# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import logging import threading from flectra.tools.misc import split_every from flectra import _, api, fields, models, registry, SUPERUSER_ID from flectra.osv import expression _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Partner(models.Model): """ Update partner to add a field about notification preferences. Add a generic opt-out field that can be used to restrict usage of automatic email templates. """ _name = "res.partner" _inherit = ['res.partner', 'mail.thread', 'mail.activity.mixin'] _mail_flat_thread = False message_bounce = fields.Integer('Bounce', help="Counter of the number of bounced emails for this contact", default=0) opt_out = fields.Boolean( 'Opt-Out', help="If opt-out is checked, this contact has refused to receive emails for mass mailing and marketing campaign. " "Filter 'Available for Mass Mailing' allows users to filter the partners when performing mass mailing.") channel_ids = fields.Many2many('mail.channel', 'mail_channel_partner', 'partner_id', 'channel_id', string='Channels', copy=False) @api.multi def message_get_suggested_recipients(self): recipients = super(Partner, self).message_get_suggested_recipients() for partner in self: partner._message_add_suggested_recipient(recipients, partner=partner, reason=_('Partner Profile')) return recipients @api.multi def message_get_default_recipients(self): return dict((res_id, {'partner_ids': [res_id], 'email_to': False, 'email_cc': False}) for res_id in self.ids) @api.model def _notify_prepare_template_context(self, message): # compute signature signature = "" if message.author_id and message.author_id.user_ids and message.author_id.user_ids[0].signature: signature = message.author_id.user_ids[0].signature elif message.author_id: signature = "


" % message.author_id.name # compute Sent by if message.author_id and message.author_id.user_ids: user = message.author_id.user_ids[0] else: user = self.env.user if user.company_id.website: website_url = 'http://%s' % user.company_id.website if not user.company_id.website.lower().startswith(('http:', 'https:')) else user.company_id.website else: website_url = False model_name = False if message.model: model_name = self.env['ir.model']._get(message.model).display_name record_name = message.record_name tracking = [] for tracking_value in self.env['mail.tracking.value'].sudo().search([('mail_message_id', '=', message.id)]): tracking.append((tracking_value.field_desc, tracking_value.get_old_display_value()[0], tracking_value.get_new_display_value()[0])) is_discussion = message.subtype_id.id == self.env['ir.model.data'].xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_comment') record = False if message.res_id and message.model in self.env: record = self.env[message.model].browse(message.res_id) company = user.company_id; if record and hasattr(record, 'company_id'): company = record.company_id; company_name = company.name; return { 'signature': signature, 'website_url': website_url, 'company': company, 'company_name': company_name, 'model_name': model_name, 'record': record, 'record_name': record_name, 'tracking': tracking, 'is_discussion': is_discussion, 'subtype': message.subtype_id, } @api.model def _notify_prepare_email_values(self, message): # compute email references references = message.parent_id.message_id if message.parent_id else False # custom values custom_values = dict() if message.res_id and message.model in self.env and hasattr(self.env[message.model], 'message_get_email_values'): custom_values = self.env[message.model].browse(message.res_id).message_get_email_values(message) mail_values = { 'mail_message_id': message.id, 'mail_server_id': message.mail_server_id.id, 'auto_delete': self._context.get('mail_auto_delete', True), 'keep_days': self._context.get('mail_keep_days', -1), 'references': references, } mail_values.update(custom_values) return mail_values @api.model def _notify_send(self, body, subject, recipients, **mail_values): emails = self.env['mail.mail'] recipients_nbr = len(recipients) for email_chunk in split_every(50, recipients.ids): # TDE FIXME: missing message parameter. So we will find mail_message_id # in the mail_values and browse it. It should already be in the # cache so should not impact performances. mail_message_id = mail_values.get('mail_message_id') message = self.env['mail.message'].browse(mail_message_id) if mail_message_id else None if message and message.model and message.res_id and message.model in self.env and hasattr(self.env[message.model], 'message_get_recipient_values'): tig = self.env[message.model].browse(message.res_id) recipient_values = tig.message_get_recipient_values(notif_message=message, recipient_ids=email_chunk) else: recipient_values = self.env['mail.thread'].message_get_recipient_values(notif_message=None, recipient_ids=email_chunk) create_values = { 'body_html': body, 'subject': subject, } create_values.update(mail_values) create_values.update(recipient_values) emails |= self.env['mail.mail'].create(create_values) return emails, recipients_nbr @api.model def _notify_udpate_notifications(self, emails): for email in emails: notifications = self.env['mail.notification'].sudo().search([ ('mail_message_id', '=', email.mail_message_id.id), ('res_partner_id', 'in', email.recipient_ids.ids)]) notifications.write({ 'is_email': True, 'is_read': True, # handle by email discards Inbox notification 'email_status': 'ready', }) @api.multi def _notify(self, message, force_send=False, send_after_commit=True, user_signature=True): """ Method to send email linked to notified messages. The recipients are the recordset on which this method is called. :param boolean force_send: send notification emails now instead of letting the scheduler handle the email queue :param boolean send_after_commit: send notification emails after the