flectra.define('bus.bus', function (require) { "use strict"; var local_storage = require('web.local_storage'); var session = require('web.session'); var Widget = require('web.Widget'); var bus = {}; var PARTNERS_PRESENCE_CHECK_PERIOD = 30000; // don't check presence more than once every 30s var TAB_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD = 10000; // 10 seconds var MASTER_TAB_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD = 1500; // 1.5 second bus.ERROR_DELAY = 10000; bus.Bus = Widget.extend({ init: function(){ var self = this; this._super(); this.options = {}; this.activated = false; this.bus_id = _.uniqueId('bus'); this.channels = []; this.last = 0; this.stop = false; this.is_master = true; // bus presence this.last_presence = new Date().getTime(); this.last_partners_presence_check = this.last_presence; this.set("window_focus", true); this.on("change:window_focus", this, function () { if (this.get("window_focus")) { this.trigger('window_focus', this.is_master); } }); $(window).on("focus." + this.bus_id, _.bind(this.focus_change, this, true)); $(window).on("blur." + this.bus_id, _.bind(this.focus_change, this, false)); $(window).on("unload." + this.bus_id, _.bind(this.focus_change, this, false)); _.each('click,keydown,keyup'.split(','), function(evtype) { $(window).on(evtype + "." + self.bus_id, function() { self.last_presence = new Date().getTime(); }); }); }, destroy: function () { var self = this; $(window).off("focus." + this.bus_id); $(window).off("blur." + this.bus_id); $(window).off("unload." + this.bus_id); _.each('click,keydown,keyup'.split(','), function(evtype) { $(window).off(evtype + "." + self.bus_id); }); }, start_polling: function(){ if(!this.activated){ this.poll(); this.stop = false; } }, stop_polling: function(){ this.activated = false; this.stop = true; this.channels = []; }, poll: function() { var self = this; self.activated = true; var now = new Date().getTime(); var options = _.extend({}, this.options, { bus_inactivity: now - this.get_last_presence(), }); if (this.last_partners_presence_check + PARTNERS_PRESENCE_CHECK_PERIOD > now) { options = _.omit(options, 'bus_presence_partner_ids'); } else { this.last_partners_presence_check = now; } var data = {channels: self.channels, last: self.last, options: options}; // The backend has a maximum cycle time of 50 seconds so give +10 seconds session.rpc('/longpolling/poll', data, {shadow : true, timeout: 60000}).then(function(result) { self.on_notification(result); if(!self.stop){ self.poll(); } }, function(unused, e) { // no error popup if request is interrupted or fails for any reason e.preventDefault(); // random delay to avoid massive longpolling setTimeout(_.bind(self.poll, self), bus.ERROR_DELAY + (Math.floor((Math.random()*20)+1)*1000)); }); }, on_notification: function(notifications) { var self = this; var notifs = _.map(notifications, function (notif) { if (notif.id > self.last) { self.last = notif.id; } return [notif.channel, notif.message]; }); this.trigger("notification", notifs); }, add_channel: function(channel){ this.channels.push(channel); this.channels = _.uniq(this.channels); }, delete_channel: function(channel){ this.channels = _.without(this.channels, channel); }, // bus presence : window focus/unfocus focus_change: function(focus) { this.set("window_focus", focus); }, is_flectra_focused: function () { return this.get("window_focus"); }, get_last_presence: function () { return this.last_presence; }, update_option: function(key, value){ this.options[key] = value; }, delete_option: function(key){ if(_.contains(_.keys(this.options), key)){ delete this.options[key]; } }, }); /** * CrossTabBus Widget * * Manage the communication before browser tab to allow only one tab polling for the others (performance improvement) * When a tab is opened, and the start_polling method is called, the tab is signaling through the localStorage to the * others. When a tab is closed, it signals its removing. If he was the master tab (the polling one), he choose another * one in the list of open tabs. This one start polling for the other. When a notification is recieved from the poll, it * is signaling through the localStorage too. * * localStorage used keys are: * * - bus.channels : shared public channel list to listen during the poll * - bus.options : shared options * - bus.notification : the received notifications from the last poll * - bus.tab_list : list of opened tab ids * - bus.tab_master : generated id of the master tab */ var CrossTabBus = bus.Bus.extend({ init: function(){ this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.is_master = false; this.is_registered = false; if (parseInt(getItem('bus.last_ts', 0)) + 50000 < new Date().getTime()) { setItem('bus.last', -1); } on("storage", this.on_storage.bind(this)); }, start_polling: function(){ var self = this; if (!this.is_registered) { this.is_registered = true; tab_manager.register_tab(function () { self.is_master = true; self.start_polling(); }, function () { self.is_master = false; self.stop_polling(); }, function () { // Write last_presence in local storage if it has been updated since last heartbeat var hb_period = this.is_master ? MASTER_TAB_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD : TAB_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD; if (self.last_presence + hb_period > new Date().getTime()) { setItem('bus.last_presence', self.last_presence); } }); if (this.is_master) { setItem('bus.channels', this.channels); setItem('bus.options', this.options); } else { this.channels = getItem('bus.channels', this.channels); this.options = getItem('bus.options', this.options); } return; // start_polling will be called again on tab registration } if (this.is_master) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); } }, on_notification: