odoo.define('document.document', function (require) { "use strict"; var core = require('web.core'); var Dialog = require('web.Dialog'); var framework = require('web.framework'); var Sidebar = require('web.Sidebar'); var field_utils = require('web.field_utils'); var _t = core._t; Sidebar.include({ /** * @override */ init : function (parent, options) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); if (options.viewType === "form") { this.sections.splice(1, 0, { 'name' : 'files', 'label' : _t('Attachment(s)'), }); this.items.files = []; } this.fileuploadId = _.uniqueId('oe_fileupload'); $(window).on(this.fileuploadId, this._onFileUploaded.bind(this)); }, /** * Get the attachment linked to the record when the toolbar started * * @override */ start: function () { var _super = this._super.bind(this); this._updateAttachments().then(_super); }, /** * @override */ destroy: function () { $(window).off(this.fileuploadId); this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @override */ updateEnv: function (env) { this.env = env; this._updateAttachments().then(this._redraw.bind(this)); }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Process the attachments then rerender the toolbar * * @private * @param {Object} attachments */ _processAttachments: function (attachments) { //to display number in name if more then one attachment which has same name. var self = this; _.chain(attachments) .groupBy(function (attachment) { return attachment.name; }) .each(function (attachment) { if (attachment.length > 1) { _.map(attachment, function (attachment, i) { attachment.name = _.str.sprintf(_t("%s (%s)"), attachment.name, i+1); }); } }); _.each(attachments,function (a) { a.label = a.name; if (a.type === "binary") { a.url = '/web/content/' + a.id + '?download=true'; } a.create_date = field_utils.parse.datetime(a.create_date, 'create_date', {isUTC: true}); a.create_date_string = field_utils.format.datetime(a.create_date, 'create_date', self.env.context.params); a.write_date = field_utils.parse.datetime(a.write_date, 'write_date', {isUTC: true}); a.write_date_string = field_utils.format.datetime(a.write_date, 'write_date', self.env.context.params); }); this.items.files = attachments; }, /** * @private * @override */ _redraw: function () { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$('.o_sidebar_add_attachment .o_form_binary_form') .change(this._onAddAttachment.bind(this)); this.$('.o_sidebar_delete_attachment') .click(this._onDeleteAttachment.bind(this)); }, /** * Update the attachments to be displayed in the attachment section * of the toolbar * * @private */ _updateAttachments: function () { var activeId = this.env.activeIds[0]; if (!activeId) { this.items.files = []; return $.when(); } else { var domain = [ ['res_model', '=', this.env.model], ['res_id', '=', activeId], ['type', 'in', ['binary', 'url']] ]; var fields = ['name', 'url', 'type', 'create_uid', 'create_date', 'write_uid', 'write_date']; return this._rpc({ model: 'ir.attachment', method: 'search_read', context: this.env.context, domain: domain, fields: fields, }).then(this._processAttachments.bind(this)); } }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Method triggered when user click on 'add attachment' and select a file * * @private * @param {Event} event */ _onAddAttachment: function (event) { var $event = $(event.target); if ($event.val() !== '') { var $binaryForm = this.$('form.o_form_binary_form'); $binaryForm.submit(); $binaryForm.find('input[type=file]').prop('disabled', true); $binaryForm.find('button').prop('disabled', true).find('img, span').toggle(); this.$('.o_sidebar_add_attachment a').text(_t('Uploading...')); framework.blockUI(); } }, /** * Method triggered when user delete an attachment * * @private * @param {Event} event */ _onDeleteAttachment: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var self = this; var $event = $(event.currentTarget); var options = { confirm_callback: function () { self._rpc({ model: 'ir.attachment', method: 'unlink', args: [parseInt($event.attr('data-id'), 10)], }) .then(self._updateAttachments.bind(self)) .then(self._redraw.bind(self)); } }; Dialog.confirm(this, _t("Do you really want to delete this attachment ?"), options); }, /** * Handler called when the upload is done * * @private */ _onFileUploaded: function () { var attachments = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); var uploadErrors = _.filter(attachments, function (attachment) { return attachment.error; }); if (uploadErrors.length) { this.do_warn(_t('Uploading Error'), uploadErrors[0].error); } this._updateAttachments().then(this._redraw.bind(this)); framework.unblockUI(); } }); });