# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, fields, models, _, exceptions class grant_badge_wizard(models.TransientModel): """ Wizard allowing to grant a badge to a user""" _name = 'gamification.badge.user.wizard' user_id = fields.Many2one("res.users", string='User', required=True) badge_id = fields.Many2one("gamification.badge", string='Badge', required=True) comment = fields.Text('Comment') @api.multi def action_grant_badge(self): """Wizard action for sending a badge to a chosen user""" BadgeUser = self.env['gamification.badge.user'] uid = self.env.uid for wiz in self: if uid == wiz.user_id.id: raise exceptions.UserError(_('You can not grant a badge to yourself')) #create the badge BadgeUser.create({ 'user_id': wiz.user_id.id, 'sender_id': uid, 'badge_id': wiz.badge_id.id, 'comment': wiz.comment, })._send_badge() return True