# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from flectra import http from flectra.http import request class WebsiteBackend(http.Controller): @http.route('/website/fetch_dashboard_data', type="json", auth='user') def fetch_dashboard_data(self, date_from, date_to): has_group_system = request.env.user.has_group('base.group_system') has_group_designer = request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer') if has_group_system: apps_data = dict((app['name'], app) for app in request.env['ir.module.module'].sudo().search_read( ['|', ('name', 'ilike', 'website'), ('application', '=', True)], ['id', 'sequence', 'name', 'shortdesc', 'state'], order='sequence ASC')) else: apps_data = {} dashboard_data = { 'groups': { 'system': has_group_system, 'website_designer': has_group_designer }, 'currency': request.env.user.company_id.currency_id.id, 'dashboards': { 'apps_data': apps_data, 'visits': {}, } } if has_group_designer: config = request.env['res.config.settings'].sudo().create({}) if config.has_google_analytics_dashboard: dashboard_data['dashboards']['visits'] = dict( ga_client_id=config.google_management_client_id or '', # void string instead of stringified False ga_analytics_key=config.google_analytics_key or '', # void string instead of stringified False ) return dashboard_data @http.route('/website/dashboard/set_ga_data', type='json', auth='user') def website_set_ga_data(self, ga_client_id, ga_analytics_key): if not request.env.user.has_group('base.group_system'): return { 'error': { 'title': 'Access Error', 'message': 'You do not have sufficient rights to perform that action.', } } if not ga_analytics_key or not ga_client_id.endswith('.apps.googleusercontent.com'): return { 'error': { 'title': 'Incorrect Client ID / Key', 'message': 'The Google Analytics Client ID or Key you entered seems incorrect.', } } request.env['res.config.settings'].create({ 'has_google_analytics': True, 'has_google_analytics_dashboard': True, 'google_management_client_id': ga_client_id, 'google_analytics_key': ga_analytics_key, }).execute() return True