# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from flectra import api, models from flectra.addons.calendar.models.calendar import get_real_ids from flectra.tools import pycompat class Message(models.Model): _inherit = "mail.message" @api.model def search(self, args, offset=0, limit=0, order=None, count=False): """ Convert the search on real ids in the case it was asked on virtual ids, then call super() """ args = list(args) for index in range(len(args)): if args[index][0] == "res_id": if isinstance(args[index][2], pycompat.string_types): args[index] = (args[index][0], args[index][1], get_real_ids(args[index][2])) elif isinstance(args[index][2], list): args[index] = (args[index][0], args[index][1], [get_real_ids(x) for x in args[index][2]]) return super(Message, self).search(args, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order, count=count) @api.model def _find_allowed_model_wise(self, doc_model, doc_dict): if doc_model == 'calendar.event': order = self._context.get('order', self.env[doc_model]._order) for virtual_id in self.env[doc_model].browse(doc_dict).get_recurrent_ids([], order=order): doc_dict.setdefault(virtual_id, doc_dict[get_real_ids(virtual_id)]) return super(Message, self)._find_allowed_model_wise(doc_model, doc_dict)