree [('job_id', '=', active_id)] {'default_job_id': active_id}

Create some aliases that will allow you to track where applicants come from.

These aliases can be emails or urls for every source. When the applicant arrives here through one of these you'll know where he came from.

Job hr.job Employees hr.employee kanban,tree,form {'search_default_job_id': active_id}

Click to add a new employee.

With just a quick glance on the Flectra employee screen, you can easily find all the information you need for each person; contact data, job position, availability, etc.

hr.job.simple.form hr.job 200
Create a Job Position hr.job form form new hr.job.form1 hr.job
Job Positions hr.job form tree,kanban,form {'search_default_in_recruitment': 1}

Click here to create a new job position.

Once a job position is created, you can track the applicants and manage the recruitment process related to the job position.

######################## JOB OPPORTUNITIES (menu) ########################### Applications hr.applicant kanban,tree,form,pivot,graph,calendar {}

Flectra helps you track applicants in the recruitment process and follow up all operations: meetings, interviews, etc.

Applicants and their attached CV are created automatically when an email is sent. If you install the document management modules, all resumes are indexed automatically, so that you can easily search through their content.

kanban tree form pivot graph ir.attachment primary 1 1 1 Resumes and Letters ir.attachment form kanban,tree,form [('res_model','=','hr.applicant')] {'create': False}

No document yet.

This menu helps you search through resumes and motivation letters. Flectra automatically indexes .PDF, .DOC, DOCX, .TXT files so that you can search keywords from the content of these files.

hr.recruitment.stage.tree hr.recruitment.stage hr.recruitment.stage.kanban hr.recruitment.stage
Folded in Recruitment Pipe:
hr.recruitment.stage.form hr.recruitment.stage
Stages hr.recruitment.stage form tree,kanban,form

Click to add a new stage in the recruitment process.

Don't forget to specify the department if your recruitment process is different according to the job position.

hr.applicant.category.form hr.applicant.category
Tags hr.applicant.category form

Click to add a new tag.
Degree form hr.recruitment.source.tree hr.recruitment.source