Sales Order - Send by Email ${( and '%s <%s>' % (, or '')|safe} ${} ${object.state in ('draft', 'sent') and 'Quotation' or 'Order'} (Ref ${ or 'n/a' }) ${} ${( or '').replace('/','_')}${object.state == 'draft' and '_draft' or ''} ${object.partner_id.lang} Dear ${} % set access_action = object.with_context(force_website=True).get_access_action() % set is_online = access_action and access_action['type'] == 'ir.actions.act_url' % set doc_name = 'quotation' if object.state in ('draft', 'sent') else 'order confirmation' % set pay_sign_name = object.get_portal_confirmation_action() % set access_name = is_online and object.state in ('draft', 'sent') and pay_sign_name in ('pay', 'sign') and 'Accept and %s online' % pay_sign_name or 'View %s' % doc_name % set access_url = is_online and object.get_mail_url() or '' % if object.partner_id.parent_id: (${}) % endif ,

Here is % if ctx.get('proforma') in attachment, your pro-forma invoice % else the ${doc_name} ${} % endif % if object.origin: (with reference: ${object.origin} ) % endif amounting in ${object.amount_total} ${} from ${}.

% if is_online and not ctx.get('proforma'):


(or view attached PDF)

% endif

You can reply to this email if you have any questions.

Thank you,

% if object.user_id and object.user_id.signature: ${object.user_id.signature | safe} % endif

Sales Order Notification Email ${object.subject} % set record = ctx.get('record') % set company = record and record.company_id or user.company_id
${object.record_name} ${}
${object.body | safe}
${ or ''}
% if ${}
% endif % if ${} % endif
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