purchase.requisition.type.tree purchase.requisition.type purchase.requisition.type.kanban purchase.requisition.type
purchase.requisition.type.form purchase.requisition.type
Purchase Agreement Types purchase.requisition.type {} form tree,kanban,form purchase.order.form.inherit purchase.order purchase.order.list.select.inherit purchase.order Request for Quotation ir.actions.act_window purchase.order form form,tree [('requisition_id','=',active_id)] {"default_requisition_id":active_id} Request for Quotations ir.actions.act_window purchase.order form tree,form [('requisition_id','=',active_id)] {"default_requisition_id":active_id} purchase.requisition.form purchase.requisition
purchase.requisition.tree purchase.requisition purchase.requisition.kanban purchase.requisition
purchase.requisition.list.select purchase.requisition Purchase Agreements ir.actions.act_window purchase.requisition form tree,kanban,form {"search_default_user_id":uid}

Click to start a new purchase agreement.

Example of purchase agreements include call for tenders and blanket orders.

In a call for tenders, you can record the products you need to buy and generate the creation of RfQs to vendors. Once the tenders have been registered, you can review and compare them and you can validate some and cancel others.

For a blanket order, you can record an agreement for a specifc period (e.g. a year) and you order products within this agreement, benefiting from the negociated prices.

product.template.form.inherit product.template