function(notifications){ if(this.is_master) { // broadcast to other tabs var last = getItem('bus.last', -1); var max_id = Math.max(last, 0); var new_notifications = _.filter(notifications, function (notif) { max_id = Math.max(max_id, notif.id); return notif.id < 0 || notif.id > last; }); this.last = max_id; if (new_notifications.length) { setItem('bus.last', max_id); setItem('bus.last_ts', new Date().getTime()); setItem('bus.notification', new_notifications); this._super(new_notifications); } } else { this._super.apply(this, arguments); } }, on_storage: function (e) { // use the value of event to not read from // localStorage (avoid race condition) var value = e.newValue; // notifications changed if(e.key === 'bus.notification'){ var notifs = JSON.parse(value); this.on_notification(notifs); } // update channels if(e.key === 'bus.channels'){ this.channels = JSON.parse(value); } // update options if(e.key === 'bus.options'){ this.options = JSON.parse(value); } // update focus if(e.key === 'bus.focus'){ this.set('window_focus', JSON.parse(value)); } }, add_channel: function(){ this._super.apply(this, arguments); setItem('bus.channels', this.channels); }, delete_channel: function(){ this._super.apply(this, arguments); setItem('bus.channels', this.channels); }, get_last_presence: function () { return getItem('bus.last_presence') || new Date().getTime(); }, update_option: function(){ this._super.apply(this, arguments); setItem('bus.options', this.options); }, delete_option: function(){ this._super.apply(this, arguments); setItem('bus.options', this.options); }, focus_change: function(focus) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); setItem('bus.focus', focus); }, }); //utility functions function on(type, listener) { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener(type, listener); } else { //IE8 window.attachEvent('on' + type, listener); } } function getItem(key, defaultValue) { var val = local_storage.getItem(key); return val ? JSON.parse(val) : defaultValue; } function setItem(key, value) { local_storage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value)); } var tab_manager = { peersKey: 'bus.peers', masterKey: 'bus.master', heartbeatKey: 'bus.heartbeat', isMaster: false, id: new Date().getTime() + ':' + (Math.random() * 1000000000 | 0), register_tab: function (is_master_callback, is_no_longer_master, on_heartbeat_callback) { this.is_master_callback = is_master_callback; this.is_no_longer_master = is_no_longer_master || function () {}; this.on_heartbeat_callback = on_heartbeat_callback || function () {}; var peers = getItem(tab_manager.peersKey, {}); peers[tab_manager.id] = new Date().getTime(); setItem(tab_manager.peersKey, peers); on('unload', function () { // unload peer var peers = getItem(tab_manager.peersKey, {}); delete peers[tab_manager.id]; setItem(tab_manager.peersKey, peers); // unload master if (tab_manager.isMaster) { local_storage.removeItem(tab_manager.masterKey); } }); if (!local_storage.getItem(tab_manager.masterKey)) { tab_manager.start_election(); } on('storage', function(e) { if (!e) { e = window.event;} if (e.key !== tab_manager.masterKey) { return; } if (e.newValue === null) { //master was unloaded tab_manager.start_election(); } }); tab_manager.heartbeat(); }, heartbeat: function () { var current = new Date().getTime(); var heartbeatValue = local_storage.getItem(tab_manager.heartbeatKey) || 0; var peers = getItem(tab_manager.peersKey, {}); if ((parseInt(heartbeatValue) + 5000) < current) { // Heartbeat is out of date. Electing new master tab_manager.start_election(); } if (tab_manager.isMaster) { //walk through all peers and kill old var cleanedPeers = {}; for (var peerName in peers) { if (peers[peerName] + 15000 > current) { cleanedPeers[peerName] = peers[peerName]; } } if (!tab_manager.is_last_heartbeat_mine()) { // someone else is also master... // it should not happen, except in some race condition situation. tab_manager.isMaster = false; tab_manager.last_heartbeat = 0; peers[tab_manager.id] = current; setItem(tab_manager.peersKey, peers); tab_manager.is_no_longer_master(); } else { tab_manager.last_heartbeat = current; local_storage.setItem(tab_manager.heartbeatKey, current); setItem(tab_manager.peersKey, cleanedPeers); } } else { //update own heartbeat peers[tab_manager.id] = current; setItem(tab_manager.peersKey, peers); } this.on_heartbeat_callback(); setTimeout(function(){ tab_manager.heartbeat(); }, tab_manager.isMaster ? MASTER_TAB_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD : TAB_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD); }, is_last_heartbeat_mine: function () { var heartbeatValue = local_storage.getItem(tab_manager.heartbeatKey) || 0; return (parseInt(heartbeatValue) === tab_manager.last_heartbeat); }, start_election: function () { if (tab_manager.isMaster) { return; } //check who's next var peers = getItem(tab_manager.peersKey, {}); var now = new Date().getTime(); var newMaster; for (var peerName in peers) { //check for dead peers if (peers[peerName] + 15000 < now) { continue; } newMaster = peerName; break; } if (newMaster === tab_manager.id) { //we're next in queue. Electing as master setItem(tab_manager.masterKey, tab_manager.id); tab_manager.last_heartbeat = new Date().getTime(); setItem(tab_manager.heartbeatKey, tab_manager.last_heartbeat); tab_manager.isMaster = true; tab_manager.is_master_callback(); //removing master peer from queue delete peers[newMaster]; setItem(tab_manager.peersKey, peers); } }, }; // bus singleton, depending of the browser : // if supporting LocalStorage, there will be only one tab polling if(typeof Storage !== "undefined"){ bus.bus = new CrossTabBus(); } else { bus.bus = new bus.Bus(); } return bus; });