# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo.api import Environment import odoo.tests @odoo.tests.common.at_install(False) @odoo.tests.common.post_install(True) class TestWebsiteHrRecruitmentForm(odoo.tests.HttpCase): def test_tour(self): self.phantom_js("/", "odoo.__DEBUG__.services['web_tour.tour'].run('website_hr_recruitment_tour')", "odoo.__DEBUG__.services['web_tour.tour'].tours.website_hr_recruitment_tour.ready") # get test cursor to read from same transaction browser is writing to cr = self.registry.cursor() assert cr == self.registry.test_cr env = Environment(cr, self.uid, {}) record = env['hr.applicant'].search([('description', '=', '### HR RECRUITMENT TEST DATA ###')]) assert len(record) == 1 assert record.partner_name == "John Smith" assert record.email_from == "john@smith.com" assert record.partner_phone == '118.218'