flectra.define('web_editor.widget', function (require) { 'use strict'; var core = require('web.core'); var Dialog = require('web.Dialog'); var Widget = require('web.Widget'); var utils = require('web.utils'); var weContext = require("web_editor.context"); var QWeb = core.qweb; var range = $.summernote.core.range; var dom = $.summernote.core.dom; var _t = core._t; /** * Extend Dialog class to handle save/cancel of edition components. */ Dialog = Dialog.extend({ init: function (parent, options) { options = options || {}; this._super(parent, _.extend({}, { buttons: [ {text: options.save_text || _t("Save"), classes: "btn-primary o_save_button", click: this.save}, {text: _t("Discard"), close: true} ] }, options)); this.destroyAction = "cancel"; var self = this; this.opened().then(function () { self.$('input:first').focus(); }); this.on("closed", this, function () { this.trigger(this.destroyAction, this.final_data || null); }); }, save: function () { this.destroyAction = "save"; this.close(); }, }); /** * alt widget. Lets users change a alt & title on a media */ var alt = Dialog.extend({ template: 'web_editor.dialog.alt', xmlDependencies: Dialog.prototype.xmlDependencies.concat( ['/web_editor/static/src/xml/editor.xml'] ), init: function (parent, options, $editable, media) { this._super(parent, _.extend({}, { title: _t("Change media description and tooltip") }, options)); this.$editable = $editable; this.media = media; this.alt = ($(this.media).attr('alt') || "").replace(/"/g, '"'); this.title = ($(this.media).attr('title') || "").replace(/"/g, '"'); }, save: function () { range.createFromNode(this.media).select(); this.$editable.data('NoteHistory').recordUndo(); var alt = this.$('#alt').val(); var title = this.$('#title').val(); $(this.media).attr('alt', alt ? alt.replace(/"/g, """) : null).attr('title', title ? title.replace(/"/g, """) : null); _.defer((function () { click_event(this.media, "mouseup"); }).bind(this)); return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); function click_event(el, type) { var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); evt.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, el); el.dispatchEvent(evt); } /** * ImageDialog widget. Let users change an image, including uploading a * new image in flectra or selecting the image style (if supported by * the caller). */ var ImageDialog = Widget.extend({ template: 'web_editor.dialog.image', xmlDependencies: ['/web_editor/static/src/xml/editor.xml'], IMAGES_PER_ROW: 6, IMAGES_ROWS: 2, events: _.extend({}, Dialog.prototype.events, { 'change .url-source': function (e) { this.changed($(e.target)); }, 'click button.filepicker': function () { var filepicker = this.$('input[type=file]'); if (!_.isEmpty(filepicker)) { filepicker[0].click(); } }, 'click .js_disable_optimization': function () { this.$('input[name="disable_optimization"]').val('1'); var filepicker = this.$('button.filepicker'); if (!_.isEmpty(filepicker)) { filepicker[0].click(); } }, 'change input[type=file]': 'file_selection', 'submit form': 'form_submit', 'change input.url': "change_input", 'keyup input.url': "change_input", 'click .existing-attachments [data-src]': 'select_existing', 'dblclick .existing-attachments [data-src]': function (e) { this.select_existing(e, true); this.getParent().save(); }, 'click .o_existing_attachment_remove': 'try_remove', 'keydown.dismiss.bs.modal': function () {}, }), init: function (parent, media, options) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.options = options || {}; this.accept = this.options.accept || this.options.document ? "*/*" : "image/*"; if (options.domain) { this.domain = typeof options.domain === 'function' ? options.domain() : options.domain; } else if (options.res_id) { this.domain = ['|', '&', ['res_model', '=', options.res_model], ['res_id', '=', options.res_id], ['res_model', '=', 'ir.ui.view']]; } else { this.domain = [['res_model', '=', 'ir.ui.view']]; } this.parent = parent; this.old_media = media; this.media = media; this.images = []; this.page = 0; }, start: function () { this.$preview = this.$('.preview-container').detach(); var self = this; var res = this._super.apply(this, arguments); var o = {url: null, alt: null}; if ($(this.media).is("img")) { o.url = this.media.getAttribute('src'); } else if ($(this.media).is("a.o_image")) { o.url = this.media.getAttribute('href').replace(/[?].*/, ''); o.id = +o.url.match(/\/web\/content\/([0-9]*)/, '')[1]; } this.parent.$(".pager > li").click(function (e) { if (!self.