# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import re import logging from odoo import api, fields, models from psycopg2 import IntegrityError from odoo.tools.translate import _ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @api.model def location_name_search(self, name='', args=None, operator='ilike', limit=100): if args is None: args = [] records = self.browse() if len(name) == 2: records = self.search([('code', 'ilike', name)] + args, limit=limit) search_domain = [('name', operator, name)] if records: search_domain.append(('id', 'not in', records.ids)) records += self.search(search_domain + args, limit=limit) # the field 'display_name' calls name_get() to get its value return [(record.id, record.display_name) for record in records] class Country(models.Model): _name = 'res.country' _description = 'Country' _order = 'name' name = fields.Char( string='Country Name', required=True, translate=True, help='The full name of the country.') code = fields.Char( string='Country Code', size=2, help='The ISO country code in two chars. \nYou can use this field for quick search.') address_format = fields.Text(string="Layout in Reports", help="Display format to use for addresses belonging to this country.\n\n" "You can use python-style string pattern with all the fields of the address " "(for example, use '%(street)s' to display the field 'street') plus" "\n%(state_name)s: the name of the state" "\n%(state_code)s: the code of the state" "\n%(country_name)s: the name of the country" "\n%(country_code)s: the code of the country", default='%(street)s\n%(street2)s\n%(city)s %(state_code)s %(zip)s\n%(country_name)s') address_view_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='ir.ui.view', string="Input View", domain=[('model', '=', 'res.partner'), ('type', '=', 'form')], help="Use this field if you want to replace the usual way to encode a complete address. " "Note that the address_format field is used to modify the way to display addresses " "(in reports for example), while this field is used to modify the input form for " "addresses.") currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', string='Currency') image = fields.Binary(attachment=True) phone_code = fields.Integer(string='Country Calling Code') country_group_ids = fields.Many2many('res.country.group', 'res_country_res_country_group_rel', 'res_country_id', 'res_country_group_id', string='Country Groups') state_ids = fields.One2many('res.country.state', 'country_id', string='States') name_position = fields.Selection([ ('before', 'Before Address'), ('after', 'After Address'), ], string="Customer Name Position", default="before", help="Determines where the customer/company name should be placed, i.e. after or before the address.") vat_label = fields.Char(string='Vat Label', translate=True, help="Use this field if you want to change vat label.") _sql_constraints = [ ('name_uniq', 'unique (name)', 'The name of the country must be unique !'), ('code_uniq', 'unique (code)', 'The code of the country must be unique !') ] name_search = location_name_search @api.model def create(self, vals): if vals.get('code'): vals['code'] = vals['code'].upper() return super(Country, self).create(vals) @api.multi def write(self, vals): if vals.get('code'): vals['code'] = vals['code'].upper() return super(Country, self).write(vals) @api.multi def get_address_fields(self): self.ensure_one() return re.findall(r'\((.+?)\)', self.address_format) class CountryGroup(models.Model): _description = "Country Group" _name = 'res.country.group' name = fields.Char(required=True, translate=True) country_ids = fields.Many2many('res.country', 'res_country_res_country_group_rel', 'res_country_group_id', 'res_country_id', string='Countries') class CountryState(models.Model): _description = "Country state" _name = 'res.country.state' _order = 'code' country_id = fields.Many2one('res.country', string='Country', required=True) name = fields.Char(string='State Name', required=True, help='Administrative divisions of a country. E.g. Fed. State, Departement, Canton') code = fields.Char(string='State Code', help='The state code.', required=True) _sql_constraints = [ ('name_code_uniq', 'unique(country_id, code)', 'The code of the state must be unique by country !') ] @api.model def name_search(self, name='', args=None, operator='ilike', limit=100): if args is None: args = [] if self.env.context.get('country_id'): args = args + [('country_id', '=', self.env.context.get('country_id'))] firsts_records = self.search([('code', '=ilike', name)] + args, limit=limit) search_domain = [('name', operator, name)] search_domain.append(('id', 'not in', firsts_records.ids)) records = firsts_records + self.search(search_domain + args, limit=limit) return [(record.id, record.display_name) for record in records]