odoo.define('web_tour.TourManager', function(require) { "use strict"; var core = require('web.core'); var local_storage = require('web.local_storage'); var mixins = require('web.mixins'); var RainbowMan = require('web.rainbow_man'); var ServicesMixin = require('web.ServicesMixin'); var session = require('web.session'); var Tip = require('web_tour.Tip'); var _t = core._t; var RUNNING_TOUR_TIMEOUT = 10000; function get_step_key(name) { return 'tour_' + name + '_step'; } function get_running_key() { return 'running_tour'; } function get_running_delay_key() { return get_running_key() + "_delay"; } function get_first_visible_element($elements) { for (var i = 0 ; i < $elements.length ; i++) { var $i = $elements.eq(i); if ($i.is(':visible:hasVisibility')) { return $i; } } return $(); } function do_before_unload(if_unload_callback, if_not_unload_callback) { if_unload_callback = if_unload_callback || function () {}; if_not_unload_callback = if_not_unload_callback || if_unload_callback; var old_before = window.onbeforeunload; var reload_timeout; window.onbeforeunload = function () { clearTimeout(reload_timeout); window.onbeforeunload = old_before; if_unload_callback(); if (old_before) return old_before.apply(this, arguments); }; reload_timeout = _.defer(function () { window.onbeforeunload = old_before; if_not_unload_callback(); }); } var RunningTourActionHelper = core.Class.extend({ init: function (tip_widget) { this.tip_widget = tip_widget; }, click: function (element) { this._click(this._get_action_values(element)); }, text: function (text, element) { this._text(this._get_action_values(element), text); }, drag_and_drop: function (to, element) { this._drag_and_drop(this._get_action_values(element), to); }, keydown: function (keyCodes, element) { this._keydown(this._get_action_values(element), keyCodes.split(/[,\s]+/)); }, auto: function (element) { var values = this._get_action_values(element); if (values.consume_event === "input") { this._text(values); } else { this._click(values); } }, _get_action_values: function (element) { var $e = $(element); var $element = element ? get_first_visible_element($e) : this.tip_widget.$anchor; if ($element.length === 0) { $element = $e.first(); } var consume_event = element ? Tip.getConsumeEventType($element) : this.tip_widget.consume_event; return { $element: $element, consume_event: consume_event, }; }, _click: function (values) { trigger_mouse_event(values.$element, "mouseover"); values.$element.trigger("mouseenter"); trigger_mouse_event(values.$element, "mousedown"); trigger_mouse_event(values.$element, "mouseup"); trigger_mouse_event(values.$element, "click"); trigger_mouse_event(values.$element, "mouseout"); values.$element.trigger("mouseleave"); function trigger_mouse_event($element, type) { var e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); e.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, $element[0]); $element[0].dispatchEvent(e); } }, _text: function (values, text) { this._click(values); text = text || "Test"; if (values.consume_event === "input") { values.$element.trigger("keydown").val(text).trigger("keyup").trigger("input"); } else if (values.$element.is("select")) { var $options = values.$element.children("option"); $options.prop("selected", false).removeProp("selected"); var $selectedOption = $options.filter(function () { return $(this).val() === text; }); if ($selectedOption.length === 0) { $selectedOption = $options.filter(function () { return $(this).text() === text; }); } $selectedOption.prop("selected", true); this._click(values); } else { values.$element.text(text); } values.$element.trigger("change"); }, _drag_and_drop: function (values, to) { var $to = $(to || document.body); var elementCenter = values.$element.offset(); elementCenter.left += values.$element.outerWidth()/2; elementCenter.top += values.