# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import fields, models from odoo.tools import float_compare class PurchaseOrderLine(models.Model): _inherit = 'purchase.order.line' qty_received = fields.Float(compute='_compute_qty_received', string="Received Qty", store=True) def _compute_qty_received(self): super(PurchaseOrderLine, self)._compute_qty_received() for line in self.filtered(lambda x: x.move_ids and x.product_id.id not in x.move_ids.mapped('product_id').ids): bom = self.env['mrp.bom']._bom_find(product=line.product_id, company_id=line.company_id.id) if bom and bom.type == 'phantom': line.qty_received = line._get_bom_delivered(bom=bom) def _get_bom_delivered(self, bom=False): self.ensure_one() # In the case of a kit, we need to check if all components are shipped. Since the BOM might # have changed, we don't compute the quantities but verify the move state. if bom: bom_delivered = all([move.state == 'done' for move in self.move_ids]) if bom_delivered: return self.product_qty else: return 0.0 class StockMove(models.Model): _inherit = 'stock.move' def _prepare_phantom_move_values(self, bom_line, quantity): vals = super(StockMove, self)._prepare_phantom_move_values(bom_line, quantity) if self.purchase_line_id: vals['purchase_line_id'] = self.purchase_line_id.id return vals