# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import time from datetime import datetime from datetime import time as datetime_time from dateutil import relativedelta import babel from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, _ from odoo.addons import decimal_precision as dp from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError class HrPayslip(models.Model): _name = 'hr.payslip' _description = 'Pay Slip' struct_id = fields.Many2one('hr.payroll.structure', string='Structure', readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}, help='Defines the rules that have to be applied to this payslip, accordingly ' 'to the contract chosen. If you let empty the field contract, this field isn\'t ' 'mandatory anymore and thus the rules applied will be all the rules set on the ' 'structure of all contracts of the employee valid for the chosen period') name = fields.Char(string='Payslip Name', readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}) number = fields.Char(string='Reference', readonly=True, copy=False, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}) employee_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', string='Employee', required=True, readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}) date_from = fields.Date(string='Date From', readonly=True, required=True, default=time.strftime('%Y-%m-01'), states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}) date_to = fields.Date(string='Date To', readonly=True, required=True, default=str(datetime.now() + relativedelta.relativedelta(months=+1, day=1, days=-1))[:10], states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}) # this is chaos: 4 states are defined, 3 are used ('verify' isn't) and 5 exist ('confirm' seems to have existed) state = fields.Selection([ ('draft', 'Draft'), ('verify', 'Waiting'), ('done', 'Done'), ('cancel', 'Rejected'), ], string='Status', index=True, readonly=True, copy=False, default='draft', help="""* When the payslip is created the status is \'Draft\' \n* If the payslip is under verification, the status is \'Waiting\'. \n* If the payslip is confirmed then status is set to \'Done\'. \n* When user cancel payslip the status is \'Rejected\'.""") line_ids = fields.One2many('hr.payslip.line', 'slip_id', string='Payslip Lines', readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}) company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', string='Company', readonly=True, copy=False, default=lambda self: self.env['res.company']._company_default_get(), states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}) worked_days_line_ids = fields.One2many('hr.payslip.worked_days', 'payslip_id', string='Payslip Worked Days', copy=True, readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}) input_line_ids = fields.One2many('hr.payslip.input', 'payslip_id', string='Payslip Inputs', readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}) paid = fields.Boolean(string='Made Payment Order ? ', readonly=True, copy=False, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}) note = fields.Text(string='Internal Note', readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}) contract_id = fields.Many2one('hr.contract', string='Contract', readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}) details_by_salary_rule_category = fields.One2many('hr.payslip.line', compute='_compute_details_by_salary_rule_category', string='Details by Salary Rule Category') credit_note = fields.Boolean(string='Credit Note', readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}, help="Indicates this payslip has a refund of another") payslip_run_id = fields.Many2one('hr.payslip.run', string='Payslip Batches', readonly=True, copy=False, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}) payslip_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_payslip_count', string="Payslip Computation Details") @api.multi def _compute_details_by_salary_rule_category(self): for payslip in self: payslip.details_by_salary_rule_category = payslip.mapped('line_ids').filtered(lambda line: line.category_id) @api.multi def _compute_payslip_count(self): for payslip in self: payslip.payslip_count = len(payslip.line_ids) @api.constrains('date_from', 'date_to') def _check_dates(self): if any(self.filtered(lambda payslip: payslip.date_from > payslip.date_to)): raise ValidationError(_("Payslip 'Date From' must be before 'Date To'.")) @api.multi def action_payslip_draft(self): return self.write({'state': 'draft'}) @api.multi def action_payslip_done(self): self.compute_sheet() return self.write({'state': 'done'}) @api.multi def action_payslip_cancel(self): if self.filtered(lambda slip: slip.state == 'done'): raise UserError(_("Cannot cancel a payslip that is done.")) return