# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo.addons.account.tests.account_test_classes import AccountingTestCase class TestMrpRepair(AccountingTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestMrpRepair, self).setUp() self.MrpRepair = self.env['mrp.repair'] self.ResUsers = self.env['res.users'] self.MrpRepairMakeInvoice = self.env['mrp.repair.make_invoice'] self.res_group_user = self.env.ref('stock.group_stock_user') self.res_group_manager = self.env.ref('stock.group_stock_manager') self.mrp_repair_rmrp0 = self.env.ref('mrp_repair.mrp_repair_rmrp0') self.mrp_repair_rmrp1 = self.env.ref('mrp_repair.mrp_repair_rmrp1') self.mrp_repair_rmrp2 = self.env.ref('mrp_repair.mrp_repair_rmrp2') self.res_mrp_repair_user = self.ResUsers.create({ 'name': 'MRP User', 'login': 'maru', 'password': 'maru', 'email': 'mrp_repair_user@yourcompany.com', 'groups_id': [(6, 0, [self.res_group_user.id])]}) self.res_mrp_repair_manager = self.ResUsers.create({ 'name': 'MRP Manager', 'login': 'marm', 'password': 'marm', 'email': 'mrp_repair_manager@yourcompany.com', 'groups_id': [(6, 0, [self.res_group_manager.id])]}) def test_00_mrp_repair_afterinv(self): # I confirm Repair order taking Invoice Method 'After Repair'. self.mrp_repair_rmrp0.sudo(self.res_mrp_repair_user.id).action_repair_confirm() # I check the state is in "Confirmed". self.assertEqual(self.mrp_repair_rmrp0.state, "confirmed", 'Mrp repair order should be in "Confirmed" state.') self.mrp_repair_rmrp0.action_repair_start() # I check the state is in "Under Repair". self.assertEqual(self.mrp_repair_rmrp0.state, "under_repair", 'Mrp repair order should be in "Under_repair" state.') # Repairing process for product is in Done state and I end Repair process by clicking on "End Repair" button. self.mrp_repair_rmrp0.action_repair_end() # I define Invoice Method 'After Repair' option in this Repair order.so I create invoice by clicking on "Make Invoice" wizard. mrp_make_invoice = self.MrpRepairMakeInvoice.create({ 'group': True}) # I click on "Create Invoice" button of this wizard to make invoice. context = { "active_model": 'mrp_repair', "active_ids": [self.mrp_repair_rmrp0.id], "active_id": self.mrp_repair_rmrp0.id } mrp_make_invoice.with_context(context).make_invoices() # I check that invoice is created for this Repair order. self.assertEqual(len(self.mrp_repair_rmrp0.invoice_id), 1, "No invoice exists for this repair order") self.assertEqual(len(self.mrp_repair_rmrp0.move_id.move_line_ids[0].consume_line_ids), 1, "Consume lines should be set") def test_01_mrp_repair_b4inv(self): # I confirm Repair order for Invoice Method 'Before Repair'. self.mrp_repair_rmrp2.sudo(self.res_mrp_repair_user.id).action_repair_confirm() # I click on "Create Invoice" button of this wizard to make invoice. self.mrp_repair_rmrp2.action_repair_invoice_create() # I check that invoice is created for this Repair order. self.assertEqual(len(self.mrp_repair_rmrp2.invoice_id), 1, "No invoice exists for this repair order") # I start the Repairing process by clicking on "Start Repair" button. self.mrp_repair_rmrp2.action_repair_start() # Repairing process for this product is in Done state and I end this process by clicking on "End Repair" button for Invoice Method 'Before Repair'. self.mrp_repair_rmrp2.action_repair_end() def test_02_mrp_repair_noneinv(self): # I confirm Repair order for Invoice Method 'No Invoice'. self.mrp_repair_rmrp1.sudo(self.res_mrp_repair_user.id).action_repair_confirm() # I start the repairing process by clicking on "Start Repair" button for Invoice Method 'No Invoice'. self.mrp_repair_rmrp1.action_repair_start() # I check its state which is in "Under Repair". self.assertEqual(self.mrp_repair_rmrp1.state, "under_repair", 'Mrp repair order should be in "Under_repair" state.') # Repairing process for product is in Done state and I end this process by clicking on "End Repair" button. self.mrp_repair_rmrp1.action_repair_end() # I define Invoice Method 'No Invoice' option in this repair order. # So, I check that Invoice has not been created for this repair order. self.assertNotEqual(len(self.mrp_repair_rmrp1.invoice_id), 1, "Invoice should not exist for this repair order") def test_03_mrp_repair_fee(self): # I check the total amount of mrp_repair_rmrp1 is 100 self.assertEqual(self.mrp_repair_rmrp1.amount_total, 100, "Amount_total should be 100") # I add a new fee line product_assembly = self.env.ref('product.product_product_5') product_uom_hour = self.env.ref('product.product_uom_hour') self.MrpRepairFee = self.env['mrp.repair.fee'] self.MrpRepairFee.create({ 'name': 'PC Assemble + Custom (PC on Demand)', 'product_id': product_assembly.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1.0, 'product_uom': product_uom_hour.id, 'price_unit': 12.0, 'repair_id': self.mrp_repair_rmrp1.id}) # I check the total amount of mrp_repair_rmrp1 is now 112 self.assertEqual(self.mrp_repair_rmrp1.amount_total, 112, "Amount_total should be 100")