$el.is(':visible')) { return; } e.preventDefault(); var $target = $(e.currentTarget); if ($target.hasClass('disabled')) { return; } self.page += $target.hasClass('previous') ? -1 : 1; self.display_attachments(); }); this.fetch_existing().then(function () { if (o.url) { self.set_image(_.find(self.records, function (record) { return record.url === o.url;}) || o); } }); return res; }, push: function (attachment, force_select) { if (this.options.select_images) { var img = _.select(this.images, function (v) { return v.id === attachment.id; }); if (img.length) { if (!force_select) { this.images.splice(this.images.indexOf(img[0]),1); } } else { this.images.push(attachment); } } else { this.images = [attachment]; } }, save: function () { var self = this; if (this.options.select_images) { return this.images; } var img = this.images[0]; if (!img) { return this.media; } var def = $.when(); if (!img.access_token) { def = this._rpc({ model: 'ir.attachment', method: 'generate_access_token', args: [[img.id]] }).then(function (access_token) { img.access_token = access_token[0]; }); } return def.then(function () { var media; if (!img.is_document) { if (img.access_token && self.options.res_model !== 'ir.ui.view') { img.src += _.str.sprintf('?access_token=%s', img.access_token); } if (self.media.tagName !== "IMG" || !self.old_media) { self.add_class = "pull-left"; self.style = {"width": "100%"}; } if (self.media.tagName !== "IMG") { media = document.createElement('img'); $(self.media).replaceWith(media); self.media = media; } self.media.setAttribute('src', img.src); } else { if (self.media.tagName !== "A") { $('.note-control-selection').hide(); media = document.createElement('a'); $(self.media).replaceWith(media); self.media = media; } var href = '/web/content/' + img.id + '?'; if (img.access_token && self.options.res_model !== 'ir.ui.view') { href += _.str.sprintf('access_token=%s&', img.access_token); } href += 'unique=' + img.checksum + '&download=true'; self.media.setAttribute('href', href); $(self.media).addClass('o_image').attr('title', img.name).attr('data-mimetype', img.mimetype); } $(self.media).attr('alt', img.alt); var style = self.style; if (style) { $(self.media).css(style); } if (self.options.onUpload) { // We consider that when selecting an image it is as if we upload it in the html content. self.options.onUpload([img]); } return self.media; }); }, clear: function () { this.media.className = this.media.className.replace(/(^|\s+)((img(\s|$)|img-(?!circle|rounded|thumbnail))[^\s]*)/g, ' '); }, change_input: function (e) { var $input = $(e.target); var $button = $input.parent().find("button"); var emptyValue = ($input.val() === ""); $button.toggleClass("btn-default", emptyValue).toggleClass("btn-primary", !emptyValue); }, search: function (needle) { var self = this; this.fetch_existing(needle).then(function () { self.selected_existing(); }); }, set_image: function (attachment) { this.push(attachment); this.$('input.url').val(''); this.search(); }, form_submit: function (event) { var self = this; var $form = this.$('form[action="/web_editor/attachment/add"]'); if (!$form.find('input[name="upload"]').val().length) { if (this.selected_existing().size()) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } } $form.find('.well > div').hide().last().after(''); var callback = _.uniqueId('func_'); this.$('input[name=func]').val(callback); window[callback] = function (attachments, error) { delete window[callback]; $form.find('.well > span').remove(); $form.find('.well > div').show(); _.each(attachments, function (record) { record.src = record.url || '/web/image/' + record.id; record.is_document = !(/gif|jpe|jpg|png/.test(record.mimetype)); }); if (error || !attachments.length) { self.file_selected(null, error || !attachments.length); } self.images = attachments; for (var i=0; i 0); }), function (r) { return (r.url || r.id); }); _.each(this.records, function (record) { record.src = record.url || _.str.sprintf('/web/image/%s/%s', record.id, encodeURI(record.name)); // Name is added for SEO purposes record.is_document = !(/gif|jpe|jpg|png/.test(record.mimetype)); }); this.display_attachments(); }, display_attachments: function () { var self = this; var per_screen = this.IMAGES_PER_ROW * this.IMAGES_ROWS; var from = this.page * per_screen; var records = this.records; // Create rows of 3 records var rows = _(records).chain() .slice(from, from + per_screen) .groupBy(function (_, index) { return Math.floor(index / self.IMAGES_PER_ROW); }) .values() .value(); this.$('.help-block').empty(); this.