transaction end instead of durign the transaction; this option is used only if force_send is True :param user_signature: add current user signature to notification emails """ if not self.ids: return True # existing custom notification email base_template = None if message.model and self._context.get('custom_layout', False): base_template = self.env.ref(self._context['custom_layout'], raise_if_not_found=False) if not base_template: base_template = self.env.ref('mail.mail_template_data_notification_email_default') base_template_ctx = self._notify_prepare_template_context(message) if not user_signature: base_template_ctx['signature'] = False base_mail_values = self._notify_prepare_email_values(message) # classify recipients: actions / no action if message.model and message.res_id and hasattr(self.env[message.model], '_message_notification_recipients'): recipients = self.env[message.model].browse(message.res_id)._message_notification_recipients(message, self) else: recipients = self.env['mail.thread']._message_notification_recipients(message, self) emails = self.env['mail.mail'] recipients_nbr, recipients_max = 0, 50 for email_type, recipient_template_values in recipients.items(): if recipient_template_values['followers']: # generate notification email content template_fol_values = dict(base_template_ctx, **recipient_template_values) # fixme: set button_unfollow to none template_fol_values['has_button_follow'] = False template_fol = base_template.with_context(**template_fol_values) # generate templates for followers and not followers fol_values = template_fol.generate_email(message.id, fields=['body_html', 'subject']) # send email new_emails, new_recipients_nbr = self._notify_send(fol_values['body'], fol_values['subject'], recipient_template_values['followers'], **base_mail_values) # update notifications self._notify_udpate_notifications(new_emails) emails |= new_emails recipients_nbr += new_recipients_nbr if recipient_template_values['not_followers']: # generate notification email content template_not_values = dict(base_template_ctx, **recipient_template_values) # fixme: set button_follow to none template_not_values['has_button_unfollow'] = False template_not = base_template.with_context(**template_not_values) # generate templates for followers and not followers not_values = template_not.generate_email(message.id, fields=['body_html', 'subject']) # send email new_emails, new_recipients_nbr = self._notify_send(not_values['body'], not_values['subject'], recipient_template_values['not_followers'], **base_mail_values) # update notifications self._notify_udpate_notifications(new_emails) emails |= new_emails recipients_nbr += new_recipients_nbr # NOTE: # 1. for more than 50 followers, use the queue system # 2. do not send emails immediately if the registry is not loaded, # to prevent sending email during a simple update of the database # using the command-line. test_mode = getattr(threading.currentThread(), 'testing', False) if force_send and recipients_nbr < recipients_max and \ (not self.pool._init or test_mode): email_ids = emails.ids dbname = self.env.cr.dbname _context = self._context def send_notifications(): db_registry = registry(dbname) with api.Environment.manage(), db_registry.cursor() as cr: env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, _context) env['mail.mail'].browse(email_ids).send() # unless asked specifically, send emails after the transaction to # avoid side effects due to emails being sent while the transaction fails if not test_mode and send_after_commit: self._cr.after('commit', send_notifications) else: emails.send() return True @api.multi def _notify_by_chat(self, message): """ Broadcast the message to all the partner since """ message_values = message.message_format()[0] notifications = [] for partner in self: notifications.append([(self._cr.dbname, 'ir.needaction', partner.id), dict(message_values)]) self.env['bus.bus'].sendmany(notifications) @api.model def get_needaction_count(self): """ compute the number of needaction of the current user """ if self.env.user.partner_id: self.env.cr.execute(""" SELECT count(*) as needaction_count FROM mail_message_res_partner_needaction_rel R WHERE R.res_partner_id = %s AND (R.is_read = false OR R.is_read IS NULL)""", (self.env.user.partner_id.id,)) return self.env.cr.dictfetchall()[0].get('needaction_count') _logger.error('Call to needaction_count without partner_id') return 0 @api.model def get_starred_count(self): """ compute the number of starred of the current user """ if self.env.user.partner_id: self.env.cr.execute(""" SELECT count(*) as starred_count FROM mail_message_res_partner_starred_rel R WHERE R.res_partner_id = %s """, (self.env.user.partner_id.id,)) return self.env.cr.dictfetchall()[0].get('starred_count') _logger.error('Call to starred_count without partner_id') return 0 @api.model def get_static_mention_suggestions(self): """ To be overwritten to return the id, name and email of partners used as static mention suggestions loaded once at webclient initialization and stored client side. """ return [] @api.model def get_mention_suggestions(self, search, limit=8): """ Return 'limit'-first partners' id, name and email such that the name or email matches a 'search' string. Prioritize users, and then extend the research to all partners. """ search_dom = expression.OR([[('name', 'ilike', search)], [('email', 'ilike', search)]]) fields = ['id', 'name', 'email'] # Search users domain = expression.AND([[('user_ids.id', '!=', False)], search_dom]) users = self.search_read(domain, fields, limit=limit) # Search partners if less than 'limit' users found partners = [] if len(users) < limit: partners = self.search_read(search_dom, fields, limit=limit) # Remove duplicates partners = [p for p in partners if not len([u for u in users if u['id'] == p['id']])] return [users, partners]