# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from datetime import timedelta from odoo import fields from .common import TestPurchase class TestPurchaseLeadTime(TestPurchase): def test_00_product_company_level_delays(self): """ To check dates, set product's Delivery Lead Time and company's Purchase Lead Time.""" company = self.env.ref('base.main_company') # Update company with Purchase Lead Time company.write({'po_lead': 3.00}) # Make procurement request from product_1's form view, create procurement and check it's state date_planned = fields.Datetime.to_string(fields.datetime.now() + timedelta(days=10)) self._create_make_procurement(self.product_1, 15.00, date_planned=date_planned) purchase = self.env['purchase.order.line'].search([('product_id', '=', self.product_1.id)], limit=1).order_id # Confirm purchase order purchase.button_confirm() # Check order date of purchase order order_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(date_planned) - timedelta(days=company.po_lead) - timedelta(days=self.product_1.seller_ids.delay) po_order_date = fields.Datetime.to_string(order_date) self.assertEqual(purchase.date_order, po_order_date, 'Order date should be equal to: Date of the procurement order - Purchase Lead Time - Delivery Lead Time.') # Check scheduled date of purchase order schedule_date = order_date + timedelta(days=self.product_1.seller_ids.delay) po_schedule_date = fields.Datetime.to_string(schedule_date) self.assertEqual(purchase.date_planned, po_schedule_date, 'Schedule date should be equal to: Order date of Purchase order + Delivery Lead Time.') # check the picking created or not self.assertTrue(purchase.picking_ids, "Picking should be created.") # Check scheduled date of In Type shipment self.assertEqual(purchase.picking_ids.scheduled_date, po_schedule_date, 'Schedule date of In type shipment should be equal to: schedule date of purchase order.') def test_01_product_level_delay(self): """ To check schedule dates of multiple purchase order line of the same purchase order, we create two procurements for the two different product with same vendor and different Delivery Lead Time.""" # Make procurement request from product_1's form view, create procurement and check it's state date_planned1 = fields.Datetime.to_string(fields.datetime.now() + timedelta(days=10)) self._create_make_procurement(self.product_1, 10.00, date_planned=date_planned1) purchase1 = self.env['purchase.order.line'].search([('product_id', '=', self.product_1.id)], limit=1).order_id # Make procurement request from product_2's form view, create procurement and check it's state date_planned2 = fields.Datetime.to_string(fields.datetime.now() + timedelta(days=10)) self._create_make_procurement(self.product_2, 5.00, date_planned=date_planned2) purchase2 = self.env['purchase.order.line'].search([('product_id', '=', self.product_2.id)], limit=1).order_id # Check purchase order is same or not self.assertEqual(purchase1, purchase2, 'Purchase orders should be same for the two different product with same vendor.') # Confirm purchase order purchase1.button_confirm() # Check order date of purchase order order_line_pro_1 = purchase2.order_line.filtered(lambda r: r.product_id == self.product_1) order_line_pro_2 = purchase2.order_line.filtered(lambda r: r.product_id == self.product_2) order_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(date_planned1) - timedelta(days=self.product_1.seller_ids.delay) po_order_date = fields.Datetime.to_string(order_date) self.assertEqual(purchase2.date_order, po_order_date, 'Order date should be equal to: Date of the procurement order - Delivery Lead Time.') # Check scheduled date of purchase order line for product_1 schedule_date_1 = order_date + timedelta(days=self.product_1.seller_ids.delay) schedule_date_line_1 = fields.Datetime.to_string(schedule_date_1) self.assertEqual(order_line_pro_1.date_planned, schedule_date_line_1, 'Schedule date of purchase order line for product_1 should be equal to: Order date of purchase order + Delivery Lead Time of product_1.') # Check scheduled date of purchase order line for product_2 schedule_date_2 = order_date + timedelta(days=self.product_2.seller_ids.delay) schedule_date_line_2 = fields.Datetime.to_string(schedule_date_2) self.assertEqual(order_line_pro_2.date_planned, schedule_date_line_2, 'Schedule date of purchase order line for product_2 