# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pygments.style import Style from pygments.token import Keyword, Name, Comment, String, Error, Text, \ Number, Operator, Generic, Whitespace, Punctuation, Other, Literal BACKGROUND = '#272727' CURRENT_LINE = "#41323f" SELECTION = "#4f424c" FOREGROUND = "#e7e9db" COMMENT = "#776e71" RED = "#ef6155" ORANGE = "#f99b15" YELLOW = "#fec418" GREEN = "#48b685" AQUA = "#5bc4bf" BLUE = "#06b6ef" PURPLE = "#815ba4" class OdooStyle(Style): """Modified version of Paraiso Dark style to avoid Pygments version annoyances. ParaĆ­so (Dark) by Jan T. Sott Pygments template by Jan T. Sott (https://github.com/idleberg) Created with Base16 Builder by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-builder). :copyright: Copyright 2006-2014 by the Pygments team :license: BSD """ default_style = '' background_color = BACKGROUND highlight_color = SELECTION styles = { # No corresponding class for the following: Text: FOREGROUND, Whitespace: "", Error: RED, Other: "", Comment: COMMENT, Comment.Multiline: "", Comment.Preproc: "", Comment.Single: "", Comment.Special: "", Keyword: '#cb49a8', Keyword.Constant: "", Keyword.Declaration: "", Keyword.Namespace: AQUA, Keyword.Pseudo: "", Keyword.Reserved: "", Keyword.Type: YELLOW, Operator: AQUA, Operator.Word: "", Punctuation: FOREGROUND, Name: FOREGROUND, Name.Attribute: BLUE, Name.Builtin: "", Name.Builtin.Pseudo: "", Name.Class: YELLOW, Name.Constant: RED, Name.Decorator: AQUA, Name.Entity: "", Name.Exception: RED, Name.Function: BLUE, Name.Property: "", Name.Label: "", Name.Namespace: YELLOW, Name.Other: BLUE, Name.Tag: '#21b799', Name.Variable: RED, Name.Variable.Class: "", Name.Variable.Global: "", Name.Variable.Instance: "", Number: ORANGE, Number.Float: "", Number.Hex: "", Number.Integer: "", Number.Integer.Long: "", Number.Oct: "", Literal: ORANGE, Literal.Date: GREEN, String: GREEN, String.Backtick: "", String.Char: FOREGROUND, String.Doc: COMMENT, String.Double: "", String.Escape: ORANGE, String.Heredoc: "", String.Interpol: ORANGE, String.Other: "", String.Regex: "", String.Single: "", String.Symbol: "", Generic: "", Generic.Deleted: RED, Generic.Emph: "italic", Generic.Error: "", Generic.Heading: "bold " + FOREGROUND, Generic.Inserted: GREEN, Generic.Output: "", Generic.Prompt: "bold " + COMMENT, Generic.Strong: "bold", Generic.Subheading: "bold " + AQUA, Generic.Traceback: "", } import imp import sys modname = 'pygments.styles.odoo' m = imp.new_module(modname) m.OdooStyle = OdooStyle sys.modules[modname] = m