# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from datetime import date from odoo import api, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError class EmployeesYearlySalaryReport(models.AbstractModel): _name = 'report.l10n_in_hr_payroll.report_hryearlysalary' def get_periods(self, form): self.mnths = [] # Get start year-month-date and end year-month-date first_year = int(form['date_from'][0:4]) last_year = int(form['date_to'][0:4]) first_month = int(form['date_from'][5:7]) last_month = int(form['date_to'][5:7]) no_months = (last_year - first_year) * 12 + last_month - first_month + 1 current_month = first_month current_year = first_year # Get name of the months from integer mnth_name = [] for count in range(0, no_months): m = date(current_year, current_month, 1).strftime('%b') mnth_name.append(m) self.mnths.append(str(current_month) + '-' + str(current_year)) if current_month == 12: current_month = 0 current_year = last_year current_month = current_month + 1 for c in range(0, (12 - no_months)): mnth_name.append('') self.mnths.append('') return [mnth_name] def get_employee(self, form): return self.env['hr.employee'].browse(form.get('employee_ids', [])) def get_employee_detail(self, form, obj): self.allow_list = [] self.deduct_list = [] self.total = 0.00 gross = False net = False payslip_lines = self.cal_monthly_amt(form, obj.id) for line in payslip_lines: for line[0] in line: if line[0][0] == "Gross": gross = line[0] elif line[0][0] == "Net": net = line[0] elif line[0][13] > 0.0 and line[0][0] != "Net": self.total += line[0][len(line[0]) - 1] self.allow_list.append(line[0]) elif line[0][13] < 0.0: self.total += line[0][len(line[0]) - 1] self.deduct_list.append(line[0]) if gross: self.allow_list.append(gross) if net: self.deduct_list.append(net) return None def cal_monthly_amt(self, form, emp_id): result = [] res = [] salaries = {} self.env.cr.execute('''SELECT rc.code, pl.name, sum(pl.total), \ to_char(date_to,'mm-yyyy') as to_date FROM hr_payslip_line as pl \ LEFT JOIN hr_salary_rule_category AS rc on (pl.category_id = rc.id) \ LEFT JOIN hr_payslip as p on pl.slip_id = p.id \ LEFT JOIN hr_employee as emp on emp.id = p.employee_id \ WHERE p.employee_id = %s \ GROUP BY rc.parent_id, pl.sequence, pl.id, pl.category_id,pl.name,p.date_to,rc.code \ ORDER BY pl.sequence, rc.parent_id''', (emp_id,)) salary = self.env.cr.fetchall() for category in salary: if category[0] not in salaries: salaries.setdefault(category[0], {}) salaries[category[0]].update({category[1]: {category[3]: category[2]}}) elif category[1] not in salaries[category[0]]: salaries[category[0]].setdefault(category[1], {}) salaries[category[0]][category[1]].update({category[3]: category[2]}) else: salaries[category[0]][category[1]].update({category[3]: category[2]}) categories = self.env['hr.salary.rule.category'].search([]).mapped('code') for code in categories: if code in salaries: res = self.salary_list(salaries[code]) result.append(res) return result def salary_list(self, salaries): cat_salary_all = [] for category_name, amount in salaries.items(): cat_salary = [] total = 0.0 cat_salary.append(category_name) for mnth in self.mnths: if mnth != 'None': if len(mnth) != 7: mnth = '0' + str(mnth) if mnth in amount and amount[mnth]: cat_salary.append(amount[mnth]) total += amount[mnth] else: cat_salary.append(0.00) else: cat_salary.append('') cat_salary.append(total) cat_salary_all.append(cat_salary) return cat_salary_all def get_allow(self): return self.allow_list def get_deduct(self): return self.deduct_list def get_total(self): return self.total @api.model def get_report_values(self, docids, data=None): if not self.env.context.get('active_model') or not self.env.context.get('active_id'): raise UserError(_("Form content is missing, this report cannot be printed.")) model = self.env.context.get('active_model') docs = self.env[model].browse(self.env.context.get('active_id')) return { 'doc_ids': docids, 'doc_model': model, 'data': data, 'docs': docs, 'get_employee': self.get_employee, 'get_employee_detail': self.get_employee_detail, 'cal_monthly_amt': self.cal_monthly_amt, 'get_periods': self.get_periods, 'get_total': self.get_total, 'get_allow': self.get_allow, 'get_deduct': self.get_deduct, }