# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import textwrap import unittest from lxml import etree, html from lxml.builder import E from flectra.tests import common from flectra.addons.web_editor.models.ir_qweb import html_to_text class TestHTMLToText(unittest.TestCase): def test_rawstring(self): self.assertEqual( "foobar", html_to_text(E.div("foobar"))) def test_br(self): self.assertEqual( "foo\nbar", html_to_text(E.div("foo", E.br(), "bar"))) self.assertEqual( "foo\n\nbar\nbaz", html_to_text(E.div( "foo", E.br(), E.br(), "bar", E.br(), "baz"))) def test_p(self): self.assertEqual( "foo\n\nbar\n\nbaz", html_to_text(E.div( "foo", E.p("bar"), "baz"))) self.assertEqual( "foo", html_to_text(E.div(E.p("foo")))) self.assertEqual( "foo\n\nbar", html_to_text(E.div("foo", E.p("bar")))) self.assertEqual( "foo\n\nbar", html_to_text(E.div(E.p("foo"), "bar"))) self.assertEqual( "foo\n\nbar\n\nbaz", html_to_text(E.div( E.p("foo"), E.p("bar"), E.p("baz"), ))) def test_div(self): self.assertEqual( "foo\nbar\nbaz", html_to_text(E.div( "foo", E.div("bar"), "baz" ))) self.assertEqual( "foo", html_to_text(E.div(E.div("foo")))) self.assertEqual( "foo\nbar", html_to_text(E.div("foo", E.div("bar")))) self.assertEqual( "foo\nbar", html_to_text(E.div(E.div("foo"), "bar"))) self.assertEqual( "foo\nbar\nbaz", html_to_text(E.div( "foo", E.div("bar"), E.div("baz") ))) def test_other_block(self): self.assertEqual( "foo\nbar\nbaz", html_to_text(E.div( "foo", E.section("bar"), "baz" ))) def test_inline(self): self.assertEqual( "foobarbaz", html_to_text(E.div("foo", E.span("bar"), "baz"))) def test_whitespace(self): self.assertEqual( "foo bar\nbaz", html_to_text(E.div( "foo\nbar", E.br(), "baz") )) self.assertEqual( "foo bar\nbaz", html_to_text(E.div( E.div(E.span("foo"), " bar"), "baz"))) class TestConvertBack(common.TransactionCase): def setUp(self): super(TestConvertBack, self).setUp() self.env = self.env(context={'inherit_branding': True}) def field_rountrip_result(self, field, value, expected): model = 'web_editor.converter.test' record = self.env[model].create({field: value}) t = etree.Element('t') e = etree.Element('span') t.append(e) field_value = 'record.%s' % field e.set('t-field', field_value) rendered = self.env['ir.qweb'].render(t, {'record': record}) element = html.fromstring(rendered, parser=html.HTMLParser(encoding='utf-8')) model = 'ir.qweb.field.' + element.get('data-oe-type', '') converter = self.env[model] if model in self.env else self.env['ir.qweb.field'] value_back = converter.from_html(model, record._fields[field], element) if isinstance(expected, bytes): expected = expected.decode('utf-8') self.assertEqual(value_back, expected) def field_roundtrip(self, field, value): self.field_rountrip_result(field, value, value) def test_integer(self): self.field_roundtrip('integer', 42) def test_float(self): self.field_roundtrip('float', 42.567890) self.field_roundtrip('float', 324542.567890) def test_numeric(self): self.field_roundtrip('numeric', 42.77) def test_char(self): self.field_roundtrip('char', "foo bar") self.field_roundtrip('char', "ⒸⓄⓇⒼⒺ") def test_selection(self): self.field_roundtrip('selection', 3) def test_selection_str(self): self.field_roundtrip('selection_str', 'B') def test_text(self): self.field_roundtrip('text', textwrap.dedent("""\ You must obey the dance commander Givin' out the order for fun You must obey the dance commander You know that he's the only one Who gives the orders here, Alright Who gives the orders here, Alright It would be awesome If we could dance-a It would be awesome, yeah Let's take the chance-a It would be awesome, yeah Let's start the show Because you never know You never know You never know until you go""")) def test_m2o(self): """ the M2O field conversion (from html) is markedly different from others as it directly writes into the m2o and returns nothing at all. """ field = 'many2one' subrec1 = self.env['web_editor.converter.test.sub'].create({'name': "Foo"}) subrec2 = self.env['web_editor.converter.test.sub'].create({'name': "Bar"}) record = self.env['web_editor.converter.test'].create({field: subrec1.id}) t = etree.Element('t') e = etree.Element('span') t.append(e) field_value = 'record.%s' % field e.set('t-field', field_value) rendered = self.env['ir.qweb'].render(t, {'record': record}) element = html.fromstring(rendered, parser=html.HTMLParser(encoding='utf-8')) # emulate edition element.set('data-oe-many2one-id', str(subrec2.id)) element.text = "New content" model = 'ir.qweb.field.' + element.get('data-oe-type') converter = self.env[model] if model in self.env else self.env['ir.qweb.field'] value_back = converter.from_html('web_editor.converter.test', record._fields[field], element) self.assertIsNone( value_back, "the m2o converter should return None to avoid spurious" " or useless writes on the parent record") self.assertEqual( subrec1.name, "Foo", "element edition can't change directly the m2o record" ) self.assertEqual( record.many2one.name, "Bar", "element edition should have been change the m2o id" )