Recruitment Form <p>This form is intended to help the responsible of a recruitment interview.</p> <p></p> Basic information 1 <p></p> 1 From which university will you graduate? textbox 2 What is your gender? simple_choice dropdown 1 Male 2 Female 3 What age group do you belong to? simple_choice columns 4 1 0-15 2 16-20 3 21-30 4 31-40 5 41-50 6 51-60 7 61-70 8 71+ Education and Activities 2 <p></p> 1 Knowledge free_text 2 Education free_text 3 Experience free_text 4 Activities free_text Importance 3 <p></p> 1 Rate the Importance matrix simple 1 Not important 2 Somewhat important 3 Important 4 Very important 5 Most important 1 Good pay 2 Getting on with colleagues 3 Office environment 4 Desk space 5 State of the art technology 6 Office location 7 Good management 8 Freebies such as tea, coffee and stationery 9 Perks such as free parking, gym passes 10 No out of hours working 11 Dress code 12 Regular meetings 13 Good social life