# Part of Flectra See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from flectra import api, fields, models, _ from flectra.exceptions import ValidationError class Partner(models.Model): """ Inherit Partner """ _inherit = 'res.partner' gst_company_partner = fields.Boolean(string='Is company partner?') gst_type = fields.Selection([('regular', 'Regular'), ('unregistered', 'Unregistered'), ('composite', 'Composite'), ('volunteer', 'Volunteer')], string='GST Type') e_commerce = fields.Boolean(string='E-Commerce') partner_location = fields.Selection([('inter_state', 'Inter State'), ('intra_state', 'intra State'), ('inter_country', 'Inter Country') ], "Partner Location") @api.multi @api.constrains('vat', 'state_id') def _check_gstin_format(self): for res in self: if res.state_id and res.vat and res.state_id.l10n_in_tin != \ res.vat[:2]: raise ValidationError(_('Invalid State Code!')) if res.vat and len(res.vat) != 15 and res.gst_type != \ 'unregistered': raise ValidationError(_('GSTIN length must be of 15 ' 'characters!')) def _get_partner_location_details(self, company): partner_location = False if self.country_id and company.country_id: partner_location = 'inter_country' if self.country_id.id == company.country_id.id: partner_location = 'inter_state' if self.state_id and company.state_id and self.state_id.id == \ company.state_id.id: partner_location = 'intra_state' return partner_location @api.onchange('state_id', 'property_account_position_id', 'country_id') def _onchange_state_id(self): """ Set state code as a initial characters of GSTIN """ result = self.company_id.onchange_state(self.gst_type, self.vat, self.state_id) self.vat = result['vat'] self.country_id = result['country_id'] self.partner_location = self._get_partner_location_details( self.company_id) if self.state_id == self.env.user.company_id.state_id and \ self.property_account_position_id: self.property_account_position_id = False return { 'warning': { 'title': 'Warning', 'message': 'Fiscal Position not needed for ' 'same state Customers!' } } @api.onchange('gst_type') def onchange_gst_type(self): """ If gst type is unregistered then GSTIN Number should be blank """ if self.gst_type == 'unregistered': self.vat = False