# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import babel.dates from odoo import api, fields, models from odoo.fields import Datetime class FleetVehicle(models.Model): _inherit = 'fleet.vehicle' co2_fee = fields.Float(compute='_compute_co2_fee', string="CO2 Fee") total_depreciated_cost = fields.Float(compute='_compute_total_depreciated_cost', string="Total Cost (Depreciated)", help="This includes all the depreciated costs and the CO2 fee") total_cost = fields.Float(compute='_compute_total_cost', string="Total Cost", help="This include all the costs and the CO2 fee") fuel_type = fields.Selection(required=True, default='diesel') atn = fields.Float(compute='_compute_car_atn', string="ATN") acquisition_date = fields.Date(required=True) @api.depends('co2_fee', 'log_contracts', 'log_contracts.state', 'log_contracts.recurring_cost_amount_depreciated') def _compute_total_depreciated_cost(self): for car in self: car.total_depreciated_cost = car.co2_fee + \ sum(car.log_contracts.filtered( lambda contract: contract.state == 'open' ).mapped('recurring_cost_amount_depreciated')) @api.depends('co2_fee', 'log_contracts', 'log_contracts.state', 'log_contracts.cost_generated') def _compute_total_cost(self): for car in self: car.total_cost = car.co2_fee contracts = car.log_contracts.filtered( lambda contract: contract.state == 'open' and contract.cost_frequency != 'no' ) for contract in contracts: if contract.cost_frequency == "daily": car.total_cost += contract.cost_generated * 30.0 elif contract.cost_frequency == "weekly": car.total_cost += contract.cost_generated * 4.0 elif contract.cost_frequency == "monthly": car.total_cost += contract.cost_generated elif contract.cost_frequency == "yearly": car.total_cost += contract.cost_generated / 12.0 def _get_co2_fee(self, co2): return max((((co2 * 9.0) - 600.0) * 1.2488) / 12.0, 0.0) @api.depends('co2') def _compute_co2_fee(self): for car in self: car.co2_fee = self._get_co2_fee(car.co2) @api.depends('fuel_type', 'car_value', 'acquisition_date') def _compute_car_atn(self): for car in self: car.atn = car._get_car_atn(car.acquisition_date, car.car_value, car.fuel_type, car.co2) @api.depends('model_id', 'license_plate', 'log_contracts', 'acquisition_date', 'co2_fee', 'log_contracts', 'log_contracts.state', 'log_contracts.recurring_cost_amount_depreciated') def _compute_vehicle_name(self): super(FleetVehicle, self)._compute_vehicle_name() for vehicle in self: acquisition_date = vehicle._get_acquisition_date() vehicle.name += u" \u2022 " + str(round(vehicle.total_depreciated_cost, 2)) + u" \u2022 " + acquisition_date def _get_acquisition_date(self): self.ensure_one() return babel.dates.format_date( date=Datetime.from_string(self.acquisition_date), format='MMMM y', locale=self._context.get('lang') or 'en_US' ) def _get_car_atn(self, acquisition_date, car_value, fuel_type, co2): # Compute the correction coefficient from the age of the car now = Datetime.from_string(Datetime.now()) start = Datetime.from_string(acquisition_date) if start: number_of_month = (now.year - start.year) * 12.0 + now.month - start.month + int(bool(now.day - start.day + 1)) if number_of_month <= 12: age_coefficient = 1.00 elif number_of_month <= 24: age_coefficient = 0.94 elif number_of_month <= 36: age_coefficient = 0.88 elif number_of_month <= 48: age_coefficient = 0.82 elif number_of_month <= 60: age_coefficient = 0.76 else: age_coefficient = 0.70 car_value = car_value * age_coefficient # Compute atn value from corrected car_value magic_coeff = 6.0 / 7.0 # Don't ask me why if fuel_type == 'electric': atn = 0.0 else: if fuel_type in ['diesel', 'hybrid']: reference = 87.0 else: reference = 105.0 if co2 <= reference: atn = car_value * max(0.04, (0.055 - 0.001 * (reference - co2))) * magic_coeff else: atn = car_value * min(0.18, (0.055 + 0.001 * (co2 - reference))) * magic_coeff return max(1280, atn) / 12.0 class FleetVehicleLogContract(models.Model): _inherit = 'fleet.vehicle.log.contract' recurring_cost_amount_depreciated = fields.Float("Recurring Cost Amount (depreciated)") class FleetVehicleModel(models.Model): _inherit = 'fleet.vehicle.model' default_recurring_cost_amount_depreciated = fields.Float(string="Cost (Depreciated)", help="Default recurring cost amount that should be applied to a new car from this model") default_co2 = fields.Float(string="CO2 emissions") default_fuel_type = fields.Selection([('gasoline', 'Gasoline'), ('diesel', 'Diesel'), ('electric', 'Electric'), ('hybrid', 'Hybrid')], 'Fuel Type', help='Fuel Used by the vehicle') default_car_value = fields.Float(string="Catalog Value (VAT Incl.)") can_be_requested = fields.Boolean(string="Can be requested", help="Can be requested on a contract as a new car") default_atn = fields.Float(compute='_compute_atn', string="ATN") default_total_depreciated_cost = fields.Float(compute='_compute_default_total_depreciated_cost', string="Total Cost (Depreciated)") co2_fee = fields.Float(compute='_compute_co2_fee', string="CO2 fee") @api.depends('default_car_value', 'default_co2', 'default_fuel_type') def _compute_atn(self): now = Datetime.now() for model in self: model.default_atn = self.env['fleet.vehicle']._get_car_atn(now, model.default_car_value, model.default_fuel_type, model.default_co2) @api.depends('co2_fee', 'default_recurring_cost_amount_depreciated') def _compute_default_total_depreciated_cost(self): for model in self: model.default_total_depreciated_cost = model.co2_fee + model.default_recurring_cost_amount_depreciated @api.multi @api.depends('name', 'brand_id', 'default_total_depreciated_cost') def name_get(self): res = super(FleetVehicleModel, self).name_get() new_res = [] for res_item in res: model = self.browse(res_item[0]) if model.default_total_depreciated_cost != 0.0: new_res.append((res_item[0], res_item[1] + u" \u2022 " + str(round(model.default_total_depreciated_cost, 2)))) else: new_res.append(res_item) return new_res @api.depends('default_co2') def _compute_co2_fee(self): for model in self: model.co2_fee = self.env['fleet.vehicle']._get_co2_fee(model.default_co2)