self.write({'state': 'cancel'}) @api.multi def refund_sheet(self): for payslip in self: copied_payslip = payslip.copy({'credit_note': True, 'name': _('Refund: ') + payslip.name}) copied_payslip.action_payslip_done() formview_ref = self.env.ref('hr_payroll.view_hr_payslip_form', False) treeview_ref = self.env.ref('hr_payroll.view_hr_payslip_tree', False) return { 'name': ("Refund Payslip"), 'view_mode': 'tree, form', 'view_id': False, 'view_type': 'form', 'res_model': 'hr.payslip', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'target': 'current', 'domain': "[('id', 'in', %s)]" % copied_payslip.ids, 'views': [(treeview_ref and treeview_ref.id or False, 'tree'), (formview_ref and formview_ref.id or False, 'form')], 'context': {} } @api.multi def check_done(self): return True @api.multi def unlink(self): if any(self.filtered(lambda payslip: payslip.state not in ('draft', 'cancel'))): raise UserError(_('You cannot delete a payslip which is not draft or cancelled!')) return super(HrPayslip, self).unlink() # TODO move this function into hr_contract module, on hr.employee object @api.model def get_contract(self, employee, date_from, date_to): """ @param employee: recordset of employee @param date_from: date field @param date_to: date field @return: returns the ids of all the contracts for the given employee that need to be considered for the given dates """ # a contract is valid if it ends between the given dates clause_1 = ['&', ('date_end', '<=', date_to), ('date_end', '>=', date_from)] # OR if it starts between the given dates clause_2 = ['&', ('date_start', '<=', date_to), ('date_start', '>=', date_from)] # OR if it starts before the date_from and finish after the date_end (or never finish) clause_3 = ['&', ('date_start', '<=', date_from), '|', ('date_end', '=', False), ('date_end', '>=', date_to)] clause_final = [('employee_id', '=', employee.id), ('state', '=', 'open'), '|', '|'] + clause_1 + clause_2 + clause_3 return self.env['hr.contract'].search(clause_final).ids @api.multi def compute_sheet(self): for payslip in self: number = payslip.number or self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('salary.slip') # delete old payslip lines payslip.line_ids.unlink() # set the list of contract for which the rules have to be applied # if we don't give the contract, then the rules to apply should be for all current contracts of the employee contract_ids = payslip.contract_id.ids or \ self.get_contract(payslip.employee_id, payslip.date_from, payslip.date_to) lines = [(0, 0, line) for line in self._get_payslip_lines(contract_ids, payslip.id)] payslip.write({'line_ids': lines, 'number': number}) return True @api.model def get_worked_day_lines(self, contracts, date_from, date_to): """ @param contract: Browse record of contracts @return: returns a list of dict containing the input that should be applied for the given contract between date_from and date_to """ res = [] # fill only if the contract as a working schedule linked for contract in contracts.filtered(lambda contract: contract.resource_calendar_id): day_from = datetime.combine(fields.Date.from_string(date_from), datetime_time.min) day_to = datetime.combine(fields.Date.from_string(date_to), datetime_time.max) # compute leave days leaves = {} day_leave_intervals = contract.employee_id.iter_leaves(day_from, day_to, calendar=contract.resource_calendar_id) for day_intervals in day_leave_intervals: for interval in day_intervals: holiday = interval[2]['leaves'].holiday_id current_leave_struct = leaves.setdefault(holiday.holiday_status_id, { 'name': holiday.holiday_status_id.name, 'sequence': 5, 'code': holiday.holiday_status_id.name, 'number_of_days': 0.0, 'number_of_hours': 0.0, 'contract_id': contract.id, }) leave_time = (interval[1] - interval[0]).seconds / 3600 current_leave_struct['number_of_hours'] += leave_time work_hours = contract.employee_id.get_day_work_hours_count(interval[0].date(), calendar=contract.resource_calendar_id) current_leave_struct['number_of_days'] += leave_time / work_hours # compute worked days work_data = contract.employee_id.get_work_days_data(day_from, day_to, calendar=contract.resource_calendar_id) attendances = { 'name': _("Normal Working Days paid at 100%"), 'sequence': 1, 'code': 'WORK100', 'number_of_days': work_data['days'], 'number_of_hours': work_data['hours'], 'contract_id': contract.id, } res.append(attendances) res.extend(leaves.values()) return res @api.model def get_inputs(self, contracts, date_from, date_to): res = [] structure_ids = contracts.get_all_structures() rule_ids = self.env['hr.payroll.structure'].browse(structure_ids).get_all_rules() sorted_rule_ids = [id for id, sequence in sorted(rule_ids, key=lambda x:x[1])] inputs = self.env['hr.salary.rule'].browse(sorted_rule_ids).mapped('input_ids') for