$('.existing-attachments').replaceWith(QWeb.render('web_editor.dialog.image.existing.content', {rows: rows})); this.parent.$('.pager') .find('li.previous a').toggleClass('disabled', (from === 0)).end() .find('li.next a').toggleClass('disabled', (from + per_screen >= records.length)); this.$el.find('.o_image').each(function () { var $div = $(this); if (/gif|jpe|jpg|png/.test($div.data('mimetype'))) { var $img = $('').addClass('img img-responsive').attr('src', $div.data('url') || $div.data('src')); $div.addClass('o_webimage').append($img); } }); this.selected_existing(); }, select_existing: function (e, force_select) { var $img = $(e.currentTarget); var attachment = _.find(this.records, function (record) { return record.id === $img.data('id'); }); this.push(attachment, force_select); this.selected_existing(); }, selected_existing: function () { var self = this; this.$('.o_existing_attachment_cell.o_selected').removeClass("o_selected"); var $select = this.$('.o_existing_attachment_cell [data-src]').filter(function () { var $img = $(this); return !!_.find(self.images, function (v) { return (v.url === $img.data("src") || ($img.data("url") && v.url === $img.data("url")) || v.id === $img.data("id")); }); }); $select.closest('.o_existing_attachment_cell').addClass("o_selected"); return $select; }, try_remove: function (e) { var $help_block = this.$('.help-block').empty(); var self = this; var $a = $(e.target); var id = parseInt($a.data('id'), 10); var attachment = _.findWhere(this.records, {id: id}); var $both = $a.parent().children(); $both.css({borderWidth: "5px", borderColor: "#f00"}); return this._rpc({ route: '/web_editor/attachment/remove', params: { ids: [id], }, }).then(function (prevented) { if (_.isEmpty(prevented)) { self.records = _.without(self.records, attachment); self.display_attachments(); return; } $both.css({borderWidth: "", borderColor: ""}); $help_block.replaceWith(QWeb.render('web_editor.dialog.image.existing.error', { views: prevented[id] })); }); }, }); /** * list of font icons to load by editor. The icons are displayed in the media editor and * identified like font and image (can be colored, spinned, resized with fa classes). * To add font, push a new object {base, parser} * * - base: class who appear on all fonts (eg: fa fa-refresh) * - parser: regular expression used to select all font in css style sheets * * @type Array */ var fontIcons = [{'base': 'fa', 'parser': /(?=^|\s)(\.fa-[0-9a-z_-]+::?before)/i}]; var cacheCssSelectors = {}; var getCssSelectors = function (filter) { var css = []; if (cacheCssSelectors[filter]) { return cacheCssSelectors[filter]; } var sheets = document.styleSheets; for (var i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) { var rules; // try...catch because browser may not able to enumerate rules for cross-domain stylesheets try { rules = sheets[i].rules || sheets[i].cssRules; } catch(e) { console.warn("Can't read the css rules of: " + sheets[i].href, e); continue; } if (rules) { for (var r = 0; r < rules.length; r++) { var selectorText = rules[r].selectorText; if (selectorText) { selectorText = selectorText.split(/\s*,\s*/); var data = null; for (var s = 0; s < selectorText.length; s++) { var match = selectorText[s].match(filter); if (match) { var clean = match[1].slice(1).replace(/::?before$/, ''); if (!data) { data = [match[1], rules[r].cssText.replace(/(^.*\{\s*)|(\s*\}\s*$)/g, ''), clean, [clean]]; } else { data[0] += (", " + match[1]); data[3].push(clean); } } } if (data) { css.push(data); } } } } } return cacheCssSelectors[filter] = css; }; var computeFonts = _.once(function () { _.each(fontIcons, function (data) { data.cssData = getCssSelectors(data.parser); data.alias = []; data.icons = _.map(data.cssData, function (css) { data.alias.push.apply(data.alias, css[3]); return css[2]; }); }); }); /** * FontIconsDialog widget. Lets users change a font awesome, support all * font awesome loaded in the css files. */ var fontIconsDialog = Widget.extend({ template: 'web_editor.dialog.font-icons', xmlDependencies: ['/web_editor/static/src/xml/editor.xml'], events : _.extend({}, Dialog.prototype.events, { 'click .font-icons-icon': function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.$('#fa-icon').val(e.target.getAttribute('data-id')); this.