Warranty: Product Warranty email ${(object.user_id.email and '%s <%s>' % (object.user_id.name, object.user_id.email) or '')|safe} ${object.name or 'n/a'} ${object.partner_id.id} ${object.partner_id.lang}

Dear ${object.partner_id.name}

We do hereby confirm the reception of your request regarding replacement of products ${object.rma_line.product_id.name}, Please accept our apologies for this incident.

As per your request, a new shipment for ${object.rma_line.product_id.name} will be created soon and we will replace product.

We are sorry that this occurred and appreciate your continued patronage, As a thanks for being one of our best client. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank You


Dear ${object.partner_id.name}

We do hereby confirm the reception of your request regarding return of products ${object.rma_line.product_id.name}, Please accept our apologies for this incident.

We are sorry that this occurred and appreciate your continued patronage, As a thanks for being one of our best client. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank You

%endif % else: % if object.warranty_expire_line:

Dear ${object.partner_id.name}

We are sorry to hear about the problem you have had with your product.

We would like to be able to make the necessary adjustment at no charge to you, but unfortunately the warranty is expired of following products:

% for line in object.warranty_expire_line: % endfor
Product Lot Quantity Warranty Date
${line.product_id.name} ${line.lot_id.name} ${line.qty_expired} ${line.warranty_date}
% else:

Dear ${object.partner_id.name}

We are sorry to hear about the problem you have had with your product.

We would like to be able to make the necessary adjustment at no charge to you.

% endif % endif ]]>