odoo.define('web.pager_tests', function (require) { "use strict"; var Pager = require('web.Pager'); var concurrency = require('web.concurrency'); QUnit.module('chrome', {}, function () { QUnit.module('Pager'); QUnit.test('basic stuff', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); var pager = new Pager(null, 10, 1, 4); pager.appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')); assert.strictEqual(pager.state.current_min, 1, "current_min should be set to 1"); // click on next pager.$('.o_pager_next').click(); assert.strictEqual(pager.state.current_min, 5, "current_min should now be 5"); pager.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('edit the pager', function (assert) { assert.expect(5); var pager = new Pager(null, 10, 1, 4); pager.appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')); // enter edition pager.$('.o_pager_value').click(); assert.strictEqual(pager.$('input').length, 1, "the pager should contain an input"); assert.strictEqual(pager.$('input').val(), '1-4', "the input should have correct value"); // change the limit pager.$('input') .val('1-6') .trigger($.Event('keydown', {which: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER})); // trigger the change assert.strictEqual(pager.state.limit, 6, "the limit should have been updated"); assert.strictEqual(pager.state.current_min, 1, "the current_min should not have changed"); assert.strictEqual(pager.$('.o_pager_value').text(), '1-6', "the input should have correct value"); pager.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('disabling the pager', function (assert) { var done = assert.async(); assert.expect(4); var pager = new Pager(null, 10, 1, 4); pager.appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')); pager.disable(); // try to go to the next or previous pages pager.$('.o_pager_next').click(); assert.strictEqual(pager.state.current_min, 1, "current_min should still be 1"); pager.$('.o_pager_previous').click(); assert.strictEqual(pager.state.current_min, 1, "current_min should still be 1"); // try to change the limit pager.$('.o_pager_value').click(); assert.strictEqual(pager.$('input').length, 0, "the pager should not contain an input"); // a common use is to disable the pager before reloading the data, and // re-enable it once they have been loaded // the following imulates this situation pager.on('pager_changed', null, function () { pager.disable(); concurrency.delay(0).then(function () { assert.ok(pager.disabled, "pager should still be disabled"); pager.destroy(); done(); }); }); pager.enable(); pager.$('.o_pager_next').click(); }); }); });