# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.tools.translate import _ class Lead2OpportunityPartner(models.TransientModel): _name = 'crm.lead2opportunity.partner' _description = 'Lead To Opportunity Partner' _inherit = 'crm.partner.binding' @api.model def default_get(self, fields): """ Default get for name, opportunity_ids. If there is an exisitng partner link to the lead, find all existing opportunities links with this partner to merge all information together """ result = super(Lead2OpportunityPartner, self).default_get(fields) if self._context.get('active_id'): tomerge = {int(self._context['active_id'])} partner_id = result.get('partner_id') lead = self.env['crm.lead'].browse(self._context['active_id']) email = lead.partner_id.email if lead.partner_id else lead.email_from tomerge.update(self._get_duplicated_leads(partner_id, email, include_lost=True).ids) if 'action' in fields and not result.get('action'): result['action'] = 'exist' if partner_id else 'create' if 'partner_id' in fields: result['partner_id'] = partner_id if 'name' in fields: result['name'] = 'merge' if len(tomerge) >= 2 else 'convert' if 'opportunity_ids' in fields and len(tomerge) >= 2: result['opportunity_ids'] = list(tomerge) if lead.user_id: result['user_id'] = lead.user_id.id if lead.team_id: result['team_id'] = lead.team_id.id if not partner_id and not lead.contact_name: result['action'] = 'nothing' return result name = fields.Selection([ ('convert', 'Convert to opportunity'), ('merge', 'Merge with existing opportunities') ], 'Conversion Action', required=True) opportunity_ids = fields.Many2many('crm.lead', string='Opportunities') user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'Salesperson', index=True) team_id = fields.Many2one('crm.team', 'Sales Channel', oldname='section_id', index=True) @api.onchange('action') def onchange_action(self): if self.action == 'exist': self.partner_id = self._find_matching_partner() else: self.partner_id = False @api.onchange('user_id') def _onchange_user(self): """ When changing the user, also set a team_id or restrict team id to the ones user_id is member of. """ if self.user_id: if self.team_id: user_in_team = self.env['crm.team'].search_count([('id', '=', self.team_id.id), '|', ('user_id', '=', self.user_id.id), ('member_ids', '=', self.user_id.id)]) else: user_in_team = False if not user_in_team: values = self.env['crm.lead']._onchange_user_values(self.user_id.id if self.user_id else False) self.team_id = values.get('team_id', False) @api.model def _get_duplicated_leads(self, partner_id, email, include_lost=False): """ Search for opportunities that have the same partner and that arent done or cancelled """ return self.env['crm.lead']._get_duplicated_leads_by_emails(partner_id, email, include_lost=include_lost) # NOTE JEM : is it the good place to test this ? @api.model def view_init(self, fields): """ Check some preconditions before the wizard executes. """ for lead in self.env['crm.lead'].browse(self._context.get('active_ids', [])): if lead.probability == 100: raise UserError(_("Closed/Dead leads cannot be converted into opportunities.")) return False @api.multi def _convert_opportunity(self, vals): self.ensure_one() res = False leads = self.env['crm.lead'].browse(vals.get('lead_ids')) for lead in leads: self_def_user = self.with_context(default_user_id=self.user_id.id) partner_id = self_def_user._create_partner( lead.id, self.action, vals.get('partner_id') or lead.partner_id.id) res = lead.convert_opportunity(partner_id, [], False) user_ids = vals.get('user_ids') leads_to_allocate = leads if self._context.get('no_force_assignation'): leads_to_allocate = leads_to_allocate.filtered(lambda lead: not lead.user_id) if user_ids: leads_to_allocate.allocate_salesman(user_ids, team_id=(vals.get('team_id'))) return res @api.multi def action_apply(self): """ Convert lead to opportunity or merge lead and opportunity and open the freshly created opportunity view. """ self.ensure_one() values = { 'team_id': self.team_id.id, } if self.partner_id: values['partner_id'] = self.partner_id.id if self.name == 'merge': leads = self.with_context(active_test=False).opportunity_ids.merge_opportunity() if not leads.active: leads.write({'active': True, 'activity_type_id': False, 'lost_reason': False}) if leads.type == "lead": values.update({'lead_ids': leads.ids, 'user_ids': [self.user_id.id]}) self.with_context(active_ids=leads.ids)._convert_opportunity(values) elif not self._context.get('no_force_assignation') or