# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. """ WSGI stack, common code. """ import logging import sys import threading import traceback try: from xmlrpc import client as xmlrpclib except ImportError: # pylint: disable=bad-python3-import import xmlrpclib import werkzeug.exceptions import werkzeug.wrappers import werkzeug.serving import werkzeug.contrib.fixers import odoo from odoo.tools import config _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # XML-RPC fault codes. Some care must be taken when changing these: the # constants are also defined client-side and must remain in sync. # User code must use the exceptions defined in ``odoo.exceptions`` (not # create directly ``xmlrpclib.Fault`` objects). RPC_FAULT_CODE_CLIENT_ERROR = 1 # indistinguishable from app. error. RPC_FAULT_CODE_APPLICATION_ERROR = 1 RPC_FAULT_CODE_WARNING = 2 RPC_FAULT_CODE_ACCESS_DENIED = 3 RPC_FAULT_CODE_ACCESS_ERROR = 4 def xmlrpc_handle_exception_int(e): if isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.UserError): fault = xmlrpclib.Fault(RPC_FAULT_CODE_WARNING, odoo.tools.ustr(e.value)) elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.RedirectWarning): fault = xmlrpclib.Fault(RPC_FAULT_CODE_WARNING, str(e)) elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.MissingError): fault = xmlrpclib.Fault(RPC_FAULT_CODE_WARNING, str(e)) elif isinstance (e, odoo.exceptions.AccessError): fault = xmlrpclib.Fault(RPC_FAULT_CODE_ACCESS_ERROR, str(e)) elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.AccessDenied): fault = xmlrpclib.Fault(RPC_FAULT_CODE_ACCESS_DENIED, str(e)) elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.DeferredException): info = e.traceback # Which one is the best ? formatted_info = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*info)) #formatted_info = odoo.tools.exception_to_unicode(e) + '\n' + info fault = xmlrpclib.Fault(RPC_FAULT_CODE_APPLICATION_ERROR, formatted_info) else: info = sys.exc_info() # Which one is the best ? formatted_info = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*info)) #formatted_info = odoo.tools.exception_to_unicode(e) + '\n' + info fault = xmlrpclib.Fault(RPC_FAULT_CODE_APPLICATION_ERROR, formatted_info) return xmlrpclib.dumps(fault, allow_none=None) def xmlrpc_handle_exception_string(e): if isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.UserError): fault = xmlrpclib.Fault('warning -- %s\n\n%s' % (e.name, e.value), '') elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.RedirectWarning): fault = xmlrpclib.Fault('warning -- Warning\n\n' + str(e), '') elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.MissingError): fault = xmlrpclib.Fault('warning -- MissingError\n\n' + str(e), '') elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.AccessError): fault = xmlrpclib.Fault('warning -- AccessError\n\n' + str(e), '') elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.AccessDenied): fault = xmlrpclib.Fault('AccessDenied', str(e)) elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.DeferredException): info = e.traceback formatted_info = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*info)) fault = xmlrpclib.Fault(odoo.tools.ustr(e), formatted_info) #InternalError else: info = sys.exc_info() formatted_info = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*info)) fault = xmlrpclib.Fault(odoo.tools.exception_to_unicode(e), formatted_info) return xmlrpclib.dumps(fault, allow_none=None, encoding=None) def _patch_xmlrpc_marshaller(): # By default, in xmlrpc, bytes are converted to xmlrpclib.Binary object. # Historically, odoo is sending binary as base64 string. # In python 3, base64.b64{de,en}code() methods now works on bytes. # Convert them to str to have a consistent behavior between python 2 and python 3. # TODO? Create a `/xmlrpc/3` route prefix that respect the standard and uses xmlrpclib.Binary. def dump_bytes(marshaller, value, write): marshaller.dump_unicode(odoo.tools.ustr(value), write) xmlrpclib.Marshaller.dispatch[bytes] = dump_bytes def wsgi_xmlrpc(environ, start_response): """ Two routes are available for XML-RPC /xmlrpc/ route returns faultCode as strings. This is a historic violation of the protocol kept for compatibility. /xmlrpc/2/ is a new route that returns faultCode as int and is therefore fully compliant. """ if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' and environ['PATH_INFO'].startswith('/xmlrpc/'): length = int(environ['CONTENT_LENGTH']) data = environ['wsgi.input'].read(length) # Distinguish betweed the 2 faultCode modes string_faultcode = True service = environ['PATH_INFO'][len('/xmlrpc/'):] if environ['PATH_INFO'].startswith('/xmlrpc/2/'): service = service[len('2/'):] string_faultcode = False params, method = xmlrpclib.loads(data) try: result = odoo.http.dispatch_rpc(service, method, params) response = xmlrpclib.dumps((result,), methodresponse=1, allow_none=False) except Exception as e: if string_faultcode: response = xmlrpc_handle_exception_string(e) else: response = xmlrpc_handle_exception_int(e) return werkzeug.wrappers.Response( response=response, mimetype='text/xml', )(environ, start_response) def application_unproxied(environ, start_response): """ WSGI entry point.""" # cleanup db/uid trackers - they're set at HTTP dispatch in # web.session.OpenERPSession.send() and at RPC dispatch in # odoo.service.web_services.objects_proxy.dispatch(). # /!\ The cleanup cannot be done at the end of this `application` # method because werkzeug still produces relevant logging afterwards if hasattr(threading.current_thread(), 'uid'): del threading.current_thread().uid if hasattr(threading.current_thread(), 'dbname'): del threading.current_thread().dbname if hasattr(threading.current_thread(), 'url'): del threading.current_thread().url with odoo.api.Environment.manage(): # Try all handlers until one returns some result (i.e. not None). for handler in [wsgi_xmlrpc, odoo.http.root]: result = handler(environ, start_response) if result is None: continue return result # We never returned from the loop. return werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound("No handler found.\n")(environ, start_response) def application(environ, start_response): if config['proxy_mode'] and 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in environ: return werkzeug.contrib.fixers.ProxyFix(application_unproxied)(environ, start_response) else: return application_unproxied(environ, start_response)