# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta class FleetVehicleCost(models.Model): _name = 'fleet.vehicle.cost' _description = 'Cost related to a vehicle' _order = 'date desc, vehicle_id asc' name = fields.Char(related='vehicle_id.name', string='Name', store=True) vehicle_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle', 'Vehicle', required=True, help='Vehicle concerned by this log') cost_subtype_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.service.type', 'Type', help='Cost type purchased with this cost') amount = fields.Float('Total Price') cost_type = fields.Selection([ ('contract', 'Contract'), ('services', 'Services'), ('fuel', 'Fuel'), ('other', 'Other') ], 'Category of the cost', default="other", help='For internal purpose only', required=True) parent_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle.cost', 'Parent', help='Parent cost to this current cost') cost_ids = fields.One2many('fleet.vehicle.cost', 'parent_id', 'Included Services', copy=True) odometer_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle.odometer', 'Odometer', help='Odometer measure of the vehicle at the moment of this log') odometer = fields.Float(compute="_get_odometer", inverse='_set_odometer', string='Odometer Value', help='Odometer measure of the vehicle at the moment of this log') odometer_unit = fields.Selection(related='vehicle_id.odometer_unit', string="Unit", readonly=True) date = fields.Date(help='Date when the cost has been executed') contract_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle.log.contract', 'Contract', help='Contract attached to this cost') auto_generated = fields.Boolean('Automatically Generated', readonly=True) description = fields.Char("Cost Description") def _get_odometer(self): for record in self: if record.odometer_id: record.odometer = record.odometer_id.value def _set_odometer(self): for record in self: if not record.odometer: raise UserError(_('Emptying the odometer value of a vehicle is not allowed.')) odometer = self.env['fleet.vehicle.odometer'].create({ 'value': record.odometer, 'date': record.date or fields.Date.context_today(record), 'vehicle_id': record.vehicle_id.id }) self.odometer_id = odometer @api.model def create(self, data): # make sure that the data are consistent with values of parent and contract records given if 'parent_id' in data and data['parent_id']: parent = self.browse(data['parent_id']) data['vehicle_id'] = parent.vehicle_id.id data['date'] = parent.date data['cost_type'] = parent.cost_type if 'contract_id' in data and data['contract_id']: contract = self.env['fleet.vehicle.log.contract'].browse(data['contract_id']) data['vehicle_id'] = contract.vehicle_id.id data['cost_subtype_id'] = contract.cost_subtype_id.id data['cost_type'] = contract.cost_type if 'odometer' in data and not data['odometer']: # if received value for odometer is 0, then remove it from the # data as it would result to the creation of a # odometer log with 0, which is to be avoided del data['odometer'] return super(FleetVehicleCost, self).create(data) class FleetVehicleLogContract(models.Model): _inherit = ['mail.thread'] _inherits = {'fleet.vehicle.cost': 'cost_id'} _name = 'fleet.vehicle.log.contract' _description = 'Contract information on a vehicle' _order = 'state desc,expiration_date' def compute_next_year_date(self, strdate): oneyear = relativedelta(years=1) start_date = fields.Date.from_string(strdate) return fields.Date.to_string(start_date + oneyear) @api.model def default_get(self, default_fields): res = super(FleetVehicleLogContract, self).default_get(default_fields) contract = self.env.ref('fleet.type_contract_leasing', raise_if_not_found=False) res.update({ 'date': fields.Date.context_today(self), 'cost_subtype_id': contract and contract.id or False, 'cost_type': 'contract' }) return res name = fields.Text(compute='_compute_contract_name', store=True) active = fields.Boolean(default=True) start_date = fields.Date('Contract Start Date', default=fields.Date.context_today, help='Date when the coverage of the contract begins') expiration_date = fields.Date('Contract Expiration Date', default=lambda self: self.compute_next_year_date(fields.Date.context_today(self)), help='Date when the coverage of the contract expirates (by default, one year after begin date)') days_left = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_days_left', string='Warning Date') insurer_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Vendor') purchaser_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Contractor', default=lambda self: self.env.user.partner_id.id, help='Person to which the contract is signed for') ins_ref = fields.Char('Contract Reference', size=64, copy=False) state = fields.Selection([ ('futur', 'Incoming'), ('open', 'In Progress'), ('expired', 'Expired'), ('diesoon', 'Expiring Soon'), ('closed', 'Closed') ], 'Status', default='open', readonly=True, help='Choose whether the contract is still valid or not', track_visibility="onchange", copy=False) notes = fields.Text('Terms and Conditions', help='Write here all supplementary information relative to this contract', copy=False) cost_generated = fields.Float('Recurring Cost Amount', help="Costs paid at regular intervals, depending on the cost frequency. " "If the cost frequency is set to unique, the cost will be logged at the start date") cost_frequency = fields.Selection([ ('no', 'No'), ('daily', 'Daily'), ('weekly', 'Weekly'), ('monthly', 'Monthly'), ('yearly', 'Yearly') ], 'Recurring Cost Frequency', default='no', help='Frequency of the recuring cost', required=True) generated_cost_ids = fields.One2many('fleet.vehicle.cost', 'contract_id', 'Generated Costs') sum_cost = fields.Float(compute='_compute_sum_cost', string='Indicative Costs Total') cost_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle.cost', 'Cost', required=True, ondelete='cascade') # we need to keep this field as a related with store=True because the graph view doesn't support # (1) to address fields from inherited table # (2) fields that aren't stored in database cost_amount = fields.Float(related='cost_id.amount', string='Amount', store=True) odometer = fields.Float(string='Odometer at creation', help='Odometer measure of the vehicle at the moment of the contract creation') @api.depends('vehicle_id', 'cost_subtype_id', 'date') def _compute_contract_name(self): for record in self: name = record.vehicle_id.name if record.cost_subtype_id.name: name += ' / ' + record.cost_subtype_id.name if record.date: name += ' / ' + record.date record.name = name @api.depends('expiration_date', 'state') def _compute_days_left(self): """return a dict with as value for each contract an integer if contract is in an open state and is overdue, return 0 if contract is in a closed state, return -1 otherwise return the number of days before the contract expires """ for record in self: if (record.expiration_date and (record.state == 'open' or record.state == 'expired')): today = fields.Date.from_string(fields.Date.today()) renew_date = fields.Date.from_string(record.expiration_date) diff_time = (renew_date - today).days record.days_left = diff_time > 0 and diff_time or 0 else: record.days_left = -1 @api.depends('cost_ids.amount') def _compute_sum_cost(self): for contract in self: contract.sum_cost = sum(contract.cost_ids.mapped('amount')) @api.onchange('vehicle_id') def _onchange_vehicle(self): if self.vehicle_id: self.odometer_unit = self.vehicle_id.odometer_unit @api.multi def contract_close(self): for record in self: record.state = 'closed' @api.multi def contract_open(self): for record in self: record.state = 'open' @api.multi def act_renew_contract(self): assert len(self.ids) == 1, "This operation should only be done for 1 single contract at a time, as it it suppose to open a window as result" for element in self: # compute end date startdate = fields.Date.from_string(element.start_date) enddate = fields.Date.from_string(element.expiration_date) diffdate = (enddate - startdate) default = { 'date': fields.Date.context_today(self), 'start_date': fields.Date.to_string(fields.Date.from_string(element.expiration_date) + relativedelta(days=1)), 'expiration_date': fields.Date.to_string(enddate + diffdate), } newid = element.copy(default).id return { 'name': _("Renew Contract"), 'view_mode': 'form', 'view_id': self.env.ref('fleet.fleet_vehicle_log_contract_view_form').id, 'view_type': 'tree,form', 'res_model': 'fleet.vehicle.log.contract', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'domain': '[]', 'res_id': newid, 'context': {'active_id': newid}, } @api.model def scheduler_manage_auto_costs(self): # This method is called by a cron task # It creates costs for contracts having the "recurring cost" field setted, depending on their frequency # For example, if a contract has a reccuring cost of 200 with a weekly frequency, this method creates a cost of 200 on the # first day of each week, from the date of the last recurring costs in the database to today # If the contract has not yet any recurring costs in the database, the method generates the recurring costs from the start_date to today # The created costs are associated to a contract thanks to the many2one field contract_id # If the contract has no start_date, no cost will be created, even if the contract has recurring costs VehicleCost = self.env['fleet.vehicle.cost'] deltas = { 'yearly': relativedelta(years=+1), 'monthly': relativedelta(months=+1), 'weekly': relativedelta(weeks=+1), 'daily': relativedelta(days=+1) } contracts = self.env['fleet.vehicle.log.contract'].search([('state', '!=', 'closed')], offset=0, limit=None, order=None) for contract in contracts: if not contract.start_date or contract.cost_frequency == 'no': continue found = False last_cost_date = contract.start_date if contract.generated_cost_ids: last_autogenerated_cost = VehicleCost.search([ ('contract_id', '=', contract.id), ('auto_generated', '=', True) ], offset=0, limit=1, order='date desc') if last_autogenerated_cost: found = True last_cost_date = last_autogenerated_cost.date startdate = fields.Date.from_string(last_cost_date) if found: startdate += deltas.get(contract.cost_frequency) today = fields.Date.from_string(fields.Date.context_today(self)) while (startdate <= today) & (startdate <= fields.Date.from_string(contract.expiration_date)): data = { 'amount': contract.cost_generated, 'date': fields.Date.context_today(self), 'vehicle_id': contract.vehicle_id.id, 'cost_subtype_id': contract.cost_subtype_id.id, 'contract_id': contract.id, 'auto_generated': True } self.env['fleet.vehicle.cost'].create(data) startdate += deltas.get(contract.cost_frequency) return True @api.model def scheduler_manage_contract_expiration(self): # This method