not leads.user_id: values['user_id'] = self.user_id.id leads.write(values) else: leads = self.env['crm.lead'].browse(self._context.get('active_ids', [])) values.update({'lead_ids': leads.ids, 'user_ids': [self.user_id.id]}) self._convert_opportunity(values) return leads[0].redirect_opportunity_view() def _create_partner(self, lead_id, action, partner_id): """ Create partner based on action. :return dict: dictionary organized as followed: {lead_id: partner_assigned_id} """ #TODO this method in only called by Lead2OpportunityPartner #wizard and would probably diserve to be refactored or at least #moved to a better place if action == 'each_exist_or_create': partner_id = self.with_context(active_id=lead_id)._find_matching_partner() action = 'create' result = self.env['crm.lead'].browse(lead_id).handle_partner_assignation(action, partner_id) return result.get(lead_id) class Lead2OpportunityMassConvert(models.TransientModel): _name = 'crm.lead2opportunity.partner.mass' _description = 'Mass Lead To Opportunity Partner' _inherit = 'crm.lead2opportunity.partner' @api.model def default_get(self, fields): res = super(Lead2OpportunityMassConvert, self).default_get(fields) if 'partner_id' in fields: # avoid forcing the partner of the first lead as default res['partner_id'] = False if 'action' in fields: res['action'] = 'each_exist_or_create' if 'name' in fields: res['name'] = 'convert' if 'opportunity_ids' in fields: res['opportunity_ids'] = False return res user_ids = fields.Many2many('res.users', string='Salesmen') team_id = fields.Many2one('crm.team', 'Sales Channel', index=True, oldname='section_id') deduplicate = fields.Boolean('Apply deduplication', default=True, help='Merge with existing leads/opportunities of each partner') action = fields.Selection([ ('each_exist_or_create', 'Use existing partner or create'), ('nothing', 'Do not link to a customer') ], 'Related Customer', required=True) force_assignation = fields.Boolean('Force assignation', help='If unchecked, this will leave the salesman of duplicated opportunities') @api.onchange('action') def _onchange_action(self): if self.action != 'exist': self.partner_id = False @api.onchange('deduplicate') def _onchange_deduplicate(self): active_leads = self.env['crm.lead'].browse(self._context['active_ids']) partner_ids = [(lead.partner_id.id, lead.partner_id and lead.partner_id.email or lead.email_from) for lead in active_leads] partners_duplicated_leads = {} for partner_id, email in partner_ids: duplicated_leads = self._get_duplicated_leads(partner_id, email) if len(duplicated_leads) > 1: partners_duplicated_leads.setdefault((partner_id, email), []).extend(duplicated_leads) leads_with_duplicates = [] for lead in active_leads: lead_tuple = (lead.partner_id.id, lead.partner_id.email if lead.partner_id else lead.email_from) if len(partners_duplicated_leads.get(lead_tuple, [])) > 1: leads_with_duplicates.append(lead.id) self.opportunity_ids = self.env['crm.lead'].browse(leads_with_duplicates) @api.multi def _convert_opportunity(self, vals): """ When "massively" (more than one at a time) converting leads to opportunities, check the salesteam_id and salesmen_ids and update the values before calling super. """ self.ensure_one() salesteam_id = self.team_id.id if self.team_id else False salesmen_ids = [] if self.user_ids: salesmen_ids = self.user_ids.ids vals.update({'user_ids': salesmen_ids, 'team_id': salesteam_id}) return super(Lead2OpportunityMassConvert, self)._convert_opportunity(vals) @api.multi def mass_convert(self): self.ensure_one() if self.name == 'convert' and self.deduplicate: merged_lead_ids = set() remaining_lead_ids = set() lead_selected = self._context.get('active_ids', []) for lead_id in lead_selected: if lead_id not in merged_lead_ids: lead = self.env['crm.lead'].browse(lead_id) duplicated_leads = self._get_duplicated_leads(lead.partner_id.id, lead.partner_id.email if lead.partner_id else lead.email_from) if len(duplicated_leads) > 1: lead = duplicated_leads.merge_opportunity() merged_lead_ids.update(duplicated_leads.ids) remaining_lead_ids.add(lead.id) active_ids = set(self._context.get('active_ids', {})) active_ids = (active_ids - merged_lead_ids) | remaining_lead_ids self = self.with_context(active_ids=list(active_ids)) # only update active_ids when there are set no_force_assignation = self._context.get('no_force_assignation', not self.force_assignation) return self.with_context(no_force_assignation=no_force_assignation).action_apply()