# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import base64 import codecs import io from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageEnhance from random import randrange # Preload PIL with the minimal subset of image formats we need from odoo.tools import pycompat Image.preinit() Image._initialized = 2 # ---------------------------------------- # Image resizing # ---------------------------------------- def image_resize_image(base64_source, size=(1024, 1024), encoding='base64', filetype=None, avoid_if_small=False): """ Function to resize an image. The image will be resized to the given size, while keeping the aspect ratios, and holes in the image will be filled with transparent background. The image will not be stretched if smaller than the expected size. Steps of the resizing: - Compute width and height if not specified. - if avoid_if_small: if both image sizes are smaller than the requested sizes, the original image is returned. This is used to avoid adding transparent content around images that we do not want to alter but just resize if too big. This is used for example when storing images in the 'image' field: we keep the original image, resized to a maximal size, without adding transparent content around it if smaller. - create a thumbnail of the source image through using the thumbnail function. Aspect ratios are preserved when using it. Note that if the source image is smaller than the expected size, it will not be extended, but filled to match the size. - create a transparent background that will hold the final image. - paste the thumbnail on the transparent background and center it. :param base64_source: base64-encoded version of the source image; if False, returns False :param size: 2-tuple(width, height). A None value for any of width or height mean an automatically computed value based respectivelly on height or width of the source image. :param encoding: the output encoding :param filetype: the output filetype, by default the source image's :type filetype: str, any PIL image format (supported for creation) :param avoid_if_small: do not resize if image height and width are smaller than the expected size. """ if not base64_source: return False if size == (None, None): return base64_source image_stream = io.BytesIO(codecs.decode(base64_source, encoding)) image = Image.open(image_stream) # store filetype here, as Image.new below will lose image.format filetype = (filetype or image.format).upper() filetype = { 'BMP': 'PNG', }.get(filetype, filetype) asked_width, asked_height = size if asked_width is None: asked_width = int(image.size[0] * (float(asked_height) / image.size[1])) if asked_height is None: asked_height = int(image.size[1] * (float(asked_width) / image.size[0])) size = asked_width, asked_height # check image size: do not create a thumbnail if avoiding smaller images if avoid_if_small and image.size[0] <= size[0] and image.size[1] <= size[1]: return base64_source if image.size != size: image = image_resize_and_sharpen(image, size) if image.mode not in ["1", "L", "P", "RGB", "RGBA"] or (filetype == 'JPEG' and image.mode == 'RGBA'): image = image.convert("RGB") background_stream = io.BytesIO() image.save(background_stream, filetype) return codecs.encode(background_stream.getvalue(), encoding) def image_resize_and_sharpen(image, size, preserve_aspect_ratio=False, factor=2.0): """ Create a thumbnail by resizing while keeping ratio. A sharpen filter is applied for a better looking result. :param image: PIL.Image.Image() :param size: 2-tuple(width, height) :param preserve_aspect_ratio: boolean (default: False) :param factor: Sharpen factor (default: 2.0) """ origin_mode = image.mode if image.mode != 'RGBA': image = image.convert('RGBA') image.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS) if preserve_aspect_ratio: size = image.size sharpener = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(image) resized_image = sharpener.enhance(factor) # create a transparent image for background and paste the image on it image = Image.new('RGBA', size, (255, 255, 255, 0)) image.paste(resized_image, ((size[0] - resized_image.size[0]) // 2, (size[1] - resized_image.size[1]) // 2)) if image.mode != origin_mode: image = image.convert(origin_mode) return image def image_save_for_web(image, fp=None, format=None): """ Save image optimized for web usage. :param image: PIL.Image.Image() :param fp: File name or file object. If not specified, a bytestring is returned. :param format: File format if could not be deduced from image. """ opt = dict(format=image.format or format) if image.format == 'PNG': opt.update(optimize=True) alpha = False if image.mode in ('RGBA', 'LA') or (image.mode == 'P' and 'transparency' in image.info): alpha = image.convert('RGBA').split()[-1] if image.mode != 'P': # Floyd Steinberg dithering by default image = image.convert('RGBA').convert('P', palette=Image.WEB, colors=256) if alpha: image.putalpha(alpha) elif image.format == 'JPEG': opt.update(optimize=True, quality=80) if fp: image.save(fp, **opt) else: img = io.BytesIO() image.save(img, **opt) return img.getvalue() def image_resize_image_big(base64_source, size=(1024, 1024), encoding='base64', filetype=None, avoid_if_small=True): """ Wrapper on image_resize_image, to resize images larger than the standard 'big' image size: 1024x1024px. :param size, encoding, filetype, avoid_if_small: refer to image_resize_image """ return image_resize_image(base64_source, size, encoding, filetype, avoid_if_small) def image_resize_image_medium(base64_source, size=(128, 128), encoding='base64', filetype=None, avoid_if_small=False): """ Wrapper on image_resize_image, to resize to the standard 'medium' image size: 180x180. :param size, encoding, filetype, avoid_if_small: refer to image_resize_image """ return image_resize_image(base64_source, size, encoding, filetype, avoid_if_small) def image_resize_image_small(base64_source, size=(64, 