$(".font-icons-icon").removeClass("o_selected"); $(e.target).addClass("o_selected"); }, 'dblclick .font-icons-icon': function () { this.getParent().save(); }, 'keydown.dismiss.bs.modal': function () {}, }), init: function (parent, media) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.parent = parent; this.media = media; computeFonts(); }, start: function () { return this._super.apply(this, arguments).then(this.proxy('load_data')); }, renderElement: function () { // extract list of font (like awesome) from the cheatsheet. this.iconsParser = fontIcons; this.icons = _.flatten(_.map(fontIcons, function (data) { // TODO maybe useless now return data.icons; })); this.alias = _.flatten(_.map(fontIcons, function (data) { return data.alias; })); this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, search: function (needle) { var iconsParser = this.iconsParser; if (needle) { iconsParser = []; _.filter(this.iconsParser, function (data) { var cssData = _.filter(data.cssData, function (cssData) { return _.find(cssData[3], function (alias) { return alias.indexOf(needle) !== -1; }); }); if (cssData.length) { iconsParser.push({ base: data.base, cssData: cssData }); } }); } this.$('div.font-icons-icons').html( QWeb.render('web_editor.dialog.font-icons.icons', {'iconsParser': iconsParser})); }, /** * Removes existing FontAwesome classes on the bound element, and sets * all the new ones if necessary. */ save: function () { var self = this; var style = this.media.attributes.style ? this.media.attributes.style.value : ''; var classes = (this.media.className||"").split(/\s+/); var custom_classes = /^fa(-[1-5]x|spin|rotate-(9|18|27)0|flip-(horizont|vertic)al|fw|border)?$/; var non_fa_classes = _.reject(classes, function (cls) { return self.getFont(cls) || custom_classes.test(cls); }); var final_classes = non_fa_classes.concat(this.get_fa_classes()); if (this.media.tagName !== "SPAN") { var media = document.createElement('span'); $(media).data($(this.media).data()); $(this.media).replaceWith(media); this.media = media; style = style.replace(/\s*width:[^;]+/, ''); } $(this.media).attr("class", _.compact(final_classes).join(' ')).attr("style", style); return this.media; }, /** * return the data font object (with base, parser and icons) or null */ getFont: function (classNames) { if (!(classNames instanceof Array)) { classNames = (classNames||"").split(/\s+/); } var fontIcon, cssData; for (var k=0; k= 0); this.$('input#o_video_hide_controls').prop('checked', src.indexOf('controls=0') >= 0); this.$('input#o_video_loop').prop('checked', src.indexOf('loop=1') >= 0); this.$('input#o_video_hide_fullscreen').prop('checked', src.indexOf('fs=0') >= 0); this.$('input#o_video_hide_yt_logo').prop('checked', src.indexOf('modestbranding=1') >= 0); this.$('input#o_video_hide_dm_logo').prop('checked', src.indexOf('ui-logo=0') >= 0); this.$('input#o_video_hide_dm_share').prop('checked', src.indexOf('sharing-enable=0') >= 0); this._updateVideo(); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @override */ save: function () { this._updateVideo(); if (this.$('.o_video_dialog_iframe').is('iframe')) { var $content = $( '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ ''+ '
' ); $(this.media).replaceWith($content); this.media = $content[0]; return this.media; } }, /** * @override */ clear: function () { if (!this.media) { return; } if (this.media.dataset.src) { try { delete this.media.dataset.src; } catch (e) { this.media.dataset.src = undefined; } } this.media.className = this.media.className.replace(/(^|\s)media_iframe_video(\s|$)/g, ' '); }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a video node according to the given URL and options. If not * possible, returns an error code. * * @private * @param {string} url * @param {Object} options * @returns {Object} * $video -> the created video jQuery node * type -> the type of the created video * errorCode -> if defined, either '0' for invalid URL or '1' for * unsupported video provider */ _createVideoNode: function (url, options) { options = options || {}; // Video url patterns(youtube, instagram, vimeo, dailymotion, youku, ...) var ytRegExp = /^(?:(?:https?:)?\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtu\.be\/|youtube\.com\/(?:embed\/|v\/|watch\?v=|watch\?.+&v=))((\w|-){11})(?:\S+)?$/; var ytMatch = url.match(ytRegExp); var insRegExp = /(.*)instagram.com\/p\/(.[a-zA-Z0-9]*)/; var insMatch = url.match(insRegExp); var vinRegExp = /\/\/vine.co\/v\/(.[a-zA-Z0-9]*)/; var vinMatch = url.match(vinRegExp); var vimRegExp = /\/\/(player.)?vimeo.com\/([a-z]*\/)*([0-9]{6,11})[?]?.*/; var vimMatch = url.match(vimRegExp); var dmRegExp = /.+dailymotion.com\/(video|hub|embed)\/([^_]+)[^#]*(#video=([^_&]+))?/; var dmMatch = url.match(dmRegExp); var ykuRegExp = /(.*).youku\.com\/(v_show\/id_|embed\/)(.+)/; var ykuMatch = url.match(ykuRegExp); var $video = $('