odoo.define('web.SystrayMenu', function (require) { "use strict"; var Widget = require('web.Widget'); /** * The SystrayMenu is the class that manage the list of icons in the top right * of the menu bar. */ var SystrayMenu = Widget.extend({ /** * This widget renders the systray menu. It creates and renders widgets * pushed in instance.web.SystrayItems. */ init: function (parent) { this._super(parent); this.items = []; this.widgets = []; this.load = $.Deferred(); }, /** * @override * @returns {Deferred} */ start: function () { var self = this; self._super.apply(this, arguments); self._loadItems(); $.when.apply($, self.items).always(function () { self.load.resolve(); }); return self.load; }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Instantiate items, using the classes located in SystrayMenu.items. */ _loadItems: function () { var self = this; SystrayMenu.Items = _.sortBy(SystrayMenu.Items, function (item) { return !_.isUndefined(item.prototype.sequence) ? item.prototype.sequence : 50; }); _.each(SystrayMenu.Items, function (WidgetClass) { var cur_systray_item = new WidgetClass(self); self.widgets.push(cur_systray_item); self.items.push(cur_systray_item.prependTo(self.$el)); }); }, }); SystrayMenu.Items = []; return SystrayMenu; });