flectra.define('pad.pad_tests', function (require) { "use strict"; var FieldPad = require('pad.pad'); var FormView = require('web.FormView'); var testUtils = require('web.test_utils'); var createView = testUtils.createView; QUnit.module('pad widget', { beforeEach: function () { this.data = { task: { fields: { description: {string: "Description", type: "char"}, }, records: [ {id: 1, description: false}, {id: 2, description: "https://pad.flectra.pad/p/test-03AK6RCJT"}, ], pad_is_configured: function () { return true; }, pad_generate_url: function (route, args) { return { url:'https://pad.flectra.pad/p/test/' + args.context.object_id }; }, pad_get_content: function () { return "we should rewrite this server in haskell"; }, }, }; }, }); QUnit.test('pad widget display help if server not configured', function (assert) { assert.expect(4); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'task', data: this.data, arch:'
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', res_id: 1, mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (args.method === 'pad_is_configured') { return $.when(false); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); assert.ok(form.$('p.oe_unconfigured').is(':visible'), "help message should be visible"); assert.notOk(form.$('p.oe_pad_content').is(':visible'), "content should not be visible"); form.$buttons.find('.o_form_button_edit').click(); assert.ok(form.$('p.oe_unconfigured').is(':visible'), "help message should be visible"); assert.notOk(form.$('p.oe_pad_content').is(':visible'), "content should not be visible"); form.destroy(); delete FieldPad.prototype.isPadConfigured; }); QUnit.test('pad widget works, basic case', function (assert) { assert.expect(5); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'task', data: this.data, arch:'
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', res_id: 1, mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (route === 'https://pad.flectra.pad/p/test/1?showChat=false&userName=batman') { assert.ok(true, "should have an iframe with correct src"); return $.when(true); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, session: { userName: "batman", }, }); assert.notOk(form.$('p.oe_unconfigured').is(':visible'), "help message should not be visible"); assert.ok(form.$('.oe_pad_content').is(':visible'), "content should be visible"); assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_pad_content:contains(This pad will be)').length, 1, "content should display a message when not initialized"); form.$buttons.find('.o_form_button_edit').click(); assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_pad_content iframe').length, 1, "should have an iframe"); form.destroy(); delete FieldPad.prototype.isPadConfigured; }); QUnit.test('pad widget works, with existing data', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); var contentDef = $.Deferred(); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'task', data: this.data, arch:'
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', res_id: 2, mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (_.str.startsWith(route, 'http')) { return $.when(true); } var result = this._super.apply(this, arguments); if (args.method === 'pad_get_content') { return contentDef.then(_.constant(result)); } if (args.method === 'write') { assert.ok('description' in args.args[1], "should always send the description value"); } return result; }, session: { userName: "batman", }, }); assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_pad_content').text(), "Loading", "should display loading message"); contentDef.resolve(); assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_pad_content').text(), "we should rewrite this server in haskell", "should display proper value"); form.$buttons.find('.o_form_button_edit').click(); form.$buttons.find('.o_form_button_save').click(); form.destroy(); delete FieldPad.prototype.isPadConfigured; }); QUnit.test('pad widget is not considered dirty at creation', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'task', data: this.data, arch:'
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (!args.method) { return $.when(true); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, session: { userName: "batman", }, }); var def = form.canBeDiscarded(); assert.strictEqual($('.modal').length, 0, "should have no confirmation modal opened"); assert.strictEqual(def.state(), 'resolved', "can be discarded was succesfully resolved"); form.destroy(); delete FieldPad.prototype.isPadConfigured; }); QUnit.test('pad widget is not considered dirty at edition', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'task', data: this.data, arch:'
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', res_id: 2, mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (!args.method) { return $.when(true); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, session: { userName: "batman", }, }); form.$buttons.find('.o_form_button_edit').click(); var def = form.canBeDiscarded(); assert.strictEqual($('.modal').length, 0, "should have no confirmation modal opened"); assert.strictEqual(def.state(), 'resolved', "can be discarded was succesfully resolved"); form.destroy(); delete FieldPad.prototype.isPadConfigured; }); QUnit.test('record should be discarded properly even if only pad has changed', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'task', data: this.data, arch:'
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', res_id: 2, mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (!args.method) { return $.when(true); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, session: { userName: "batman", }, }); form.$buttons.find('.o_form_button_edit').click(); form.$buttons.find('.o_form_button_cancel').click(); assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_pad_readonly').text(), this.data.task.pad_get_content(), "pad content should not have changed"); form.destroy(); delete FieldPad.prototype.isPadConfigured; }); });