(function (window) { StateMachine = { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION: "2.1.0", //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Result: { SUCCEEDED: 1, // the event transitioned successfully from one state to another NOTRANSITION: 2, // the event was successfull but no state transition was necessary CANCELLED: 3, // the event was cancelled by the caller in a beforeEvent callback ASYNC: 4, // the event is asynchronous and the caller is in control of when the transition occurs }, Error: { INVALID_TRANSITION: 100, // caller tried to fire an event that was innapropriate in the current state PENDING_TRANSITION: 200, // caller tried to fire an event while an async transition was still pending INVALID_CALLBACK: 300, // caller provided callback function threw an exception }, WILDCARD: '*', ASYNC: 'async', //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- create: function(cfg, target) { var initial = (typeof cfg.initial == 'string') ? { state: cfg.initial } : cfg.initial; // allow for a simple string, or an object with { state: 'foo', event: 'setup', defer: true|false } var fsm = target || cfg.target || {}; var events = cfg.events || []; var callbacks = cfg.callbacks || {}; var map = {}; var add = function(e) { var from = (e.from instanceof Array) ? e.from : (e.from ? [e.from] : [StateMachine.WILDCARD]); // allow 'wildcard' transition if 'from' is not specified map[e.name] = map[e.name] || {}; for (var n = 0 ; n < from.length ; n++) map[e.name][from[n]] = e.to || from[n]; // allow no-op transition if 'to' is not specified }; if (initial) { initial.event = initial.event || 'startup'; add({ name: initial.event, from: 'none', to: initial.state }); } for(var n = 0 ; n < events.length ; n++) add(events[n]); for(var name in map) { if (map.hasOwnProperty(name)) fsm[name] = StateMachine.buildEvent(name, map[name]); } for(var name in callbacks) { if (callbacks.hasOwnProperty(name)) fsm[name] = callbacks[name] } fsm.current = 'none'; fsm.is = function(state) { return this.current == state; }; fsm.can = function(event) { return !this.transition && (map[event].hasOwnProperty(this.current) || map[event].hasOwnProperty(StateMachine.WILDCARD)); } fsm.cannot = function(event) { return !this.can(event); }; fsm.error = cfg.error || function(name, from, to, args, error, msg) { throw msg; }; // default behavior when something unexpected happens is to throw an exception, but caller can override this behavior if desired (see github issue #3) if (initial && !initial.defer) fsm[initial.event](); return fsm; }, //=========================================================================== doCallback: function(fsm, func, name, from, to, args) { if (func) { try { return func.apply(fsm, [name, from, to].concat(args)); } catch(e) { return fsm.error(name, from, to, args, StateMachine.Error.INVALID_CALLBACK, "an exception occurred in a caller-provided callback function"); } } }, beforeEvent: function(fsm, name, from, to, args) { return StateMachine.doCallback(fsm, fsm['onbefore' + name], name, from, to, args); }, afterEvent: function(fsm, name, from, to, args) { return StateMachine.doCallback(fsm, fsm['onafter' + name] || fsm['on' + name], name, from, to, args); }, leaveState: function(fsm, name, from, to, args) { return StateMachine.doCallback(fsm, fsm['onleave' + from], name, from, to, args); }, enterState: function(fsm, name, from, to, args) { return StateMachine.doCallback(fsm, fsm['onenter' + to] || fsm['on' + to], name, from, to, args); }, changeState: function(fsm, name, from, to, args) { return StateMachine.doCallback(fsm, fsm['onchangestate'], name, from, to, args); }, buildEvent: function(name, map) { return function() { var from = this.current; var to = map[from] || map[StateMachine.WILDCARD] || from; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); // turn arguments into pure array if (this.transition) return this.error(name, from, to, args, StateMachine.Error.PENDING_TRANSITION, "event " + name + " inappropriate because previous transition did not complete"); if (this.cannot(name)) return this.error(name, from, to, args, StateMachine.Error.INVALID_TRANSITION, "event " + name + " inappropriate in current state " + this.current); if (false === StateMachine.beforeEvent(this, name, from, to, args)) return StateMachine.CANCELLED; if (from === to) { StateMachine.afterEvent(this, name, from, to, args); return StateMachine.NOTRANSITION; } // prepare a transition method for use EITHER lower down, or by caller if they want an async transition (indicated by an ASYNC return value from leaveState) var fsm = this; this.transition = function() { fsm.transition = null; // this method should only ever be called once fsm.current = to; StateMachine.enterState( fsm, name, from, to, args); StateMachine.changeState(fsm, name, from, to, args); StateMachine.afterEvent( fsm, name, from, to, args); }; var leave = StateMachine.leaveState(this, name, from, to, args); if (false === leave) { this.transition = null; return StateMachine.CANCELLED; } else if ("async" === leave) { return StateMachine.ASYNC; } else { if (this.transition) this.transition(); // in case user manually called transition() but forgot to return ASYNC return StateMachine.SUCCEEDED; } }; } }; // StateMachine //=========================================================================== if ("function" === typeof define) { define("statemachine", [], function() { return StateMachine; }); } else { window.StateMachine = StateMachine; } }(this));