from odoo.addons.account.tests.account_test_users import AccountTestUsers import datetime class TestAccountCustomerInvoice(AccountTestUsers): def test_customer_invoice(self): # I will create bank detail with using manager access rights # because account manager can only create bank details. self.res_partner_bank_0 = self.env[''].sudo( acc_type='bank',,, acc_number='123456789',, )) # Test with that user which have rights to make Invoicing and payment and who is accountant. # Create a customer invoice self.account_invoice_obj = self.env['account.invoice'] self.payment_term = self.env.ref('account.account_payment_term_advance') self.journalrec = self.env['account.journal'].search([('type', '=', 'sale')])[0] self.partner3 = self.env.ref('base.res_partner_3') account_user_type = self.env.ref('account.data_account_type_receivable') self.ova = self.env['account.account'].search([('user_type_id', '=', self.env.ref('account.data_account_type_current_assets').id)], limit=1) #only adviser can create an account self.account_rec1_id = self.account_model.sudo( code="cust_acc", name="customer account",, reconcile=True, )) invoice_line_data = [ (0, 0, { 'product_id': self.env.ref('product.product_product_5').id, 'quantity': 10.0, 'account_id': self.env['account.account'].search([('user_type_id', '=', self.env.ref('account.data_account_type_revenue').id)], limit=1).id, 'name': 'product test 5', 'price_unit': 100.00, } ) ] self.account_invoice_customer0 = self.account_invoice_obj.sudo( name="Test Customer Invoice", reference_type="none",,,,, invoice_line_ids=invoice_line_data )) # I manually assign tax on invoice invoice_tax_line = { 'name': 'Test Tax for Customer Invoice', 'manual': 1, 'amount': 9050, 'account_id':, 'invoice_id':, } tax = self.env[''].create(invoice_tax_line) assert tax, "Tax has not been assigned correctly" total_before_confirm = self.partner3.total_invoiced # I check that Initially customer invoice is in the "Draft" state self.assertEquals(self.account_invoice_customer0.state, 'draft') # I check that there is no move attached to the invoice self.assertEquals(len(self.account_invoice_customer0.move_id), 0) # I validate invoice by creating on self.account_invoice_customer0.action_invoice_open() # I check that the invoice state is "Open" self.assertEquals(self.account_invoice_customer0.state, 'open') # I check that now there is a move attached to the invoice assert self.account_invoice_customer0.move_id, "Move not created for open invoice" # I totally pay the Invoice self.account_invoice_customer0.pay_and_reconcile(self.env['account.journal'].search([('type', '=', 'bank')], limit=1), 10050.0) # I verify that invoice is now in Paid state assert (self.account_invoice_customer0.state == 'paid'), "Invoice is not in Paid state" total_after_confirm = self.partner3.total_invoiced self.assertEquals(total_after_confirm - total_before_confirm, self.account_invoice_customer0.amount_untaxed_signed) # I created a credit note Using Add Credit Note Button invoice_refund_obj = self.env['account.invoice.refund'] self.account_invoice_refund_0 = invoice_refund_obj.create(dict( description='Credit Note for China Export',, filter_refund='refund' )) # I clicked on Add Credit Note button. self.account_invoice_refund_0.invoice_refund()