Mail: Email Queue Manager code model.process_email_queue() 1 hours -1 Publisher: Update Notification code model.update_notification(None) 1 weeks -1 1000 inbox mail.catchall.alias catchall mail.bounce.alias bounce Discussions Note Activities Notification Email ${object.subject or (object.record_name and 'Re: %s' % object.record_name) or (object.parent_id and object.parent_id.subject and 'Re: %s' % object.parent_id.subject) or (object.parent_id and object.parent_id.record_name and 'Re: %s' % object.parent_id.record_name)} % if ctx.get('has_button_access'):
% endif % if not ctx['is_discussion'] or not len(ctx['actions']) == 0 or ctx.get('has_button_access'):
% if ctx.get('has_button_access'): ${ctx['button_access']['title']} % endif % if ctx.get('has_button_follow'): % if ctx.get('has_button_access'): | % endif ${ctx['button_follow']['title']} % elif ctx.get('has_button_unfollow'): % if ctx.get('has_button_access'): | % endif ${ctx['button_unfollow']['title']} % endif % if ctx.get('actions'): % for action in ctx['actions']: | ${action['title']} % endfor % endif ${}

% if ctx.get('subtype') and ctx.get('subtype').internal:

Internal communication: Replying will post an internal note. Followers won't receive any email notification.

% endif
% endif
${object.body | safe}
% if ctx.get('tracking'):
    % for tracking in ctx['tracking']
  • ${tracking[0]} : ${tracking[1]} -> ${tracking[2]}
  • % endfor
% endif % if ctx.get('signature'): ${ctx['signature'] | safe} % endif