# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import base64 import uuid from flectra import api, fields, models, tools, _ from flectra.modules.module import get_resource_path RATING_LIMIT_SATISFIED = 7 RATING_LIMIT_OK = 3 RATING_LIMIT_MIN = 1 class Rating(models.Model): _name = "rating.rating" _description = "Rating" _order = 'write_date desc' _rec_name = 'res_name' _sql_constraints = [ ('rating_range', 'check(rating >= 0 and rating <= 10)', 'Rating should be between 0 to 10'), ] @api.one @api.depends('res_model', 'res_id') def _compute_res_name(self): name = self.env[self.res_model].sudo().browse(self.res_id).name_get() self.res_name = name and name[0][1] or ('%s/%s') % (self.res_model, self.res_id) @api.model def new_access_token(self): return uuid.uuid4().hex res_name = fields.Char(string='Resource name', compute='_compute_res_name', store=True, help="The name of the rated resource.") res_model_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model', 'Related Document Model', index=True, ondelete='cascade', help='Model of the followed resource') res_model = fields.Char(string='Document Model', related='res_model_id.model', store=True, index=True, readonly=True) res_id = fields.Integer(string='Document', required=True, help="Identifier of the rated object", index=True) parent_res_name = fields.Char('Parent Document Name', compute='_compute_parent_res_name', store=True) parent_res_model_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model', 'Parent Related Document Model', index=True) parent_res_model = fields.Char('Parent Document Model', store=True, related='parent_res_model_id.model', index=True) parent_res_id = fields.Integer('Parent Document', index=True) rated_partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string="Rated person", help="Owner of the rated resource") partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Customer', help="Author of the rating") rating = fields.Float(string="Rating", group_operator="avg", default=0, help="Rating value: 0=Unhappy, 10=Happy") rating_image = fields.Binary('Image', compute='_compute_rating_image') rating_text = fields.Selection([ ('satisfied', 'Satisfied'), ('not_satisfied', 'Not satisfied'), ('highly_dissatisfied', 'Highly dissatisfied'), ('no_rating', 'No Rating yet')], string='Rating', store=True, compute='_compute_rating_text', readonly=True) feedback = fields.Text('Comment', help="Reason of the rating") message_id = fields.Many2one('mail.message', string="Linked message", help="Associated message when posting a review. Mainly used in website addons.", index=True) access_token = fields.Char('Security Token', default=new_access_token, help="Access token to set the rating of the value") consumed = fields.Boolean(string="Filled Rating", help="Enabled if the rating has been filled.") @api.depends('parent_res_model', 'parent_res_id') def _compute_parent_res_name(self): for rating in self: name = False if rating.parent_res_model and rating.parent_res_id: name = self.env[rating.parent_res_model].sudo().browse(rating.parent_res_id).name_get() name = name and name[0][1] or ('%s/%s') % (rating.parent_res_model, rating.parent_res_id) rating.parent_res_name = name @api.multi @api.depends('rating') def _compute_rating_image(self): for rating in self: try: image_path = get_resource_path('rating', 'static/src/img', 'rating_%s.png' % (int(rating.rating),)) rating.rating_image = base64.b64encode(open(image_path, 'rb').read()) except (IOError, OSError): rating.rating_image = False @api.depends('rating') def _compute_rating_text(self): for rating in self: if rating.rating >= RATING_LIMIT_SATISFIED: rating.rating_text = 'satisfied' elif rating.rating > RATING_LIMIT_OK: rating.rating_text = 'not_satisfied' elif rating.rating >= RATING_LIMIT_MIN: rating.rating_text = 'highly_dissatisfied' else: rating.rating_text = 'no_rating' @api.model def create(self, values): if values.get('res_model_id') and values.get('res_id'): values.update(self._find_parent_data(values)) return super(Rating, self).create(values) @api.multi def write(self, values): if values.get('res_model_id') and values.get('res_id'): values.update(self._find_parent_data(values)) return