contract in contracts: for input in inputs: input_data = { 'name': input.name, 'code': input.code, 'contract_id': contract.id, } res += [input_data] return res @api.model def _get_payslip_lines(self, contract_ids, payslip_id): def _sum_salary_rule_category(localdict, category, amount): if category.parent_id: localdict = _sum_salary_rule_category(localdict, category.parent_id, amount) localdict['categories'].dict[category.code] = category.code in localdict['categories'].dict and localdict['categories'].dict[category.code] + amount or amount return localdict class BrowsableObject(object): def __init__(self, employee_id, dict, env): self.employee_id = employee_id self.dict = dict self.env = env def __getattr__(self, attr): return attr in self.dict and self.dict.__getitem__(attr) or 0.0 class InputLine(BrowsableObject): """a class that will be used into the python code, mainly for usability purposes""" def sum(self, code, from_date, to_date=None): if to_date is None: to_date = fields.Date.today() self.env.cr.execute(""" SELECT sum(amount) as sum FROM hr_payslip as hp, hr_payslip_input as pi WHERE hp.employee_id = %s AND hp.state = 'done' AND hp.date_from >= %s AND hp.date_to <= %s AND hp.id = pi.payslip_id AND pi.code = %s""", (self.employee_id, from_date, to_date, code)) return self.env.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0 class WorkedDays(BrowsableObject): """a class that will be used into the python code, mainly for usability purposes""" def _sum(self, code, from_date, to_date=None): if to_date is None: to_date = fields.Date.today() self.env.cr.execute(""" SELECT sum(number_of_days) as number_of_days, sum(number_of_hours) as number_of_hours FROM hr_payslip as hp, hr_payslip_worked_days as pi WHERE hp.employee_id = %s AND hp.state = 'done' AND hp.date_from >= %s AND hp.date_to <= %s AND hp.id = pi.payslip_id AND pi.code = %s""", (self.employee_id, from_date, to_date, code)) return self.env.cr.fetchone() def sum(self, code, from_date, to_date=None): res = self._sum(code, from_date, to_date) return res and res[0] or 0.0 def sum_hours(self, code, from_date, to_date=None): res = self._sum(code, from_date, to_date) return res and res[1] or 0.0 class Payslips(BrowsableObject): """a class that will be used into the python code, mainly for usability purposes""" def sum(self, code, from_date, to_date=None): if to_date is None: to_date = fields.Date.today() self.env.cr.execute("""SELECT sum(case when hp.credit_note = False then (pl.total) else (-pl.total) end) FROM hr_payslip as hp, hr_payslip_line as pl WHERE hp.employee_id = %s AND hp.state = 'done' AND hp.date_from >= %s AND hp.date_to <= %s AND hp.id = pl.slip_id AND pl.code = %s""", (self.employee_id, from_date, to_date, code)) res = self.env.cr.fetchone() return res and res[0] or 0.0 #we keep a dict with the result because a value can be overwritten by another rule with the same code result_dict = {} rules_dict = {} worked_days_dict = {} inputs_dict = {} blacklist = [] payslip = self.env['hr.payslip'].browse(payslip_id) for worked_days_line in payslip.worked_days_line_ids: worked_days_dict[worked_days_line.code] = worked_days_line for input_line in payslip.input_line_ids: inputs_dict[input_line.code] = input_line categories = BrowsableObject(payslip.employee_id.id, {}, self.env) inputs = InputLine(payslip.employee_id.id, inputs_dict, self.env) worked_days = WorkedDays(payslip.employee_id.id, worked_days_dict, self.env) payslips = Payslips(payslip.employee_id.id, payslip, self.env) rules = BrowsableObject(payslip.employee_id.id, rules_dict, self.env) baselocaldict = {'categories': categories, 'rules': rules, 'payslip': payslips, 'worked_days': worked_days, 'inputs': inputs} #get the ids of the structures on the contracts and their parent id as well contracts = self.env['hr.contract'].browse(contract_ids) if len(contracts) == 1 and payslip.struct_id: structure_ids = list(set(payslip.struct_id._get_parent_structure().ids)) else: structure_ids = contracts.get_all_structures() #get the rules of the structure and thier children rule_ids = self.env['hr.payroll.structure'].browse(structure_ids).get_all_rules() #run the rules by sequence sorted_rule_ids = [id for id, sequence in sorted(rule_ids, key=lambda x:x[1])] sorted_rules = self.env['hr.salary.rule'].browse(sorted_rule_ids) for contract in contracts: employee = contract.employee_id localdict = dict(baselocaldict, employee=employee, contract=contract) for rule in sorted_rules: key = rule.code + '-' + str(contract.id) localdict['result'] = None localdict['result_qty'] = 1.0 localdict['result_rate'] = 100 #check if the rule can be applied if rule._satisfy_condition(localdict) and rule.id not in blacklist: #compute the amount of the rule