mrp.workorder Work Orders Deviation ir.actions.act_window mrp.workorder form graph,pivot,tree,form,gantt,calendar {'search_default_workcenter_id': active_id} []

No data to display. You will get here statistics about the work orders duration related to this routing.

Work Orders ir.actions.act_window mrp.workorder form graph,pivot,tree,form,gantt,calendar {'search_default_done': True} [('production_id.routing_id', '=', active_id), ('state', '=', 'done')]

No data to display. You will get here statistics about the work orders duration related to this routing.

Work Orders ir.actions.act_window mrp.workorder form tree,form,gantt,calendar,pivot,graph [('production_id', '=', active_id)]

Work Orders are operations to be processed at a Work Center to realize a Manufacturing Order. Work Orders are trigerred by Manufacturing Orders, they are based on the Routing defined on these ones mrp.workorder mrp.workorder mrp.workorder mrp.workorder mrp.workorder mrp.workorder mrp.workorder mrp.workorder.view.gantt mrp.workorder mrp.workorder
Work Orders ir.actions.act_window mrp.workorder form gantt,tree,form,calendar,pivot,graph {'search_default_work_center': True}

Work Orders are operations to be processed at a Work Center to realize a Manufacturing Order. Work Orders are trigerred by Manufacturing Orders, they are based on the Routing defined on these ones.

Work Orders Planning ir.actions.act_window mrp.workorder form [('production_state','not in',('done','cancel'))] gantt,tree,form,calendar,pivot,graph {'search_default_production': True}

Click to start a new work order.

To manufacture or assemble products, and use raw materials and finished products you must also handle manufacturing operations. Manufacturing operations are often called Work Orders. The various operations will have different impacts on the costs of manufacturing and planning depending on the available workload.

Work Orders ir.actions.act_window mrp.workorder form kanban,tree,form,calendar,pivot,graph {'search_default_ready': True, 'search_default_progress': True}

Click to start a new work order.

Work Orders are operations to be processed at a Work Center to realize a Manufacturing Order. Work Orders are trigerred by Manufacturing Orders, they are based on the Routing defined on these ones.

report.workcenter.load.pivot mrp.workorder report.workcenter.load.graph mrp.workorder Work Center Loads ir.actions.act_window mrp.workorder form graph,pivot graph