Interview Applicant: Refuse Your Job Application: ${ | safe} ${(not object.partner_id and object.email_from or '') | safe} ${ or ''} ${object.partner_id.lang or ''}
${} % if 'website_url' in object.job_id and object.job_id.website_url: Job Description % endif


Thank you for your interest in joining the ${} team. We wanted to let you know that, although your resume is competitive, our hiring team reviewed your application and did not select it for further consideration.

Please note that recruiting is hard, and we can do mistake. Do not hesitate to reply to this email if you think we did a mistake, or if you want more information about our decision.

We will, however, keep your resume on record and get in touch with you about future opportunities that may be a better fit for your skills and experience.

We wish you all the best in your job search and hope we will have the chance to consider you for another role in the future.


% if object.user_id: ${}
Email: ${ or ''}
Phone: ${ or ''} % else: ${}
The HR Team % endif

Sent by ${}
% if 'website_url' in object.job_id and object.job_id.website_url:
Discover our others jobs.
% endif
Applicant: Interest Your Application: ${ | safe} ${(not object.partner_id and object.email_from or '') | safe} ${ or ''} ${object.partner_id.lang or ''}
${} % if 'website_url' in object.job_id and object.job_id.website_url: Job Description % endif


Your resume has been positively reviewed.

We just reviewed your resume, and it caught our attention. As we think you might be great for the position, your application has been short listed for a call or an interview.

% if object.user_id:

You will soon be contacted by:

Avatar ${}
Email: ${ or ''}
Phone: ${ or ''}
% endif

See you soon,

Flectra HR Team

What is the next step?

We usually answer applications within 3 days. The next step is either a call or a meeting in our offices.

Feel free to contact us if you want a faster feedback or if you don't get news from us quickly enough (just reply to this email).

Want to learn about us?

  1. Founders' story
  2. The Flectra Culture
  3. About us

% set location = '' % if


% endif % if object.job_id.address_id.street:


% set location = object.job_id.address_id.street % endif % if object.job_id.address_id.street2:


% set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.job_id.address_id.street2) % endif

% if ${}, % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, % endif % if ${}, % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, % endif % if ${} % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, % endif

% if


% set location = '%s, %s' % (location, % endif
% if object.job_id.address_id: % endif
% if 'website_url' in object.job_id and object.job_id.website_url:
Discover all our jobs.
% endif
Applicant: Acknowledgment Job Application Confirmation: ${ | safe} ${(not object.partner_id and object.email_from or '') | safe} ${ or ''} ${object.partner_id.lang or ''}
${} % if 'website_url' in object.job_id and object.job_id.website_url: Job Description % endif


We confirm we successfully received your application to the job "${}" at ${}.

We will come back to you shortly.

% if object.user_id:

Your Contact:

Avatar ${}
Email: ${ or ''}
Phone: ${ or ''}
% endif

What is the next step?

We usually answer applications within 3 days.

Feel free to contact us if you want a faster feedback or if you don't get news from us quickly enough (just reply to this email).

Want to learn more?

  1. Founders' story
  2. The Flectra Culture
  3. About us

% set location = '' % if


% endif % if object.job_id.address_id.street:


% set location = object.job_id.address_id.street % endif % if object.job_id.address_id.street2:


% set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.job_id.address_id.street2) % endif

% if ${}, % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, % endif % if ${}, % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, % endif % if ${} % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, % endif

% if


% set location = '%s, %s' % (location, % endif
% if object.job_id.address_id: % endif
% if 'website_url' in object.job_id and object.job_id.website_url:
Discover all our jobs.
% endif
Applicant: Welcome new employee Welcome ${} Dear all,

I’m very pleased to announce that ${} will be joining us as a ${} %if object.department_id: in ${}. %endif .

Please welcome him/her and help him/her finding his/her marks.

Graduate 1 Bachelor Degree 2 Master Degree 3 Doctoral Degree 4 jobs New Applicant hr.applicant Applicant created Stage Changed hr.applicant Stage changed Applicant Hired hr.applicant Applicant hired Job Position created hr.job Applicant Stage Changed hr.job job_id Applicant Hired hr.job job_id Job Position Created hr.department department_id Reserve Manager IT Sales Job Campaign