amount, qty, rate = rule._compute_rule(localdict) #check if there is already a rule computed with that code previous_amount = rule.code in localdict and localdict[rule.code] or 0.0 #set/overwrite the amount computed for this rule in the localdict tot_rule = amount * qty * rate / 100.0 localdict[rule.code] = tot_rule rules_dict[rule.code] = rule #sum the amount for its salary category localdict = _sum_salary_rule_category(localdict, rule.category_id, tot_rule - previous_amount) #create/overwrite the rule in the temporary results result_dict[key] = { 'salary_rule_id': rule.id, 'contract_id': contract.id, 'name': rule.name, 'code': rule.code, 'category_id': rule.category_id.id, 'sequence': rule.sequence, 'appears_on_payslip': rule.appears_on_payslip, 'condition_select': rule.condition_select, 'condition_python': rule.condition_python, 'condition_range': rule.condition_range, 'condition_range_min': rule.condition_range_min, 'condition_range_max': rule.condition_range_max, 'amount_select': rule.amount_select, 'amount_fix': rule.amount_fix, 'amount_python_compute': rule.amount_python_compute, 'amount_percentage': rule.amount_percentage, 'amount_percentage_base': rule.amount_percentage_base, 'register_id': rule.register_id.id, 'amount': amount, 'employee_id': contract.employee_id.id, 'quantity': qty, 'rate': rate, } else: #blacklist this rule and its children blacklist += [id for id, seq in rule._recursive_search_of_rules()] return list(result_dict.values()) # YTI TODO To rename. This method is not really an onchange, as it is not in any view # employee_id and contract_id could be browse records @api.multi def onchange_employee_id(self, date_from, date_to, employee_id=False, contract_id=False): #defaults res = { 'value': { 'line_ids': [], #delete old input lines 'input_line_ids': [(2, x,) for x in self.input_line_ids.ids], #delete old worked days lines 'worked_days_line_ids': [(2, x,) for x in self.worked_days_line_ids.ids], #'details_by_salary_head':[], TODO put me back 'name': '', 'contract_id': False, 'struct_id': False, } } if (not employee_id) or (not date_from) or (not date_to): return res ttyme = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(date_from, "%Y-%m-%d"))) employee = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(employee_id) locale = self.env.context.get('lang') or 'en_US' res['value'].update({ 'name': _('Salary Slip of %s for %s') % (employee.name, tools.ustr(babel.dates.format_date(date=ttyme, format='MMMM-y', locale=locale))), 'company_id': employee.company_id.id, }) if not self.env.context.get('contract'): #fill with the first contract of the employee contract_ids = self.get_contract(employee, date_from, date_to) else: if contract_id: #set the list of contract for which the input have to be filled contract_ids = [contract_id] else: #if we don't give the contract, then the input to fill should be for all current contracts of the employee contract_ids = self.get_contract(employee, date_from, date_to) if not contract_ids: return res contract = self.env['hr.contract'].browse(contract_ids[0]) res['value'].update({ 'contract_id': contract.id }) struct = contract.struct_id if not struct: return res res['value'].update({ 'struct_id': struct.id, }) #computation of the salary input contracts = self.env['hr.contract'].browse(contract_ids) worked_days_line_ids = self.get_worked_day_lines(contracts, date_from, date_to) input_line_ids = self.get_inputs(contracts, date_from, date_to) res['value'].update({ 'worked_days_line_ids': worked_days_line_ids, 'input_line_ids': input_line_ids, }) return res @api.onchange('employee_id', 'date_from', 'date_to') def onchange_employee(self): if (not self.employee_id) or (not self.date_from) or (not self.date_to): return employee = self.employee_id date_from = self.date_from date_to = self.date_to contract_ids = [] ttyme = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(date_from, "%Y-%m-%d"))) locale = self.env.context.get('lang') or 'en_US' self.name = _('Salary Slip of %s for %s') % (employee.name, tools.ustr(babel.dates.format_date(date=ttyme, format='MMMM-y', locale=locale))) self.company_id = employee.company_id if not self.env.context.get('contract') or not self.contract_id: contract_ids = self.get_contract(employee, date_from, date_to) if not contract_ids: return self.contract_id = self.env['hr.contract'].browse(contract_ids[0]) if not self.contract_id.struct_id: return self.struct_id = self.contract_id.struct_id #computation of the salary input contracts = self.env['hr.contract'].browse(contract_ids) worked_days_line_ids = self.get_worked_day_lines(contracts, date_from, date_to) worked_days_lines = self.worked_days_line_ids.browse([]) for r in worked_days_line_ids: worked_days_lines += worked_days_lines.new(r) self.worked_days_line_ids = worked_days_lines input_line_ids = self.get_inputs(contracts, date_from, date_to) input_lines = self.input_line_ids.browse([]) for r in input_line_ids: input_lines += input_lines.new(r) self.input_line_ids = input_lines return @api.onchange('contract_id') def onchange_contract(self): if not self.contract_id: self.struct_id = False self.with_context(contract=True).onchange_employee() return def get_salary_line_total(self, code): self.ensure_one() line = self.line_ids.filtered(lambda line: line.code == code) if line: return line[0].total else: return 0.0 class HrPayslipLine(models.Model): _name = 'hr.payslip.line' _inherit = 'hr.salary.rule' _description = 'Payslip Line' _order = 'contract_id, sequence' slip_id = fields.Many2one('hr.payslip', string='Pay Slip', required=True, ondelete='cascade') salary_rule_id = fields.Many2one('hr.salary.rule', string='Rule', required=True) employee_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', string='Employee', required=True) contract_id = fields.Many2one('hr.contract', string='Contract', required=True, index=True) rate = fields.Float(string='Rate (%)', digits=dp.get_precision('Payroll Rate'), default=100.0) amount = fields.Float(digits=dp.get_precision('Payroll')) quantity = fields.Float(digits=dp.get_precision('Payroll'), default=1.0) total = fields.Float(compute='_compute_total', string='Total', digits=dp.get_precision('Payroll'), store=True) @api.depends('quantity', 'amount', 'rate') def _compute_total(self): for line in self: line.total = float(line.quantity) * line.amount * line.rate / 100 @api.model def create(self, values): if 'employee_id' not in values or 'contract_id' not in values: payslip = self.env['hr.payslip'].browse(values.get('slip_id')) values['employee_id'] = values.get('employee_id') or payslip.employee_id.id values['contract_id'] = values.get('contract_id') or payslip.contract_id and payslip.contract_id.id if not values['contract_id']: raise UserError(_('You must set a contract to create a payslip line.')) return super(HrPayslipLine, self).create(values) class HrPayslipWorkedDays(models.Model): _name = 'hr.payslip.worked_days' _description = 'Payslip Worked Days' _order = 'payslip_id, sequence' name = fields.Char(string='Description', required=True) payslip_id = fields.Many2one('hr.payslip', string='Pay Slip', required=True, ondelete='cascade', index=True) sequence = fields.Integer(required=True, index=True, default=10) code = fields.Char(required=True, help="The code that can be used in the salary rules") number_of_days = fields.Float(string='Number of Days') number_of_hours = fields.Float(string='Number of Hours') contract_id = fields.Many2one('hr.contract', string='Contract', required=True, help="The contract for which applied this input") class HrPayslipInput(models.Model): _name = 'hr.payslip.input' _description = 'Payslip Input' _order = 'payslip_id, sequence' name = fields.Char(string='Description', required=True) payslip_id = fields.Many2one('hr.payslip', string='Pay Slip', required=True, ondelete='cascade', index=True) sequence = fields.Integer(required=True, index=True, default=10) code = fields.Char(required=True, help="The code that can be used in the salary rules") amount = fields.Float(help="It is used in computation. For e.g. A rule for sales having " "1% commission of basic salary for per product can defined in expression " "like result = inputs.SALEURO.amount * contract.wage*0.01.") contract_id = fields.Many2one('hr.contract', string='Contract', required=True, help="The contract for which applied this input") class HrPayslipRun(models.Model): _name = 'hr.payslip.run' _description = 'Payslip Batches' name = fields.Char(required=True, readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}) slip_ids = fields.One2many('hr.payslip', 'payslip_run_id', string='Payslips', readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}) state = fields.Selection([ ('draft', 'Draft'), ('close', 'Close'), ], string='Status', index=True, readonly=True, copy=False, default='draft') date_start = fields.Date(string='Date From', required=True, readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}, default=time.strftime('%Y-%m-01')) date_end = fields.Date(string='Date To', required=True, readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}, default=str(datetime.now() + relativedelta.relativedelta(months=+1, day=1, days=-1))[:10]) credit_note = fields.Boolean(string='Credit Note', readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}, help="If its checked, indicates that all payslips generated from here are refund payslips.") @api.multi def draft_payslip_run(self): return self.write({'state': 'draft'}) @api.multi def close_payslip_run(self): return self.write({'state': 'close'})