super(Rating, self).write(values) def _find_parent_data(self, values): """ Determine the parent res_model/res_id, based on the values to create or write """ current_model_name = self.env['ir.model'].sudo().browse(values['res_model_id']).model current_record = self.env[current_model_name].browse(values['res_id']) data = { 'parent_res_model_id': False, 'parent_res_id': False, } if hasattr(current_record, 'rating_get_parent_model_name'): parent_res_model = current_record.rating_get_parent_model_name(values) data['parent_res_model_id'] = self.env['ir.model']._get(parent_res_model).id data['parent_res_id'] = current_record.rating_get_parent_id() return data @api.multi def reset(self): for record in self: record.write({ 'rating': 0, 'access_token': record.new_access_token(), 'feedback': False, 'consumed': False, }) def action_open_rated_object(self): self.ensure_one() return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'res_model': self.res_model, 'res_id': self.res_id, 'views': [[False, 'form']] } class RatingMixin(models.AbstractModel): _name = 'rating.mixin' _description = "Rating Mixin" rating_ids = fields.One2many('rating.rating', 'res_id', string='Rating', domain=lambda self: [('res_model', '=', self._name)], auto_join=True) rating_last_value = fields.Float('Rating Last Value', compute='_compute_rating_last_value', compute_sudo=True, store=True) rating_last_feedback = fields.Text('Rating Last Feedback', related='rating_ids.feedback') rating_last_image = fields.Binary('Rating Last Image', related='rating_ids.rating_image') rating_count = fields.Integer('Rating count', compute="_compute_rating_count") @api.multi @api.depends('rating_ids.rating') def _compute_rating_last_value(self): for record in self: ratings = self.env['rating.rating'].search([('res_model', '=', self._name), ('res_id', '=', record.id)], limit=1) if ratings: record.rating_last_value = ratings.rating @api.multi def _compute_rating_count(self): read_group_res = self.env['rating.rating'].read_group( [('res_model', '=', self._name), ('res_id', 'in', self.ids), ('consumed', '=', True)], ['res_id'], groupby=['res_id']) result = dict.fromkeys(self.ids, 0) for data in read_group_res: result[data['res_id']] += data['res_id_count'] for record in self: record.rating_count = result.get(record.id) def write(self, values): """ If the rated ressource name is modified, we should update the rating res_name too. """ result = super(RatingMixin, self).write(values) if self._rec_name in values: self.rating_ids._compute_res_name() return result def unlink(self): """ When removing a record, its rating should be deleted too. """ record_ids = self.ids result = super(RatingMixin, self).unlink() self.env['rating.rating'].sudo().search([('res_model', '=', self._name), ('res_id', 'in', record_ids)]).unlink() return result def rating_get_parent_model_name(self, vals): """ Return the parent model name """ return None def rating_get_parent_id(self): """ Return the parent record id """ return None def rating_get_partner_id(self): if hasattr(self, 'partner_id') and self.partner_id: return self.partner_id return self.env['res.partner'] def rating_get_rated_partner_id(self): if hasattr(self, 'user_id') and self.user_id.partner_id: return self.user_id.partner_id return self.env['res.partner'] def rating_get_access_token(self, partner=None): if not partner: partner = self.rating_get_partner_id() rated_partner = self.rating_get_rated_partner_id() ratings = self.rating_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.partner_id.id == partner.id and not x.consumed) if not ratings: record_model_id = self.env['ir.model'].sudo().search([('model', '=', self._name)], limit=1).id rating = self.env['rating.rating'].create({ 'partner_id': partner.id, 'rated_partner_id': rated_partner.id, 'res_model_id': record_model_id, 'res_id': self.id }) else: rating = ratings[0] return rating.access_token @api.multi def rating_send_request(self, template, lang=False, force_send=True): """ This method send rating request by email, using a template given in parameter. """ lang = lang or 'en_US' for record in self: template.with_context(lang=lang).send_mail(record.id, force_send=force_send) @api.multi def rating_apply(self, rate, token=None, feedback=None, subtype=None): """ Apply a rating given a token. If the current model inherits from mail.thread mixing, a message is posted on its chatter. :param rate : the rating value to apply :type rate : float :param token : access token :param feedback : additional feedback :type feedback : string :param subtype : subtype for mail :type subtype : string :returns rating.rating record """ Rating, rating = self.env['rating.rating'], None if token: rating = self.env['rating.rating'].search([('access_token', '=', token)], limit=1) else: rating = Rating.search([('res_model', '=', self._name), ('res_id', '=', self.ids[0])], limit=1) if rating: rating.write({'rating': rate, 'feedback': feedback, 'consumed': True}) if hasattr(self, 'message_post'): feedback = tools.plaintext2html(feedback or '') self.message_post( body=":rating_%s%s" % (rate, rate, feedback), subtype=subtype or "mail.mt_comment", author_id=rating.partner_id and rating.partner_id.id or None # None will set the default author in mail_thread.py ) if hasattr(self, 'stage_id') and self.stage_id and hasattr(self.stage_id, 'auto_validation_kanban_state') and self.stage_id.auto_validation_kanban_state: if rating.rating > 5: self.write({'kanban_state': 'done'}) if rating.rating < 5: self.write({'kanban_state': 'blocked'}) return rating @api.multi def rating_get_repartition(self, add_stats=False, domain=None): """ get the repatition of rating grade for the given res_ids. :param add_stats : flag to add stat to the result :type add_stats : boolean :param domain : optional extra domain of the rating to include/exclude in repartition :return dictionnary if not add_stats, the dict is like - key is the rating value (integer) - value is the number of object (res_model, res_id) having the value otherwise, key is the value of the information (string) : either stat name (avg, total, ...) or 'repartition' containing the same dict if add_stats was False. """ base_domain = [('res_model', '=', self._name), ('res_id', 'in', self.ids), ('rating', '>=', 1), ('consumed', '=', True)] if domain: base_domain += domain data = self.env['rating.rating'].read_group(base_domain, ['rating'], ['rating', 'res_id']) # init dict with all posible rate value, except 0 (no value for the rating) values = dict.fromkeys(range(1, 11), 0) values.update((d['rating'], d['rating_count']) for d in data) # add other stats if add_stats: rating_number = sum(values.values()) result = { 'repartition': values, 'avg': sum(float(key * values[key]) for key in values) / rating_number if rating_number > 0 else 0, 'total': sum(it['rating_count'] for it in data), } return result return values @api.multi def rating_get_grades(self, domain=None): """ get the repatition of rating grade for the given res_ids. :param domain : optional domain of the rating to include/exclude in grades computation :return dictionnary where the key is the grade (great, okay, bad), and the value, the number of object (res_model, res_id) having the grade the grade are compute as 0-30% : Bad 31-69%: Okay 70-100%: Great """ data = self.rating_get_repartition(domain=domain) res = dict.fromkeys(['great', 'okay', 'bad'], 0) for key in data: if key >= RATING_LIMIT_SATISFIED: res['great'] += data[key] elif key > RATING_LIMIT_OK: res['okay'] += data[key] else: res['bad'] += data[key] return res @api.multi def rating_get_stats(self, domain=None): """ get the statistics of the rating repatition :param domain : optional domain of the rating to include/exclude in statistic computation :return dictionnary where - key is the the name of the information (stat name) - value is statistic value : 'percent' contains the repartition in percentage, 'avg' is the average rate and 'total' is the number of rating """ data = self.rating_get_repartition(domain=domain, add_stats=True) result = { 'avg': data['avg'], 'total': data['total'], 'percent': dict.fromkeys(range(1, 11), 0), } for rate in data['repartition']: result['percent'][rate] = (data['repartition'][rate] * 100) / data['total'] if data['total'] > 0 else 0 return result