is called by a cron task # It manages the state of a contract, possibly by posting a message on the vehicle concerned and updating its status date_today = fields.Date.from_string(fields.Date.today()) in_fifteen_days = fields.Date.to_string(date_today + relativedelta(days=+15)) nearly_expired_contracts = self.search([('state', '=', 'open'), ('expiration_date', '<', in_fifteen_days)]) res = {} for contract in nearly_expired_contracts: if contract.vehicle_id.id in res: res[contract.vehicle_id.id] += 1 else: res[contract.vehicle_id.id] = 1 Vehicle = self.env['fleet.vehicle'] for vehicle, value in res.items(): Vehicle.browse(vehicle).message_post(body=_('%s contract(s) will expire soon and should be renewed and/or closed!') % value) nearly_expired_contracts.write({'state': 'diesoon'}) expired_contracts = self.search([('state', '!=', 'expired'), ('expiration_date', '<',fields.Date.today() )]) expired_contracts.write({'state': 'expired'}) futur_contracts = self.search([('state', 'not in', ['futur', 'closed']), ('start_date', '>', fields.Date.today())]) futur_contracts.write({'state': 'futur'}) now_running_contracts = self.search([('state', '=', 'futur'), ('start_date', '<=', fields.Date.today())]) now_running_contracts.write({'state': 'open'}) @api.model def run_scheduler(self): self.scheduler_manage_auto_costs() self.scheduler_manage_contract_expiration() class FleetVehicleLogFuel(models.Model): _name = 'fleet.vehicle.log.fuel' _description = 'Fuel log for vehicles' _inherits = {'fleet.vehicle.cost': 'cost_id'} @api.model def default_get(self, default_fields): res = super(FleetVehicleLogFuel, self).default_get(default_fields) service = self.env.ref('fleet.type_service_refueling', raise_if_not_found=False) res.update({ 'date': fields.Date.context_today(self), 'cost_subtype_id': service and service.id or False, 'cost_type': 'fuel' }) return res liter = fields.Float() price_per_liter = fields.Float() purchaser_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Purchaser', domain="['|',('customer','=',True),('employee','=',True)]") inv_ref = fields.Char('Invoice Reference', size=64) vendor_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Vendor', domain="[('supplier','=',True)]") notes = fields.Text() cost_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle.cost', 'Cost', required=True, ondelete='cascade') # we need to keep this field as a related with store=True because the graph view doesn't support # (1) to address fields from inherited table # (2) fields that aren't stored in database cost_amount = fields.Float(related='cost_id.amount', string='Amount', store=True) @api.onchange('vehicle_id') def _onchange_vehicle(self): if self.vehicle_id: self.odometer_unit = self.vehicle_id.odometer_unit self.purchaser_id = self.vehicle_id.driver_id.id @api.onchange('liter', 'price_per_liter', 'amount') def _onchange_liter_price_amount(self): # need to cast in float because the value receveid from web client maybe an integer (Javascript and JSON do not # make any difference between 3.0 and 3). This cause a problem if you encode, for example, 2 liters at 1.5 per # liter => total is computed as 3.0, then trigger an onchange that recomputes price_per_liter as 3/2=1 (instead # of 3.0/2=1.5) # If there is no change in the result, we return an empty dict to prevent an infinite loop due to the 3 intertwine # onchange. And in order to verify that there is no change in the result, we have to limit the precision of the # computation to 2 decimal liter = float(self.liter) price_per_liter = float(self.price_per_liter) amount = float(self.amount) if liter > 0 and price_per_liter > 0 and round(liter * price_per_liter, 2) != amount: self.amount = round(liter * price_per_liter, 2) elif amount > 0 and liter > 0 and round(amount / liter, 2) != price_per_liter: self.price_per_liter = round(amount / liter, 2) elif amount > 0 and price_per_liter > 0 and round(amount / price_per_liter, 2) != liter: self.liter = round(amount / price_per_liter, 2) class FleetVehicleLogServices(models.Model): _name = 'fleet.vehicle.log.services' _inherits = {'fleet.vehicle.cost': 'cost_id'} _description = 'Services for vehicles' @api.model def default_get(self, default_fields): res = super(FleetVehicleLogServices, self).default_get(default_fields) service = self.env.ref('fleet.type_service_service_8', raise_if_not_found=False) res.update({ 'date': fields.Date.context_today(self), 'cost_subtype_id': service and service.id or False, 'cost_type': 'services' }) return res purchaser_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Purchaser', domain="['|',('customer','=',True),('employee','=',True)]") inv_ref = fields.Char('Invoice Reference') vendor_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Vendor', domain="[('supplier','=',True)]") # we need to keep this field as a related with store=True because the graph view doesn't support # (1) to address fields from inherited table and (2) fields that aren't stored in database cost_amount = fields.Float(related='cost_id.amount', string='Amount', store=True) notes = fields.Text() cost_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle.cost', 'Cost', required=True, ondelete='cascade') @api.onchange('vehicle_id') def _onchange_vehicle(self): if self.vehicle_id: self.odometer_unit = self.vehicle_id.odometer_unit self.purchaser_id = self.vehicle_id.driver_id.id