64), encoding='base64', filetype=None, avoid_if_small=False): """ Wrapper on image_resize_image, to resize to the standard 'small' image size: 50x50. :param size, encoding, filetype, avoid_if_small: refer to image_resize_image """ return image_resize_image(base64_source, size, encoding, filetype, avoid_if_small) # ---------------------------------------- # Crop Image # ---------------------------------------- def crop_image(data, type='top', ratio=False, size=None, image_format="PNG"): """ Used for cropping image and create thumbnail :param data: base64 data of image. :param type: Used for cropping position possible Possible Values : 'top', 'center', 'bottom' :param ratio: Cropping ratio e.g for (4,3), (16,9), (16,10) etc send ratio(1,1) to generate square image :param size: Resize image to size e.g (200, 200) after crop resize to 200x200 thumbnail :param image_format: return image format PNG,JPEG etc """ if not data: return False image_stream = Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(data))) output_stream = io.BytesIO() w, h = image_stream.size new_h = h new_w = w if ratio: w_ratio, h_ratio = ratio new_h = (w * h_ratio) // w_ratio new_w = w if new_h > h: new_h = h new_w = (h * w_ratio) // h_ratio if type == "top": cropped_image = image_stream.crop((0, 0, new_w, new_h)) cropped_image.save(output_stream, format=image_format) elif type == "center": cropped_image = image_stream.crop(((w - new_w) // 2, (h - new_h) // 2, (w + new_w) // 2, (h + new_h) // 2)) cropped_image.save(output_stream, format=image_format) elif type == "bottom": cropped_image = image_stream.crop((0, h - new_h, new_w, h)) cropped_image.save(output_stream, format=image_format) else: raise ValueError('ERROR: invalid value for crop_type') if size: thumbnail = Image.open(io.BytesIO(output_stream.getvalue())) thumbnail.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS) thumbnail.save(output_stream, image_format) return base64.b64encode(output_stream.getvalue()) # ---------------------------------------- # Colors # --------------------------------------- def image_colorize(original, randomize=True, color=(255, 255, 255)): """ Add a color to the transparent background of an image. :param original: file object on the original image file :param randomize: randomize the background color :param color: background-color, if not randomize """ # create a new image, based on the original one original = Image.open(io.BytesIO(original)) image = Image.new('RGB', original.size) # generate the background color, past it as background if randomize: color = (randrange(32, 224, 24), randrange(32, 224, 24), randrange(32, 224, 24)) image.paste(color, box=(0, 0) + original.size) image.paste(original, mask=original) # return the new image buffer = io.BytesIO() image.save(buffer, 'PNG') return buffer.getvalue() # ---------------------------------------- # Misc image tools # --------------------------------------- def image_get_resized_images(base64_source, return_big=False, return_medium=True, return_small=True, big_name='image', medium_name='image_medium', small_name='image_small', avoid_resize_big=True, avoid_resize_medium=False, avoid_resize_small=False): """ Standard tool function that returns a dictionary containing the big, medium and small versions of the source image. This function is meant to be used for the methods of functional fields for models using images. Default parameters are given to be used for the getter of functional image fields, for example with res.users or res.partner. It returns only image_medium and image_small values, to update those fields. :param base64_source: base64-encoded version of the source image; if False, all returnes values will be False :param return_{..}: if set, computes and return the related resizing of the image :param {..}_name: key of the resized image in the return dictionary; 'image', 'image_medium' and 'image_small' by default. :param avoid_resize_[..]: see avoid_if_small parameter :return return_dict: dictionary with resized images, depending on previous parameters. """ return_dict = dict() if isinstance(base64_source, pycompat.text_type): base64_source = base64_source.encode('ascii') if return_big: return_dict[big_name] = image_resize_image_big(base64_source, avoid_if_small=avoid_resize_big) if return_medium: return_dict[medium_name] = image_resize_image_medium(base64_source, avoid_if_small=avoid_resize_medium) if return_small: return_dict[small_name] = image_resize_image_small(base64_source, avoid_if_small=avoid_resize_small) return return_dict def image_resize_images(vals, big_name='image', medium_name='image_medium', small_name='image_small'): """ Update ``vals`` with image fields resized as expected. """ if vals.get(big_name): vals.update(image_get_resized_images(vals[big_name], return_big=True, return_medium=True, return_small=True, big_name=big_name, medium_name=medium_name, small_name=small_name, avoid_resize_big=True, avoid_resize_medium=False, avoid_resize_small=False)) elif vals.get(medium_name): vals.update(image_get_resized_images(vals[medium_name], return_big=True, return_medium=True, return_small=True, big_name=big_name, medium_name=medium_name, small_name=small_name, avoid_resize_big=True, avoid_resize_medium=True, avoid_resize_small=False)) elif vals.get(small_name): vals.update(image_get_resized_images(vals[small_name], return_big=True, return_medium=True, return_small=True, big_name=big_name, medium_name=medium_name, small_name=small_name, avoid_resize_big=True, avoid_resize_medium=True, avoid_resize_small=True)) elif big_name in vals or medium_name in vals or small_name in vals: vals[big_name] = vals[medium_name] = vals[small_name] = False if __name__=="__main__": import sys assert len(sys.argv)==3, 'Usage to Test: image.py SRC.png DEST.png' img = base64.b64encode(open(sys.argv[1],'rb').read()) new = image_resize_image(img, (128,100)) open(sys.argv[2], 'wb').write(base64.b64decode(new))