$element.outerHeight()/2; var toCenter = $to.offset(); toCenter.left += $to.outerWidth()/2; toCenter.top += $to.outerHeight()/2; values.$element.trigger($.Event("mousedown", {which: 1, pageX: elementCenter.left, pageY: elementCenter.top})); values.$element.trigger($.Event("mousemove", {which: 1, pageX: toCenter.left, pageY: toCenter.top})); values.$element.trigger($.Event("mouseup", {which: 1, pageX: toCenter.left, pageY: toCenter.top})); }, _keydown: function (values, keyCodes) { while (keyCodes.length) { var keyCode = +keyCodes.shift(); values.$element.trigger({type: "keydown", keyCode: keyCode}); if ((keyCode > 47 && keyCode < 58) // number keys || keyCode === 32 // spacebar || (keyCode > 64 && keyCode < 91) // letter keys || (keyCode > 95 && keyCode < 112) // numpad keys || (keyCode > 185 && keyCode < 193) // ;=,-./` (in order) || (keyCode > 218 && keyCode < 223)) { // [\]' (in order)) document.execCommand("insertText", 0, String.fromCharCode(keyCode)); } values.$element.trigger({type: "keyup", keyCode: keyCode}); } }, }); return core.Class.extend(mixins.EventDispatcherMixin, ServicesMixin, { init: function(parent, consumed_tours) { mixins.EventDispatcherMixin.init.call(this); this.setParent(parent); this.$body = $('body'); this.active_tooltips = {}; this.tours = {}; this.consumed_tours = consumed_tours || []; this.running_tour = local_storage.getItem(get_running_key()); this.running_step_delay = parseInt(local_storage.getItem(get_running_delay_key()), 10) || 10; this.edition = (_.last(session.server_version_info) === 'e') ? 'enterprise' : 'community'; this._log = []; console.log('Tour Manager is ready. running_tour=' + this.running_tour); }, /** * Registers a tour described by the following arguments *in order* * * @param {string} name - tour's name * @param {Object} [options] - options (optional), available options are: * @param {boolean} [options.test=false] - true if this is only for tests * @param {boolean} [options.skip_enabled=false] * true to add a link in its tips to consume the whole tour * @param {string} [options.url] * the url to load when manually running the tour * @param {boolean} [options.rainbowMan=true] * whether or not the rainbowman must be shown at the end of the tour * @param {Deferred} [options.wait_for] * indicates when the tour can be started * @param {Object[]} steps - steps' descriptions, each step being an object * containing a tip description */ register: function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var last_arg = args[args.length - 1]; var name = args[0]; if (this.tours[name]) { console.warn(_.str.sprintf("Tour %s is already defined", name)); return; } var options = args.length === 2 ? {} : args[1]; var steps = last_arg instanceof Array ? last_arg : [last_arg]; var tour = { name: name, steps: steps, url: options.url, rainbowMan: options.rainbowMan === undefined ? true : !!options.rainbowMan, test: options.test, wait_for: options.wait_for || $.when(), }; if (options.skip_enabled) { tour.skip_link = '

' + _t('Skip tour') + '

'; tour.skip_handler = function (tip) { this._deactivate_tip(tip); this._consume_tour(name); }; } this.tours[name] = tour; }, _register_all: function (do_update) { if (this._all_registered) return; this._all_registered = true; _.each(this.tours, this._register.bind(this, do_update)); }, _register: function (do_update, tour, name) { if (tour.ready) return $.when(); var tour_is_consumed = _.contains(this.consumed_tours, name); return tour.wait_for.then((function () { tour.current_step = parseInt(local_storage.getItem(get_step_key(name))) || 0; tour.steps = _.filter(tour.steps, (function (step) { return !step.edition || step.edition === this.edition; }).bind(this)); if (tour_is_consumed || tour.current_step >= tour.steps.length) { local_storage.removeItem(get_step_key(name)); tour.current_step = 0; } tour.ready = true; if (do_update && (this.running_tour === name || (!this.running_tour && !tour.test && !tour_is_consumed))) { this._to_next_step(name, 0); this.update(name); } }).bind(this)); }, run: function (tour_name, step_delay) { console.log(_.str.sprintf("Preparing tour %s", tour_name)); if (this.running_tour) { this._deactivate_tip(this.active_tooltips[this.running_tour]); this._consume_tour(this.running_tour, _.str.sprintf("Killing tour %s", this.running_tour)); return; } var tour = this.tours[tour_name]; if (!tour) { console.warn(_.str.sprintf("Unknown Tour %s", name)); return; } console.log(_.str.sprintf("Running tour %s", tour_name)); this.running_tour = tour_name; this.running_step_delay = step_delay || this.running_step_delay; local_storage.setItem(get_running_key(), this.running_tour); local_storage.setItem(get_running_delay_key(), this.running_step_delay); this._deactivate_tip(this.active_tooltips[tour_name]); tour.current_step = 0; this._to_next_step(tour_name, 0); local_storage.setItem(get_step_key(tour_name), tour.current_step); if (tour.url) { this.pause(); do_before_unload(null, (function () { this.play(); this.update(); }).bind(this)); var url = session.debug ? $.param.querystring(tour.url, {debug: session.debug}) : tour.url; window.location.href = window.location.origin + url; } else { this.update(); } }, pause: function () { this.paused = true; }, play: function () { this.paused = false; }, /** * Checks for tooltips to activate (only from the running tour or specified tour if there * is one, from all active tours otherwise). Should be called each time the DOM changes. */ update: function (tour_name) { if (this.paused) return; this.$modal_displayed = $('.modal:visible').last(); tour_name = this.running_tour || tour_name; if (tour_name) { var tour = this.tours[tour_name]; if (!tour || !tour.ready) return; if (this.running_tour && this.running_tour_timeout === undefined) { this._set_running_tour_timeout(this.running_tour, this.active_tooltips[this.running_tour]); } this._check_for_tooltip(this.active_tooltips[tour_name], tour_name); } else { _.each(this.active_tooltips, this._check_for_tooltip.bind(this)); } }, _check_for_tooltip: function (tip, tour_name) { var $trigger; if (tip.in_modal !== false && this.$modal_displayed.length) { $trigger = this.$modal_displayed.find(tip.trigger); } else { $trigger = $(tip.trigger); } var $visible_trigger = get_first_visible_element($trigger); var extra_trigger = true; var $extra_trigger = undefined; if (tip.extra_trigger) { $extra_trigger = $(tip.extra_trigger); extra_trigger = get_first_visible_element($extra_trigger).length; } var triggered = $visible_trigger.length && extra_trigger; if (triggered) { if (!tip.widget) { this._activate_tip(tip, tour_name, $visible_trigger); } else { tip.widget.update($visible_trigger); } } else { this._deactivate_tip(tip); if (this.running_tour === tour_name) { this._log.push("_check_for_tooltip"); this._log.push("- modal_displayed: " + this.$modal_displayed.length); this._log.push("- trigger '" + tip.trigger + "': " + $trigger.length); this._log.push("- visible trigger '" + tip.trigger + "': " + $visible_trigger.length); if ($extra_trigger !== undefined) { this._log.push("- extra_trigger '" + tip.extra_trigger + "': " + $extra_trigger.length); this._log.push("- visible extra_trigger '" + tip.extra_trigger + "': " + extra_trigger); } } } }, _activate_tip: function(tip, tour_name, $anchor) { var tour = this.tours[tour_name]; var tip_info = tip; if (tour.skip_link) { tip_info = _.extend(_.omit(tip_info, 'content'), { content: tip.content + tour.skip_link, event_handlers: [{ event: 'click', selector: '.o_skip_tour', handler: tour.skip_handler.bind(this, tip), }], }); } tip.widget = new Tip(this, tip_info); if (this.running_tour !