accounting.assert.test.tree accounting.assert.test accounting.assert.test.form accounting.assert.test
Code should always set a variable named `result` with the result of your test, that can be a list or
a dictionary. If `result` is an empty list, it means that the test was succesful. Otherwise it will
try to translate and print what is inside `result`.

If the result of your test is a dictionary, you can set a variable named `column_order` to choose in
what order you want to print `result`'s content.

Should you need them, you can also use the following variables into your code:
    * cr: cursor to the database
    * uid: ID of the current user

In any ways, the code must be legal python statements with correct indentation (if needed).

    sql = '''SELECT id, name, ref, date
             FROM account_move_line 
             WHERE account_id IN (SELECT id FROM account_account WHERE type = 'view')
    result = cr.dictfetchall()
Accounting Tests accounting.assert.test tree,form

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