# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time from odoo import api, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError class ReportFinancial(models.AbstractModel): _name = 'report.account.report_financial' def _compute_account_balance(self, accounts): """ compute the balance, debit and credit for the provided accounts """ mapping = { 'balance': "COALESCE(SUM(debit),0) - COALESCE(SUM(credit), 0) as balance", 'debit': "COALESCE(SUM(debit), 0) as debit", 'credit': "COALESCE(SUM(credit), 0) as credit", } res = {} for account in accounts: res[account.id] = dict.fromkeys(mapping, 0.0) if accounts: tables, where_clause, where_params = self.env['account.move.line']._query_get() tables = tables.replace('"', '') if tables else "account_move_line" wheres = [""] if where_clause.strip(): wheres.append(where_clause.strip()) filters = " AND ".join(wheres) request = "SELECT account_id as id, " + ', '.join(mapping.values()) + \ " FROM " + tables + \ " WHERE account_id IN %s " \ + filters + \ " GROUP BY account_id" params = (tuple(accounts._ids),) + tuple(where_params) self.env.cr.execute(request, params) for row in self.env.cr.dictfetchall(): res[row['id']] = row return res def _compute_report_balance(self, reports): '''returns a dictionary with key=the ID of a record and value=the credit, debit and balance amount computed for this record. If the record is of type : 'accounts' : it's the sum of the linked accounts 'account_type' : it's the sum of leaf accoutns with such an account_type 'account_report' : it's the amount of the related report 'sum' : it's the sum of the children of this record (aka a 'view' record)''' res = {} fields = ['credit', 'debit', 'balance'] for report in reports: if report.id in res: continue res[report.id] = dict((fn, 0.0) for fn in fields) if report.type == 'accounts': # it's the sum of the linked accounts res[report.id]['account'] = self._compute_account_balance(report.account_ids) for value in res[report.id]['account'].values(): for field in fields: res[report.id][field] += value.get(field) elif report.type == 'account_type': # it's the sum the leaf accounts with such an account type accounts = self.env['account.account'].search([('user_type_id', 'in', report.account_type_ids.ids)]) res[report.id]['account'] = self._compute_account_balance(accounts) for value in res[report.id]['account'].values(): for field in fields: res[report.id][field] += value.get(field) elif report.type == 'account_report' and report.account_report_id: # it's the amount of the linked report res2 = self._compute_report_balance(report.account_report_id) for key, value in res2.items(): for field in fields: res[report.id][field] += value[field] elif report.type == 'sum': # it's the sum of the children of this account.report res2 = self._compute_report_balance(report.children_ids) for key, value in res2.items(): for field in fields: res[report.id][field] += value[field] return res def get_account_lines(self, data): lines = [] account_report = self.env['account.financial.report'].search([('id', '=', data['account_report_id'][0])]) child_reports = account_report._get_children_by_order() res = self.with_context(data.get('used_context'))._compute_report_balance(child_reports) if data['enable_filter']: comparison_res = self.with_context(data.get('comparison_context'))._compute_report_balance(child_reports) for report_id, value in comparison_res.items(): res[report_id]['comp_bal'] = value['balance'] report_acc = res[report_id].get('account') if report_acc: for account_id, val in comparison_res[report_id].get('account').items(): report_acc[account_id]['comp_bal'] = val['balance'] for report in child_reports: vals = { 'name': report.name, 'balance': res[report.id]['balance'] * report.sign, 'type': 'report', 'level': bool(report.style_overwrite) and report.style_overwrite or report.level, 'account_type': report.type or False, #used to underline the financial report balances } if data['debit_credit']: vals['debit'] = res[report.id]['debit'] vals['credit'] = res[report.id]['credit'] if data['enable_filter']: vals['balance_cmp'] = res[report.id]['comp_bal'] * report.sign lines.append(vals) if report.display_detail == 'no_detail': #the rest of the loop is used to display the details of the financial report, so it's not needed here. continue if res[report.id].get('account'): sub_lines = [] for account_id, value in res[report.id]['account'].items(): #if there are accounts to display, we add them to the lines with a level equals to their level in #the COA + 1 (to avoid having them with a too low level that would conflicts with the level of data #financial reports for Assets, liabilities...) flag = False account = self.env['account.account'].browse(account_id) vals = { 'name': account.code + ' ' + account.name, 'balance': value['balance'] * report.sign or 0.0, 'type': 'account', 'level': report.display_detail == 'detail_with_hierarchy' and 4, 'account_type': account.internal_type, } if data['debit_credit']: vals['debit'] = value['debit'] vals['credit'] = value['credit'] if not account.company_id.currency_id.is_zero(vals['debit']) or not account.company_id.currency_id.is_zero(vals['credit']): flag = True if not account.company_id.currency_id.is_zero(vals['balance']): flag = True if data['enable_filter']: vals['balance_cmp'] = value['comp_bal'] * report.sign if not account.company_id.currency_id.is_zero(vals['balance_cmp']): flag = True if flag: sub_lines.append(vals) lines += sorted(sub_lines, key=lambda sub_line: sub_line['name']) return lines @api.model def get_report_values(self, docids, data=None): if not data.get('form') or not self.env.context.get('active_model') or not self.env.context.get('active_id'): raise UserError(_("Form content is missing, this report cannot be printed.")) self.model = self.env.context.get('active_model') docs = self.env[self.model].browse(self.env.context.get('active_id')) report_lines = self.get_account_lines(data.get('form')) return { 'doc_ids': self.ids, 'doc_model': self.model, 'data': data['form'], 'docs': docs, 'time': time, 'get_account_lines': report_lines, }