== tour_name) { tip.widget.on('tip_consumed', this, this._consume_tip.bind(this, tip, tour_name)); } tip.widget.attach_to($anchor).then(this._to_next_running_step.bind(this, tip, tour_name)); }, _deactivate_tip: function(tip) { if (tip && tip.widget) { tip.widget.destroy(); delete tip.widget; } }, _consume_tip: function(tip, tour_name) { this._deactivate_tip(tip); this._to_next_step(tour_name); var is_running = (this.running_tour === tour_name); if (is_running) { console.log(_.str.sprintf("Tour %s: step %s succeeded", tour_name, tip.trigger)); } if (this.active_tooltips[tour_name]) { local_storage.setItem(get_step_key(tour_name), this.tours[tour_name].current_step); if (is_running) { this._log = []; this._set_running_tour_timeout(tour_name, this.active_tooltips[tour_name]); } this.update(tour_name); } else { this._consume_tour(tour_name); } }, _to_next_step: function (tour_name, inc) { var tour = this.tours[tour_name]; tour.current_step += (inc !== undefined ? inc : 1); if (this.running_tour !== tour_name) { var index = _.findIndex(tour.steps.slice(tour.current_step), function (tip) { return !tip.auto; }); if (index >= 0) { tour.current_step += index; } else { tour.current_step = tour.steps.length; } } this.active_tooltips[tour_name] = tour.steps[tour.current_step]; }, _consume_tour: function (tour_name, error) { delete this.active_tooltips[tour_name]; //display rainbow at the end of any tour if (this.tours[tour_name].rainbowMan && this.running_tour !== tour_name && this.tours[tour_name].current_step === this.tours[tour_name].steps.length) { var $rainbow_message = $('' + 'Good job!' + ' You went through all steps of this tour.' + ''); new RainbowMan({message: $rainbow_message, click_close: false}).appendTo(this.$body); } this.tours[tour_name].current_step = 0; local_storage.removeItem(get_step_key(tour_name)); if (this.running_tour === tour_name) { this._stop_running_tour_timeout(); local_storage.removeItem(get_running_key()); local_storage.removeItem(get_running_delay_key()); this.running_tour = undefined; this.running_step_delay = undefined; if (error) { _.each(this._log, function (log) { console.log(log); }); console.log(document.body.outerHTML); console.log("error " + error); // phantomJS wait for message starting by error } else { console.log(_.str.sprintf("Tour %s succeeded", tour_name)); console.log("ok"); // phantomJS wait for exact message "ok" } this._log = []; } else { var self = this; this._rpc({ model: 'web_tour.tour', method: 'consume', args: [[tour_name]], }) .then(function () { self.consumed_tours.push(tour_name); }); } }, _set_running_tour_timeout: function (tour_name, step) { this._stop_running_tour_timeout(); this.running_tour_timeout = setTimeout((function() { this._consume_tour(tour_name, _.str.sprintf("Tour %s failed at step %s", tour_name, step.trigger)); }).bind(this), (step.timeout || RUNNING_TOUR_TIMEOUT) + this.running_step_delay); }, _stop_running_tour_timeout: function () { clearTimeout(this.running_tour_timeout); this.running_tour_timeout = undefined; }, _to_next_running_step: function (tip, tour_name) { if (this.running_tour !== tour_name) return; this._stop_running_tour_timeout(); var action_helper = new RunningTourActionHelper(tip.widget); _.delay((function () { do_before_unload(this._consume_tip.bind(this, tip, tour_name)); if (typeof tip.run === "function") { tip.run.call(tip.widget, action_helper); } else if (tip.run !== undefined) { var m = tip.run.match(/^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) *(?:\(? *(.+?) *\)?)?$/); action_helper[m[1]](m[2]); } else { action_helper.auto(); } }).bind(this), this.running_step_delay); }, /** * Tour predefined steps */ STEPS: { MENU_MORE: { edition: "community", trigger: "body > nav", position: "bottom", auto: true, run: function (actions) { actions.auto("#menu_more_container > a"); }, }, TOGGLE_APPSWITCHER: { edition: "enterprise", trigger: ".o_main_navbar .o_menu_toggle", content: _t('Click the Home icon to navigate across apps.'), position: "bottom", }, WEBSITE_NEW_PAGE: { trigger: "#new-content-menu > a", auto: true, position: "bottom", }, }, }); });