should be equal to: Order date of purchase order + Delivery Lead Time of product_2.') # Check scheduled date of purchase order po_schedule_date = min(schedule_date_line_1, schedule_date_line_2) self.assertEqual(purchase2.date_planned, po_schedule_date, 'Schedule date of purchase order should be minimum of schedule dates of purchase order lines.') # Check the picking created or not self.assertTrue(purchase2.picking_ids, "Picking should be created.") # Check scheduled date of In Type shipment self.assertEqual(purchase2.picking_ids.scheduled_date, po_schedule_date, 'Schedule date of In type shipment should be same as schedule date of purchase order.') def test_02_product_route_level_delays(self): """ In order to check dates, set product's Delivery Lead Time and warehouse route's delay.""" # Update warehouse_1 with Incoming Shipments 3 steps self.warehouse_1.write({'reception_steps': 'three_steps'}) # Set delay on push rule for push_rule in self.warehouse_1.reception_route_id.push_ids: push_rule.write({'delay': 2}) date_planned = fields.Datetime.to_string(fields.datetime.now() + timedelta(days=10)) # Create procurement order of product_1 self.env['procurement.group'].run(self.product_1, 5.000, self.uom_unit, self.warehouse_1.lot_stock_id, 'Test scheduler for RFQ', '/', { 'warehouse_id': self.warehouse_1, 'date_planned': date_planned, # 10 days added to current date of procurement to get future schedule date and order date of purchase order. 'rule_id': self.warehouse_1.buy_pull_id, 'group_id': False, 'route_ids': [], }) # Confirm purchase order purchase = self.env['purchase.order.line'].search([('product_id', '=', self.product_1.id)], limit=1).order_id purchase.button_confirm() # Check order date of purchase order order_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(date_planned) - timedelta(days=self.product_1.seller_ids.delay) po_order_date = fields.Datetime.to_string(order_date) self.assertEqual(purchase.date_order, po_order_date, 'Order date should be equal to: Date of the procurement order - Delivery Lead Time.') # Check scheduled date of purchase order schedule_date = order_date + timedelta(days=self.product_1.seller_ids.delay) po_schedule_date = fields.Datetime.to_string(schedule_date) self.assertEqual(date_planned, po_schedule_date, 'Schedule date should be equal to: Order date of Purchase order + Delivery Lead Time.') # Check the picking crated or not self.assertTrue(purchase.picking_ids, "Picking should be created.") # Check scheduled date of In Type shipment incoming_shipment = purchase.picking_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.picking_type_id == self.warehouse_1.in_type_id and r.location_dest_id == self.warehouse_1.wh_input_stock_loc_id) self.assertEqual(incoming_shipment.scheduled_date, po_schedule_date, 'Schedule date of In type shipment should be same as schedule date of purchase order.') # Check scheduled date of Internal Type shipment incoming_shipment1 = self.env['stock.picking'].search([('move_lines.product_id', 'in', (self.product_1.id, self.product_2.id)), ('picking_type_id', '=', self.warehouse_1.int_type_id.id), ('location_id', '=', self.warehouse_1.wh_input_stock_loc_id.id), ('location_dest_id', '=', self.warehouse_1.wh_qc_stock_loc_id.id)]) incoming_shipment1_date = schedule_date + timedelta(days=incoming_shipment1.move_lines[0].push_rule_id.delay) incoming_shipment1_schedule_date = fields.Datetime.to_string(incoming_shipment1_date) self.assertEqual(incoming_shipment1.scheduled_date, incoming_shipment1_schedule_date, 'Schedule date of Internal Type shipment for input stock location should be equal to: schedule date of purchase order + push rule delay.') incoming_shipment2 = self.env['stock.picking'].search([('picking_type_id', '=', self.warehouse_1.int_type_id.id), ('location_id', '=', self.warehouse_1.wh_qc_stock_loc_id.id), ('location_dest_id', '=', self.warehouse_1.lot_stock_id.id)]) incoming_shipment2_date = incoming_shipment1_date + timedelta(days=incoming_shipment2.move_lines[0].push_rule_id.delay) incoming_shipment2_schedule_date = fields.Datetime.to_string(incoming_shipment2_date) self.assertEqual(incoming_shipment2.scheduled_date, incoming_shipment2_schedule_date, 'Schedule date of Internal Type shipment for quality control stock location should be equal to: schedule date of Internal type shipment for input stock location + push rule delay..')